Skin Conditions

Treat Various Wounds Easily with Just a Dab of Manuka Honey

What happens when you get a wound? What is your first reaction to getting a wound? You seek an ointment, or an antibiotic based cream, or take injections or medicines to treat it. Let’s alter the sequence a bit –  you can change the situation by first resorting to Manuka honey for wounds care, and do away with alternate cures for good. However, deep and persistent wounds require medical intervention.

Manuka honey has been used in healing wounds since time immemorial. There is no single solution to treat a wound, but using Manuka Honey heals it, reduces redness, controls itchiness, and removes malodor.

Things You Didn’t Know About Manuka Honey

  • Since ancient Egyptian times, manuka honey has been used to heal wounds.
  • Due to its anti-bacterial nature, Manuka Honey can help fight against bacteria.
  • It also aids gut issues, prevents tooth decay, and can cure a sore throat.
  • Manuka Honey is rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties.

How Does Manuka Honey for Wounds Work?

There are many factors that enhance Manuka honey wound healing properties.

Wounds could be in the form of boils, deep cuts, ulcers, etc. If you use Manuka honey as a part of your treatment, here’s how it works on wounds.

  • It is antibacterial -means it works better on wounds when it has developed antibiotic resistance.
  • It is anti-inflammatory in nature.
  • If pure Manuka honey is used, skin grafting can be avoided.
  • It is not known to have any adverse effects on wounds.
  • Manuka Honey works as a barrier to wounds and helps in preventing infections.
  • It aids tissue regeneration.
  • In some burn cases, manuka honey prevents itching and protects against further infections.
  • It is excellent too in treating diabetic ulcers, and although it is honey, it doesn’t aggravate diabetes.
  • When pure Manuka honey is used regularly on wounds, it helps heal them faster.

[Also Read: Manuka Honey Benefits]

How to Use Manuka Honey on Wounds

Here are some ways to use manuka honey(1) for wounds.

1. Ingest Raw Manuka Honey for Mouth Ulcers

 Mouth ulcers can be extremely uncomfortable and must be treated at sight. A natural way to cure ulcers is to take 1 tbsp of raw Manuka honey(2) and have it on an empty stomach. 

The honey has a calming effect, and its antibacterial properties kill all the micro-organisms and help heal quicker.

[Also Read: Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcer]

2. Turmeric and Manuka Honey


 Well, we all know about the majestic turmeric. While it may commonly be used for cooking, it has been used as an antiseptic for centuries. 

Take 1 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of raw Manuka honey and mix it well in a clean bowl. Apply this with your fingertips in the wounded area.

[Read: Manuka Honey for Skin]

3. Green Tea and Manuka honey for wounds

Take 1 tsp of green tea powder. Crush it well and keep aside.

Take 1 tbsp honey and add crushed green tea powder to it. Clean the wound well and apply this mixture. Keep it for a few minutes and repeat weekly for best results.

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4. Manuka Honey and Olive Oil


Take 1 tsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp of Manuka honey. Mix them well and use it to apply over the affected area. Use a bandage to avoid staining of clothes or sheets.

5. Manuka Honey Wet Wrap

 Try this for all scars, wounds, and deep injuries. Apply Manuka honey over a deep wound by using cotton to apply it. Wrap it with a damp, wet cloth to keep in place.

Do this twice every day and you will be amazed to see the results.

6. Coconut Oil and Manuka Honey

A common thing associated with a deep wound is the use of antibiotics. To avoid you must use Manuka honey at its earliest.

Mix Manuka honey and coconut oil and apply it with a gauge and wrap it with a bandage. This avoids any staining from the bandage.

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Cuts]

             To utilize manuka honey wound care, the simplest thing to do is apply it directly on a wound. If it is deep, ensure that the honey enters the wound and covers it. It’s antiviral, and antibacterial properties prevent any infections and also repairs the skin from the wound.

Don’t take our word; try it. Manuka honey works on any skin and any wound effectively. Known to have no side effects, this should be the prompt method you should resort when you’re hurt. It is much better than ointments that have harmful chemicals, causing burning sensations and many other symptoms.

It is essential to note that regularity has to be maintained with the use of raw Manuka honey to see the best results. With regular usage on wounds, Manuka honey wound healing will leave you with no regrets.


1. How to Use Manuka Honey for the Wound?

There are numerous ways to apply, depending on the intensity of your wound. Mix it with other essential oils or use directly for best results.

2. How Long Should You Leave Honey on a Wound?

Manuka Honey for wound and skincare should be used within 24 hours to up to 5 days. Medicinal honey is not for-table-use honey. Different types of honey have different potency and nature of antibacterial activity depending on the amount of hydrogen peroxide and its effect on the honey’s osmolarity and acidity.