Ear, Nose & Throat

10 Ways to Get Rid of a Blocked Nose in Bed

A blocked nose can be extremely troublesome. It is associated with respiratory problems like common cold, asthma, whooping cough, etc. It occurs due to excessive accumulation of mucus in the nose that congests the nasal passage and chest leading to an obstruction in the flow of air.

This leads to suffocation, shortness of breath and even nausea. But a blocked nose can be cleared and cured in a trice with the help of simple natural remedies.

10 Quick and Effective Home Remedies

If you are wondering about how to sleep with a blocked nose then here’s a piece of good news. You don’t have to sleep with it at all, as it only takes a few minutes to get rid of the congestion(2). Check out the wonderful home remedies elucidated below to get rid of a blocked nose in bed.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an important blocked nose at night remedy and can provide effective protection against that what causes a blocked nose. Its natural decongestant property assists in the dissolution and expulsion of mucus. The vinegar also contains potassium that helps in curing a runny nose as well.

  • Mix a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey in a cup
  • Add lukewarm water with gentle stirring
  • Drink this if you are pondering on how to clear a stuffy nose while sleeping

[Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for all your Problems ]

2. Inhalation of Steam

This is one amongst the best tips to treat a blocked nose.

  • Boil a vessel of water and take it off the flame
  • Now lower your head towards the vessel containing the boiling water and start inhaling the steamy vapors
  • Cover your head along with the vessel with a towel so that the steam cannot escape
  • Do this for about 20 minutes instead of puzzling over why do I always wake up with a stuffy nose

3. Cayenne Pepper

If you are waking up with a blocked nose, then go for a guaranteed cayenne pepper treatment. Cayenne pepper(3) can provide instant relief from congested sinus and stuffy nose.

  • Mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a teaspoon of raw honey to make a paste
  • Dip a handkerchief in the paste and take a long sniff at the cayenne smeared cloth

This will instantly relieve the nasal congestion.

[Read: Benefits of Cayenne Pepper ]

4. Garlic

If you are wondering to get rid of a stuffy nose while sleeping then go for a soothing and warm garlic infusion. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of garlic fight against respiratory troubles and cure nasal congestion(4) with ease.

  • Crush a few cloves of garlic and boil them in a glass of water
  • Drink this for effective relief from a blocked nose

Chewing on raw garlic can also be helpful to cure blocked nose in bed.

[Read: Health Benefits & Uses of Garlic ]

5. Tomato Infusion

This recipe combines the goodness of several ingredients and makes for an excellent cure of a blocked nose. A glass of warm tomato infusion is highly beneficial for the natural treatment of respiratory troubles.

Related Post
  • Boil a bowl of tomato juice
  • Add adequate quantities of lemon juice, garlic, ginger, cloves, cayenne and black pepper
  • Drink this by taking slow sips for an effective cure for nose allergies

The spices and roots and the antioxidants contained in tomato juice can effectively resolve your issues of a blocked nose(5).

6. The Essential Oil of Eucalyptus

If you are getting anxious about why do I always wake up with a stuffy nose then eucalyptus oil can successfully resolve your anxiety.

  • Soak a corner of your handkerchief in eucalyptus oil
  • Take long sniffs at it to get rid of the nasal congestion

The decongestant nature of the oil clears the nasal passage, allows free inhalation and exhalation and makes an excellent home remedy for a blocked nose.

[Read: Eucalyptus Oil Benefits ]

7. Ginger

If you are troubling yourself with “stuffy nose can’t sleep” then go for a soothing and warm ginger root infusion. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of ginger root(7) and the Phyto compound gingerol present in the ginger fight against respiratory diseases and cure nasal congestion with ease.

  • Crush a few pieces of ginger roots
  • Boil them in a glass of water
  • Drink this for effective relief from a blocked nose

Chewing on raw pieces of ginger can also be helpful to cure blocked nose in bed. This can also cure coughing fits and chest congestion.

8. Salt Solution

This is the simplest and most ancient remedy to get rid of a blocked nose in bed.

  • Mix a tablespoon of common salt in a glass of hot water
  • Stir thoroughly until the salt gets completely dissolved
  • Now use a dropper and drip a few drops of brine into your congested nostrils
  • Hold your head tilted high and wait for a minute or two
  • The mucus will break down and cleanse out of your nose

9. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric contains curcumin that aids in the cure of nasal inflammation and mucus congestion.

  • Mix 2 teaspoons each of raw honey and turmeric in a glass of hot milk
  • Stir the milk until it attains a yellow color
  • Drink it warm for the cure of block nasal passage and congested chest

10. Basil

This is one of the best remedies that can be done at home for any kind of respiratory problems. The expectorant nature of basil helps in the expulsion of phlegm and aids in providing instant relief from mucus congestion and blocked nose.

  • Crush a few basil leaves and boil them in a glass of water
  • Add two teaspoons of raw honey to the basil tea
  • Drink this for effective relief from a blocked nose
  • Chewing on basil and honey can also be helpful to blocked nose in bed

Bottom Line

A blocked nasal passage can lead to detrimental effects if prolonged for a longer duration. Following the above-mentioned remedies not only help to attain a clear nasal passage but also grants a peaceful sleep.