Brain & Mental Health

Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep Less

Do you sometimes wish that you could get by with less sleep and still be productive and happy? Well then, you’re probably not alone! Most millennials today want to thrive on less sleep.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA)(1), more than one-third of millennials have reported that they sleep for less than 8 hours a night because they have too many things to do and not enough time.

Sleep, however, is essential to our health and well-being. So how can you stay at your productive best without the effects of lack of sleep spilling over and impacting your work, home, or social life? Here are some natural remedies and lifestyle tips on how to sleep less and get more work done.

How to Sleep Less?

CURE 1: Herbal Treatment

1. Green Tea


Green tea contains theanine, an amino acid that is best known to reduce stress and help promote restful sleep.

How Much to Drink?

Drinking around 3 to 4 cups of low-caffeinated green tea throughout the day may help to reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

2. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is another bedtime tea that can help you get a good night’s sleep. Chamomile contains a flavonoid called apigenin that acts as both a mild tranquilizer and sleep inducer.

How Much to Drink?

You can consume about one to four cups of chamomile tea every day. The best time to drink chamomile tea, however, is 30 minutes before bedtime. Drink one small cup before you sleep. Adding a teaspoon of honey to your tea can also be soothing.

[ Read: Chamomile Tea Benefits ]

CURE 2: Foods

1. Nuts


If you wish to function on less sleep, a handful of nuts may also do the trick. Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, contain a hormone called melatonin, which can help you relax and put you to sleep.

How Much to Eat?

Make sure you don’t eat more than a handful of nuts, or a 1-ounce portion, to be more specific. Eating too many nuts can have a reverse effect and keep you awake.

2. Cottage Cheese

Another food that you can incorporate to sleep less and sleep better is cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is a good source of lean protein and is also packed with tryptophan that can promote sleepiness. This amino acid can also further induce the production of serotonin(2), an essential chemical and neurotransmitter for sleep.

How Much to Eat?

You can eat about half a cup to one cup of cottage cheese before you sleep. Top it up with raspberries for added benefits, as raspberries are rich sources of melatonin as well.

[ Read: Cottage Cheese Benefits ]

3. Fruits


Fruits are another option to help you fall asleep faster. Certain fruits such as whole tart cherries, bananas, oranges, pineapple, and tart cherry juice contain the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

Fruits and vegetables such as berries, raisins, plums, and prunes are also good choices for bedtime snacks as they are rich in antioxidants that help in treating sleep problems.

How Much to Eat?

Make sure that you eat only a small bowl of fruit – a medium-sized banana or one or two pieces of pineapple. Too much fruit can disrupt your sleep and may cause digestive problems.

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CURE 3: Natural Remedies

1. Sleep Late

Yes, you read it right – try going to bed later! According to a new study, setting a later bedtime might actually help you to train yourself to sleep less.

How to Do This?

Push back your bedtime by at least an hour. This will help you get quality sleep and help you function optimally on just 6 to 6.5 hours of shut-eye. This is not recommended, however, if your sleep schedule is already constricted.

[ Read: Treat Excessive Yawning Naturally ]

2. Exercise


If you are training yourself to sleep less, try not to skip exercise! Exercise helps to decompress your mind and stabilize your mood, thereby supporting a quick and natural transition to sleep.

How to Exercise for a Good Night’s Sleep?

Aim for at least 30 to 45 minutes of moderate exercise every day. Try to exercise early in the day so that it does not affect your sleep.

3. Go dark

Another trick is to go dark. Exposure to light can make it harder to fall asleep. Light exposure can also alter the body’s internal clock and disrupt the production of melatonin or the “sleep hormone.”

How to Do This?

To achieve total darkness, close your curtains at night and use an eye mask if necessary. Screen time in the evening can ruin your sleep, so make sure you turn off your mobile phone, iPad, TV, etc. at least two hours before bed.

People can take cat naps with their eyes open and not even know it.

4. Keep your room comfortable and ventilated

According to the National Sleep Foundation(3), the bedroom temperature for optimal sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. If your body is overheating at night or the air in your bedroom is too dry, it can cause disruptions in your sleep cycle and make you feel drowsy the next morning.

How to Do This?

Keep your windows open in warm weather. You can also use fans or an air-conditioner to increase airflow in the room. During winter, you can boost the humidity in your room by using a humidifier. Also, wear loose-fitting clothes and use soft cotton sheets when you sleep.

While all of these remedies are shown to help sleep better at night, if you find that fewer hours of sleep are severely interfering with your life or work, try to take it slow.

Long term sleep deprivation can take a toll on your physical and mental health. If you are feeling overwhelmed and overworked, seek help from a friend, co-worker, or family member.


1. Do people need less sleep as they grow older?

No, the need for sleep does not decrease with age. Older people may, however, experience some changes in their sleeping patterns such as difficulty falling asleep, daytime tiredness, etc.

2. Do some people need less sleep than others?

New research suggests that sleep needs may vary from person to person, and some people naturally require less sleep owing to a particular gene.

3. How can I sleep less and have more energy?

To do this, it is important that you follow a consistent sleep schedule, exercise and eat healthily, and try to get the most out of your sleep.