
Top 5 Proven Pomegranate Juice Benefits

The red luscious and juicy fruit, Pomegranate that you have been eating since childhood has incredible properties that make it wondrous for your health. Packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants it benefits you in myriad of ways. Not far behind is the freshly squeezed juice of pomegranate that pampers your taste buds and boosts your health. 

A glass of fresh pomegranate juice is the magic potion for you. Isn’t it your favourite? If not, then after learning pomegranate juice benefits it will become one.

What is Pomegranate?

Belonging to the species Punica granatum, Pomegranate can get defined as a fruit that decks the surface of a small tree or shrub-like plant that tends to grow to a height of 5-10 meters.

While the out cranium of the fruit is orangish-red in colour, the inner eatable half of the fruit has multiple seeds like structures covered with thick blood-red flesh.

Pomegranate Juice Nutrition Facts

A fresh glass of pomegranate juice is nothing less than consuming an elixir of youth and optimum health. Pomegranate juice nutrition content can get described as a concoction comprised of potassium, folate, antioxidants, and so much more.

Potassium found in the juice plays the role of an electrolyte, thus, doctors recommend pomegranate juice for UTI to replenish the water content inside the body.

Whereas, folate plays a significant role in preventing anaemia during pregnancy while acting as an aid to the fetal brain and spinal cord development.

Additionally, it contains an abundant amount of vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E that boost your health.

How Pomegranate Juice Benefits Your Health?

Pomegranate juice extract has been in use for centuries when it comes to health reasons. If you have seen your grandma or mother bringing in a glass of fresh red juice every day in the morning, there are several good backups behind this habit.

Pomegranate fruit or unsweetened pomegranate juice, both have a good effect on your health, but it is somewhat easier to consume the juiced out product as compared to chewing through.

So let us take a look at the health benefits of consuming pomegranate juice.

1. Pomegranate Juice benefits to prevent cancer

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Pomegranate juice immediately went high on the charts when the researchers located that this miraculous fruit might halt the growth for prostate based cancer cells.

However, no long-term research protocol has been completed to prove the same but adding this drink to your daily diet won’t hurt, right? Studies are now being encouraged to find the association between cancer cells and pomegranate juice with a hopeful result soon to be brought forth to the world.

So if you are looking for pomegranate juice benefits for men who have prostate cancer, daily regularized consumption can help alleviate the associated pain and discomfort.

2. Pomegranate Juice Aids Digestion

Pomegranate juice is known to reduce inflammation that tends to occur in your gut and thereby to lead to improved digestion. Pomegranate juice benefits for the patients who have Crohn’s disease, IBS, or ulcerative colitis.

3. Pomegranate Juice is Anti-inflammatory

With a high percentage of antioxidants in its chemical structure, Pomegranate has been dubbed as a mighty deal when it comes to anti-inflammatory properties.

While tending to the inflammation scenario in your body, the uses of pomegranate juice tend to expand way beyond. This juice helps prevent the oxidative stress-induced damage in your body.

4. Pomegranate Juice benefits in Arthritis

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The flavanols present in the pomegranate juice effectively helps in blocking the inflammation which eventually contributes to the cartilage damage and osteoarthritis.

The positive effects of pomegranate juice are under study to extract its potential benefits for the treatment of painful issues such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, joint inflammation, or similar problems.

5. Pomegranate Juice benefits to prevent heart diseases

Pomegranate juice has got dubbed as one among the heartiest and healthy juice available on the planet. It acts as a healing bandage to the arteries and heart. Several studies conducted throughout the world have shown a significant improvement among patients when it comes to blood flow.

This juice also avoids the thickening or stiffening of arteries while slowing down the plaque or cholesterol build-up. It can also help lower down the high flow of blood pressure to ensure minimal damage to the heart and associated arteries.

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However, opt-out from adding sugar or artificial sweeteners with your pomegranate juice to provide zero side effects from regular consumption of this fruit juice.

How to make pomegranate juice?

