General Health

How to Effectively Ward off High Blood Pressure with Magnesium ?

The American Heart Association (AHA)(1) has unraveled a ghastly report that summarizes 103 million US adults to be suffering from high blood pressure. If one has to consider the American population, it is almost half of all the citizens suffering from this problem.

At the same time, the death rate in the US from high blood pressure has leap-frogged from 2005 to 2015, increasing at the rate of 38% in this brief stint of time. The problem of blood pressure affecting the citizens is not just prevalent in the United States; slightly, the other parts of the world are equally affected. As per the AHA statistics, high blood pressure almost affects 1/3 of the adult population across the globe.

Taking medicines to cure the blood pressure doesn’t end up being a smart solution as it has numerous other challenges. In this respect, Magnesium for blood pressure sounds much more acceptable and practicable.

How Effective is Magnesium for Blood Pressure


Magnesium is vital for the proper functioning of the human body. With more than 300 biochemicals in the body dependent on Magnesium, you need to maintain an abundant supply of it in the body. Not just boosting the neurotransmitters, Magnesium also plays a vital role in regulating the blood pressure in the body. Those who take Magnesium-rich foods tend to develop fewer chances of developing problems out of high blood pressure. This is because magnesium intake maintains healthy nerve and muscle functions.

According to a meta-analysis on the effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Blood Pressure, a study(2) conducted 34 clinical trials on more than 2028 participants and the research summarized that those who had a median consumption of over 368 mg of Magnesium daily, witnessed a dramatic decline in the systolic blood pressure of more than 2.00 mm Hg and decrease in the diastolic blood pressure by 1.78 mm Hg. With the continuous intake of Magnesium for months, the blood pressure got in control in no time.

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Dosage Chart

Magnesium is essential for bodily functions. However, the dosage could vary as per age. Check the details below.

Age Male Female
1-6 Months (Adequate Intake, AI) 30 Mg 30 Mg
7-12 Months (AI) 75 Mg 75 Mg
1-3 Years (Recommended Daily Allowance, RDA) 80 Mg 80 Mg
4-8 Years (RDA) 130 Mg 130 Mg
9-13 years (RDA) 240 Mg 240 Mg
14-18 years (RDA) 410 Mg 360 Mg
19-30 Years (RDA) 400 Mg 310 Mg
31-50 Years (RDA) 420 Mg 320 Mg
51+ Years (RDA) 420 Mg 320 Mg

The above table highlights the average intake, but in case, if you are suffering from a high blood pressure problem, in that case, you need to take 4-5 grams of magnesium sulfate in every 4 hours, or roughly, 1 to 3 grams of magnesium sulfate per hour via constant IV infusion. At any point in time, those who are suffering from high BP problem must not take more than 30 to 40 grams of magnesium sulfate.

Those who face high BP must start with a higher dosage of magnesium sulfate, close to 9-14 grams,   by small doses of 2.5 to 5 grams in every 4 hours for 24 hours. Once you follow this dosage, it will bring down the blood pressure within the normal limits.

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Side Effects of Magnesium


Magnesium is safe for consumption, but in some rare incidences, it can backfire for those who are taking any diuretics, heart medicines, and even antibiotics. In general, there are no life-threatening side effects that have surfaced from taking the Magnesium in any form.

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But milder ones like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting do occur. If you are taking medicines for kidney ailments, you must consult with the doctor before taking the magnesium supplement for high blood pressure.

Magnesium with numerous benefits attached to it has been solving multiple health problems in the body. Magnesium is known to cure not just high blood pressure, but other problems like muscle strains after exercise, depression, Type 2 diabetes, heart inflammation, migraines, and PMS well.

By taking pumpkin seeds, spinach, Swiss chard, dark chocolate, black beans, Quinoa, cashews, almonds, mackerel, avocado, and salmon, one can maintain the magnesium levels in the body.

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1. Can Pregnant Women Take Magnesium?

During the pregnancy, if there is a lack of Magnesium in the body, it can cause hypertension.  If hypertension occurs, it could worse during the childbirth. As a result, it is highly advisable to take Magnesium during pregnancy to maintain normalcy in the body for easing the childbirth process.

2.  Is It a Must to Take Calcium Along with Magnesium?

For proper absorption of Magnesium in the body, an adequate amount of Calcium too should be present. Magnesium stimulates the hormone, calcitonin; thus, it helps in preserving the bone structure, and it even draws Calcium out of the blood to be supplied to the bones.