Skin Conditions

Neem Oil for Eczema – A Simple Home Remedy You Should Consider

Let us understand what “suffering from eczema” means. You are likely to be diagnosed with eczema if you have itching, rashes, dry skin, and bumps in different sizes. Eczema is an auto-immune disorder, and the only thing that can be done to treat this condition is to reduce flare-ups and identify the trigger points.

The next question is how to treat it? While there may be various options in the market, it is best to use neem oil for eczema. Neem is known to treat skin disorders due to its healing and antiseptic properties. It can come along with a funny smell, but as long as it helps you live a normal life, it’s worth a shot.


  • Neem oil is used to shoo away bed bugs, fleas, and mosquitoes.
  • You can also use neem as a fertilizer.
  • Neem has been used for centuries to get rid of scars during chickenpox.
  • Neem oil is a basic ingredient in most facemasks.
  • Allergies make up for 9 out of 10 flare-ups, and neem oil can cure these flare-ups effectively.

Why Is Neem Oil Effective on Eczema?

Indian lilac is the botanical name for the commonly known neem tree. It originated in a country where holistic and Ayurvedic medicines are by and large a part of our daily lives. Yes, that’s India. It comes with a strong, pungent odor but is rich in fatty acids and nutrients that are meant to treat eczema. 

  • Neem oil for eczema(1) is extremely effective as it contains fatty acids, limonoids, vitamin e, triglycerides, antioxidants, calcium. A combination of these help to treat the effects caused by eczema such as dry skin that wrinkles, scars caused by itching, inflammation of the skin, wounds, and nourishes the skin.
  • Neem oil is made up of anti-histamines(2). The natural anti-histamines fight out the allergy that is a root cause of eczema.
  • Since neem oil also functions as an analgesic, it treats symptoms of pain caused by the itching and redness on the skin. Eczema rashes can be very painful, using neem oil relieves you of the pain.
  • Neem oil is very well known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. The rashes and itching make it prone to more infections. Using neem oil protects the skin from attracting such infections.
  • To prevent secondary infections caused by itching during eczema, use neem oil as it is anti-inflammatory.

[Read: How to Get Rid of Eczema]

Methods to Use Neem Oil for Eczema

Neem oil for eczema works in more ways than you can imagine. Let’s take a look at the ways to use it for eczema treatment.

1. Neem Oil Massage

Use a cotton ball and add a few drops of neem oil to it. Dab it on the affected area and leave it for ten minutes. Wash with cold water. Use daily for desired results.

2. Neem Oil and Coconut Oil

Image: Shutterstock

You can take equal proportions of both oils in an airtight container and shake them well. You can also store it. Then apply it to your skin twice daily. If the smell is too pungent, you could wash it off.

[Read: Neem Oil Benefits]

3. Neem Oil Bath  

Mix a few drops of neem oil to bathing water/bathing tub. Do this every day while having a bath or cleansing yourself.

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4. Shea butter, Coconut Oil & Neem Oil

Take shea butter and coconut oil and use a double boiler to melt it. Once it liquifies, add ten drops of neem oil and refrigerate it. After it starts to solidify a little, take it out and whisk it till you get a creamy consistency. Store in a jar and apply this stunning neem oil cream for eczema every day.

[Also Read: Shea Butter For Eczema Treatment]

5. Neem oil, Sandalwood Paste & Turmeric 

This should be the healing mask you must apply every day without fail.

  • Take 3 tbsp neem oil, 2 tbsp sandalwood paste, 1 tsp turmeric. Add 1 tsp milk if you want.
  • Mix them very well to form a smooth paste and apply it over the affected area.
  • Let it dry for 10 minutes and use a clean damp cloth to wipe it off. Repeat twice daily.

[Also Read: Homemade Oatmeal Bath for Eczema Treatment]

While neem oil for eczema comes with no side effects, there are factors that you need to consider to prevent flare-ups. Since dry skin aggravates an eczema attack, prevent your skin from being dry(3). Always wear cotton clothes, and ensure to take extra note of what you eat. Neem oil is not a toxic oil, but you must always do a patch test before application.


1. Can I Directly Apply Neem Oil for Eczema?

Always apply over a small area to see if it suits your skin. Neem oil can cause a burning sensation if there are cracks on your skin, which is why it is advisable to mix with any other carrier oil. Coconut oil and olive oil happen to be the best carrier oils to be mixed with neem oil and treat eczema.

2. Can Neem Oil for Eczema Prevent Flare-Ups?

Yes! Neem oil is anti-histamine in nature. It controls allergies that are a leading cause of flare-ups in your skin. It protects your skin from bacterias and viruses due to its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. If you use it daily with precaution, neem oil will reduce your eczema symptoms and prevent flare-ups.