If you have been hunting for pomegranate juice recipe, you are in luck. Pomegranate juice is one of the easiest methods to make with a small step-by-step guide to be followed for that perfect taste to freshen up your day along with reaping the incredible pomegranate juice benefits.

Step-by-step pomegranate juice recipe

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Given below are some easy steps to help you pour in your wholesome glass of pomegranate juice.

  • When picking up the right fruit, make sure you opt for the bigger ones that are easy to peel off. You can look for the pesticide-free options to obtain organic pomegranate juice.
  • Use a good knife to peel off the crown of the fruit and slowly proceed downward while creating a circle through the sides of the fruit
  • Score the fruit into sections and gently break open each section to carve out the pulpy seeds
  • Drop all the pomegranate seeds into the blender while keeping in mind not to squirt out the pulpy juice
  • Now blend for a minute or two. You can add sugar or mint if required. However, it is generally advised to refrain from adding sugar especially if you have diabetes
  • Now you will notice a thick watery substance inside the blender
  • Pour out this mixture with the use of a filter. The juice will quickly pass into the container of your choice while the pulp remains atop the filter. To ensure each precious drop of fluid has got obtained, use a spatula and press onto the remaining flesh in the filter
  • Pour this juice fresh to go, or you can refrigerate the same for 2-3 days. It is generally advised to go for the fresh produce as refrigeration tends to decrease the nutritional content with time

Pomegranate Juice Side Effects

Pomegranate juice side effects are somewhat rare as compared to pomegranate juice benefits. When taken in the right amount, most people never experience any issues. However, you can see pomegranate juice allergy in patients who have high-sensitivity.

High caloric content:

If you have been on a diet, make sure you avoid pomegranate juice as it runs high on calorie which can lead to potential weight gain.

High Sugar content:

Pomegranate juice tends to be a healthy option for anyone but can have potential side effects for patients who have diabetes given its high sugar content.

Allergic Symptoms:

Pomegranate juice can also cause allergies when consumed in unlimited amount especially for patients who suffer from plant allergies. One can expect nausea, vomiting, or difficulty breathing.

So make sure you drink the same in a fixed amount or consult your doctor before incorporating the same into your diet.

Apart from these less occurring issues, generally, pomegranate juice is related to the beneficial progress of a person’s overall health. It can also protect you from diabetes if consumed in a fixed amount as instructed by the physician.

Additionally, this nectar from the gods tends to help boost your overall immunity, control blood pressure, improves the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, and much more.

You can also look for pomegranate juice concentrate which are pure formulas comprised of various pomegranate varieties to provide a complete health-enhancing product along with pomegranate juice benefits.


1. Is pomegranate juice good for pregnancy?

Pomegranate juice benefits hold a promising rank when it comes to pregnancy and easing down the complications associated. So yes, this juice can essentially be your aid to good health.

This juice is advised explicitly to a pregnant woman given the fact that it helps with the growth of the placental cells with reduced stress or cell death.

This juice helps both the mother and the child developing inside while protecting the duo from various health issues that could surface later in life.

2. Is pomegranate essential oil equally beneficial as pomegranate juice?

While the pomegranate juice acts on your body from the inside while treating the root cause of issues, pomegranate essential oil tends to heal the extreme damage.

Both these versions of pomegranate have their potential when it comes to imparting better health.

The essential oil can essentially help reinvigorate your skin while fighting off the free radicals to make you look young and fend off fine lines or wrinkles.

While pomegranate juice is a mix of all the constituents of the fruit, the essential oil is made up of the seeds as opposed to the pulpy segment.

3. Can it help curb arthritic inflammation and pain?

When implemented onto your diet on a regular basis, pomegranate juice can show substantial changes to your condition, if you have arthritis. Inflammation tends to play a significant role when it comes to worsening of arthritic symptoms.

Pomegranate juice tends to your joints by reducing tenderness, pain, and swelling while suppressing the inflammation. It can also help in blocking the production of enzymes that destroy the cartilage.