Childs Health

15 Most Beneficial High Fiber foods for Kids

One question which must be baffling you is, why to add more fiber to your kid’s diet. Well, fiber is extremely indispensable to encourage healthy gut as it aids in improving the digestive arrangement of your infant.

To enrich your kid’s diet with fiber, you must know about the fiber-rich food required for the purpose like carrots, oats, lentils, etc. and the best ways to use it that will be fun for your toddler resulting in finishing up their meals successfully. That is sure a dream of all mothers! Read to know more about the best high fiber foods for kids.

    1. Oatmeal
    2. Apples
    3. Popcorn
    4. Banana
    5. Whole grain bread
    6. Berries
    7. Pasta
    8. Pears
    9. Baked sweet potatoes
    10. Carrots
    11. Green peas
    12. Corns
    13. Bran
    14. Magic Beans
    15. Juice

Why is fiber so essential for a healthy metabolism?

Fiber-rich food is not only essential for senior citizens but also benefits the kids to a significant level. Enriching your baby’s diet with fiber-rich food has various health benefits. You’d be beaming to know as for starters; fiber helps in preventing diabetes since it’s filling. It offers immunity to the minors to fight against type 2 diabetes, which is an emerging issue in American kids.

It also calms the stomach and helps treat constipation. If your kid is facing problem in digesting food, the chances are that he lacks enough fiber in his diet.  High fiber foods for kids is imperative as fiber aids in promoting healthy digestion so that you don’t have to wake up to the cries of your child in the middle of the night.

Required Regular Intake of Fiber For Kids

The National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases suggests that 14 to 40 grams of fiber intake in a day are sufficient for a child. You can use various food items rich in fiber to serve the purpose like chickpea salad, veggie stock, fruit salad, lentils, etc. There is an extensive line of fiber-rich food items available in the aisles of grocery shops. You can pick your go-to fiber foods from there.

A rule of thumb says that you can quantify the amount of ingested fiber in your child’s diet by adding 5 grams of fiber as he grows up. And that can get very well be achieved through these high fiber foods for kids.

Advisable quantities of fiber in a day for children of distinctive age are as follows:

Toddlers: 18 grams of fiber

  • 4 to 8-year-olds: 25 grams of fiber
  • 9-18-year-old females: 27 grams of fiber
  • 9 to 13-year-old males: 30 grams of fiber
  • 13 to 18-year-old males: 38 grams of fiber

Top 15 High Fiber Foods for Kids

Children are incredibly fussy eaters and tend to have a lot of tantrums when it comes to food. The idea of ingesting fiber-rich food might bring whimper and sniffles from your children. It is quite a job to build your children eat healthy and nutritious.  If you are always battling with your head to resolve this issue, you would be more than happy to know about the high fiber foods for kids that they will happily consume:

1. Oatmeal

When you think of morning breakfast, oatmeal is the answer that first pops up in your mind. Mornings and oatmeal are like best friends. Pediatricians say that single cup of oatmeal contains up to 4 grams of fibers, which is enough for a morning meal. You can add walnuts, raisins and maple syrup to make it sumptuous for your children.

2. Apples


You must have taken heed of the saying: an apple a day prevents the doc aside! According to nutritionists, one medium-sized apple gives you approximately 4 grams of fiber. To make your child go ‘yum,’ you can spread some peanut butter on top. It will as well raise the fiber by another 1.6 grams, so it is a win-win for all.

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3. Popcorn

The name itself tends to bring an ear to ear grin on your kid’s face. Three cups of popcorn give you approximately 2 grams of fiber. It contains minimal calories and is uber-healthy option to feed your children.

4. Banana

Children are not really naggy about bananas as well. Banana is adequately rich in potassium and fiber. Studies reveal that a single medium-sized banana gives you up to 3 grams of fiber.

5. Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread averagely contains about 2 grams of fiber in every piece. The amount of fiber intake on it might differ from 1-2 grams according to different brands. You can have some peanut butter and jelly jam on it to enhance its fiber intake and lure your kid at the same time.

6.  Berries

Consumption of berries is considered healthy for brain and bowel. The alluring sight of fluid-filled berries is hard to refuse. You can make a colorful combination of blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries to your kid for lunch.

Half a cup of raspberries contains about 4 grams of fiber, whereas, blueberries and strawberries give you about 2 grams and 1.5 grams of fiber, respectively.

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7. Pasta

Pasta is yet another all-time favorite amongst the other high fiber foods for kids. It is healthy to eat whole grain pasta once in a while as half a cup of pasta gives out about 2 grams of fiber. Hence, it is a tasty way to supply your kid with an adequate quantity of roughage.

8. Pears

You can stuff a chopped pear in your kid’s lunchbox along with berries to make it fulfilling and appealing at the same time.  It is a rich source of fiber. A pear (medium sized) contains approximately 5.5 grams of fiber.

