Ear, Nose & Throat

Ear, nose, and throat form the primary gateways for the auditory, olfactory, and the respiratory functions of the body. These organs are an essential requirement to the human body and according to research, it was also concluded that these organs are prone to pathogens and diseases more often than the others. Conventional medicine does offer up several drugs to combat it. However, the side effects and the long term effects of these medications could pose a serious threat. Natural remedies for ear, nose, and throat offer several counteractants from nature that could help cure and prevent several ENT problems.

Can’t Stop Sneezing? Try these Allergy Remedies!

An occasional sneeze is perfectly normal, and we all know that! But do you sometimes experience uncontrollable and incessant bouts…

4 years ago

Food Stuck in Your Throat? Here’s What to Do

Have you ever had the terrible experience of sitting down on a nice, sizzling piece of steak or a mouthwatering…

4 years ago

Wet Cough Choking Your Life? Try These Remedies!

Normally, a cough starts with the intake of a deep breath, which is followed by the compression of air in…

4 years ago

Home Remedies That Give Instant Relief from Ear Pain

Infection in the ear can be painful. Sometimes it causes a dull pain, or you may experience a sharp burning…

4 years ago

Home Treatment for Your Ingrown Eyelash

Do you feel like something is irritating your eye or eyelid? It may feel like grit or hair, which refuses…

4 years ago

Safe Ways to Clean Your Ears Using Natural and Alternative Remedies

The body produces ear wax, or cerumen, to lubricate the ear and ear canal. This sticky layer also possesses antibacterial…

4 years ago

How to Get Rid of Pimples in the Ear

A pimple in your ear can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. It can erupt on the ear, behind the ear,…

4 years ago

Everything You Need to Know About Hashimoto’s Diet

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism(1) in the US alone and affects nearly 5% of the total…

4 years ago

Pimple Inside Nose: Causes and Home Remedies

While pimples can appear anywhere on your body, they are notoriously known for targeting your face. About 40 to 50…

4 years ago

Lump in Your Throat? Here Is How You Can Treat It!

Lump in throat is a phrase that is most used to describe the feeling of anxiety. But anxiety is not…

4 years ago