How To Cure

Why Is Rambutan a Healthier Fruit Option?

Rambutan benefits include a cure for ailments like dry land chapped lips. It helps treat sprue mouth.  Also known to improve eye health, it helps prevent anemia, and reduces bad cholesterol and cleanses kidneys. Rambutan (1) is known to act as an immunity booster. It is a powerhouse of nutrients that lowers blood pressure, cures diarrhea, and prevents constipation.

Rambutans are usually found in Hawaii, Malaysia, or Indonesia. However, Rambutans have already made an entry into some stores’ inventories.

Nutrient Profile

Rambutan Nutrition: 100 gms of Rambutan provides

Calories 68
Fat 0.38
Sodium 16 mg
Carbohydrates 16 g
Fiber 3 g
Sugar 13 g
Protein 1 g

Why Should You Eat Rambutan?


1. Aids Weight Loss

This is a diet-friendly food. It prevents weight gain. It is low-energy-density food that doesn’t add weight gain. As it contains some amount of fiber, it keeps you fuller for a longer period and prevents overeating.

2. Protects Heart Disease

Eating this fruit improves cardiac health. There is a lesser risk of coronary heart disease due to the high fiber content present in the fruit as it balances cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of hypertension and prevents heart damage.

3. Prevents Diabetes

A study in China stated that the peels of rambutan fruit contain some anti-diabetic properties. The study was experimented on mice by injecting them with the peel extract that had phenolic compounds. It showed a drastic reduction in fasting glucose levels.

4. Boosts Digestion

Eating this fruit every day definitely improves digestive health. The insoluble fibrous extracts of this fruit eliminate and prevent digestive problems. As it is insoluble, it speeds up the intestinal function of the body, thereby reducing constipation. The antibacterial and antiviral properties also prevent stomach infections, colitis, ulcers in the stomach, and IBS.

[Read: Benefits of Lychee]

5. Provides Nutrients and Antioxidants

The fruit has all the vitamins, minerals that you would need for a healthy body. It has fiber content similar to fruits like pear, apples, and oranges.

Being rich in Vitamin C, it helps improve iron absorption in the body. This nutrient is also an antioxidant that builds the body’s immunity by protecting cellular damage. To meet your daily needs of Vitamin C, you must eat about 5-6 rambutans.

It is rich in copper that ensures the balanced growth of brain cells, heart, and bones.  Other vitamins like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc are present in generous amounts as well.

6. Fights Infections

The peel of the fruit has been used traditionally to keep infections at bay.

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Few studies state that the fruit contains vital compounds that shield the body against harmful bacteria and viruses.

Being rich in minerals and Vitamin C, it helps build the body’s immunity. It increases the WBC count in the body that wards away diseases.

7. Reduces Risk of Cancer

Few studies have shown that the fruit is made up of certain compounds that prevent the metastasizing of cancer cells in the body. The high antioxidant content may be the reason for it. The molecules fight inflammation and prevent free radical damage caused to the cells. The fruit peel helps in striking the growth of the cancer cells in the body and is effective in treating liver cancer.

[Read: Healthiest Fruits That You Must Eat]


To avoid the rambutan fruit side-effects, you must be aware of the following-

  • The flesh of the fruits is considered nutritious and safe to it. But rambutan seeds and the peel is considered highly dangerous.
  • The raw seeds, if consumed, can be very toxic and fatal. If the seeds have to be consumed, they must be roasted well to avoid its toxic effects.
  • Although we are aware of its anti-diabetic properties, the fructose present in it may promote insulin resistance and cause blood sugar imbalance.
  • Eating very ripe fruit converts sugar into alcohol and increases blood sugar problems.

Rambutan vs. Lychee – How to Distinguish Between These Fruits?


These two fruits are absolutely different.

  • While the rambutan is similar to the size of a golf ball, Lychee is smaller than that.
  • Rambutan has yellow-reddish skin with green spikes all over, whereas Lychee has red skin without the spikes.
  • Rambutan flesh is creamy and sweet. Although Lychee may look similar, the taste is very different in comparison.


There are more than 200 varieties of this fruit. Rambutan oil can be used for culinary purposes too. The leaves possess some analgesic properties, and its juice is known to reduce pain.

Now that you know about its nutrition and benefits, you surely wouldn’t hesitate to use it.

[Read: Fruits for Weight Loss]


1. How Should You Pick up This Fruit?

Always buy the ripe and fresh red, yellow fruits. The over riped once usually don’t have a firm spine and have bruises on it.

2. When Is This Fruit Grown?

The harvesting period is between July- September, and November to  January. However, the prime months are July- September.