9. Baked sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in protein, fiber, and several other healthy foods. A moderate size sweet potato contains up to 3.8 grams of fiber. Also, it is sugary and succulent which is a bonus for you! Switch from greasy french fries to healthy baked toothsome sweet potatoes today.

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10. Carrots

Carrot is rich in Vitamin A and fiber. A carrot contains about 2.9 grams of fiber. You can make carrot halwa(an Indian dessert) and throw some cinnamon on top to flatter your child.

11. Green peas


Green peas are an unusual source of roughage. Half a cup of boiled green peas gives you approximately 4.4 grams of fiber. You can trim your child’s midday meals or evening suppers with cooked green peas to enhance its fiber content.

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12. Corns

Corn is a good source of fiber for your child. Half a cup of corns contains about 1.8 grams of fiber content. Also, studies reveal that corn is right for your eyes too. So feed your baby with corns to serve the purpose of two in one!

13.  Bran

Rice bran is a fertile source of insoluble fiber, which helps to resist against constipation. You can dust brans in your child’s favourite food, from oatmeal, cereals to muffins and flapjacks.  Power up bran by adding it to corns, wheat or rice.

One ounce of raw wheat bran, corn bran, and rice bran contain about 12 grams, 22 grams and 6 grams of fiber respectively.

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14. Magic Beans

Beans are the most organic sources of protein, lysine, vitamins, and fiber. Fortify a variety of beans in several fiber-rich food items to enhance its overall impact. You can sneak it in salads, soups, cereals, etc. to decoy your children and spell the magic of beans on them.

15. Juice

You can also slide fiber in the form of fluids to cajole your children. One cup of fiber-induced orange juice is recognized to incorporate nearly 3 grams of fiber. It also keeps your child hydrated for some time. What a delightful way to ingest fibers!

Appetizing Ways to Creep Fiber in Your Toddler’s Diet

Here are some tempting recipes you can try with the high fiber foods for kids:

1. Lentil salad

Whip up some black beans, plump tomatoes, vinegar, salt, diced basil, and garlic together to build a healthy fiber-rich lentil salad for your kid.

2.  Raw veggies


You can serve raw or lightly cooked vegetables to your children. The thought of adding greens to your baby’s diet might be uncomforting, but its results are flabbergasting. Many children like crispy vegetables. Fill his platter with his most favorite choice of veggies like carrots, celery, broccoli topped with a hint of salsa to fetch brownie points!

3. Play with grains

Aside from whole wheat, you can as well experiment with grains and explore your child’s tastes. For example, in the morning if he’s tired of eating oatmeals, serve him with hot cereals by melding buckwheat with tepid amaranth. For dessert, serve him millets mixed with honey, a hint of vanilla flavor,  minced date and Greek yogurt. Even the sound of it is mouth-watering!

4. Fiber-rich snacks

To curb your child’s hunger in between the meal times, you can give him whole wheat biscuits without hydrogenated oil and enhance it with peanut butter.

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Avoid overdose of fiber in your toddler’s diet. Likewise, much of anything has adverse effects on the physical structure. So is the case with fiber-rich food as well.  Adding too much of High fiber foods for kids in their diet will result in stomach aches, bloating and loose motions. There is a high chance of constipation also if your child is ingesting too much of fiber and not drinking enough water to balance it out.

Staying hydrated is equally crucial as consuming fiber in your diet. If you don’t strike a balance between the two, your child might have to face certain health complications. So, make sure your kid stays hydrated throughout the day to enhance the impact of fire and foster digestion.

Also, it is favorable to derive fiber from different food items to promote optimum health and growth.

There is no denying to the extreme importance of fiber intake in your child’s healthy growth.  It treats constipation, fosters his digestion and keeps him fit and active to face the challenges of the day. It provides resistance to inflammatory problems as well, such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, etc. Although, they are not likely to occur in children, yet it is good to take precautions against an uncertain future.

It is easier to slip fiber in your toddler’s diet than children above five years of age as they are fussy when it comes to eating. To resolve this issue, you can embrace suitable fiber-rich recipes that complement your child’s taste buds. Certain food items like pasta, popcorn, carrots, berries, etc. are all time favorite of all the children out there. Thus, today you can cultivate both health and wellness.

To ensure the ingestion of the required quantity of fiber content, you can check the labels given to the fire-induced food items. It is essential to compute the amount of fiber you are providing your child with to avoid over-consumption.

While planning your kid’s diet plan, do not forget to induce dietary fibers in his daily consumption. A happy gut calls for a happy day ahead.


1. Can You Have Too Much Fiber?

Too much fiber is bad for health, as it could cause constipation, gas and bloating. This occurs when someone eats more than 70grams of fiber in a day

2. Does fiber make you gain weight?

No. It doesn’t rather a lack of fiber could make you gain fat. Eating an extra 14 grams of fiber could decrease your calorie intake by 10%

3. Should you take fiber before or after a meal?

It is better to take it one hour before you eat or 2 hours after eating.
