Digestive Health

Top Herbs for the Treatment of Diverticulitis

In the digestive tract, when there is an infection or inflammation in one or small pouches, it is Diverticulitis. It becomes common after the age of 40. The symptoms of Diverticulitis can be changed in bowel habits, abdominal pain, nausea, and fever.

At the initial stage, rest, herbs, low-fiber diet, and a liquid can be the treatment for this. But in severe cases, surgery or hospital care may be needed. This condition becomes common in old age group, especially people above 40 years. Nearly 35 percent of the old age group ( above 50 years) and even adults suffer from Diverticulitis in the U.S. Over 60 years; it affects 58 percent of adults.

Did You Know!

Research recommends that near about 58 percent of people under the age of 60 have Diverticulitis. In the United States, near about 200000 people are hospitalized annually(1).

In the United States, this disease shows a high burden on the United States population. There has been a record of around 300000 admissions and 1.5 million days of patients in hospitals (1998-2005) annually.

A study on Diverticulitis reflects that in the United States, the expenditure on health care for this disorder was estimated to be $ 2.5 billion per year. This data shows that massive spending was done and it affected the high population of the United States.

Natural Herbs for Diverticulitis

1. Turmeric


Turmeric is a herb which helps to protect the digestive tract from relieving pain and induces the secretion of some enzymes. In China,  Turmeric is used as an herbal remedy to cure Diverticulitis. It also has several benefits for the digestive system, as suggested by the clinical studies.

It has some potential healing properties which assist in treating a condition like Diverticulitis(2). Recently turmeric has attracted focus for its inherent properties to reduce I.B.S. symptoms.

You can include turmeric in your diet to make it healthy for your intestine. A study suggested that two tablets of turmeric per day for eight weeks resulted in the reduction of abdominal discomfort.

You can also consume the extract of turmeric that is Cur-cumin in any form but for a short term. However, it is not clear whether this supplement is safe for pregnant women or not so they must consult the doctor.

Recent studies show that one can consume a dose of  500-2000 mg of turmeric in the form of Curcumin extract for curing Diverticulitis.

Turmeric spices contain nearly 3 percent of Curcumin. Studies do not suggest the high doses of this herb for the long term.  Excess dosage can be harmful as it is a kind of spice. Sometimes the herbs can give adverse results if one exceeds the consumption limit.

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Diverticulitis]

2. Slippery Elm

Slippery elm is a tree. It is also known as Indian Elm, Elmo American, moose elm or-me, umlauts, and Orme grass. It helps in reducing stomach pain and increase bowel movement. Therefore it is useful for treating digestive trouble. The extracts of this herb soothe the digestive system.

A study reflects that consuming a particular product with slippery elm bark can help in inducing bowel movement. It has to be used orally in the form of powder or liquid for treating conditions like Diverticulitis. One can use the bark of this tree and can also consume it in the form of its extracts.

The suitable dose of this herb relies on variants factors, for instance, users age, conditions, and stage of Diverticulitis. The dosage of slippery elm can be 4 gm of its nutritional supplements in powdered form for three times a day. If consuming its liquid extract, one can take 5 ml of this extract three times a day.

[Also Read: Benefits For Probiotics for Diverticulitis]

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3. Licorice Root


Licorice root is useful for soothing the gastrointestinal issue. It helps in repairing the line of the intestine. It has the property of glycyrrhizic acid, which boosts the immune system and is anti-inflammatory. Therefore licorice rice is quite helpful for soothing gastrointestinal problems.

You can consume Licorice root in the form of licorice powder or liquid, which is readily available in the market. You may ingest it orally by pouring into vegetable capsules. Licorice tea is another form of consumption. Too much of licorice may lead to, high blood pressure, headaches, absence of menstrual period.

The consumption of licorice extract should not exceed 30 mg/ml. Licorice root has a sweet extract found in candies and beverages. As per WHO, the suggested dosage is 75 mg per day. However, high dosage may have adverse effects like constipation, headache, etc.

4. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants(3), and healthy fat. It is also known as a superfood as it has essential alpha-lipoic acid, proteins, and fatty acid lignans. It is a vibrant food which has Omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce the intestinal tract.

You can make it a part of your diet by adding flaxseed to water. You can also consume it in the form of flaxseed oil mixed with salad. These seeds can be consumed in the raw form either by mixing it with yogurt or cookies, smoothies, or any other way you like to have. A study shows that it gives excellent result if consumed before going to bed.

Researchers recommend the intake of 1 tablespoon of flaxseed as it involves 3 gm of fiber. It has mild interaction with other drugs, consumption of more than one tablespoon of flaxseed may cause acne, constipation, etc. However, the dosage for short term is safer.

5. Marshmallow Root

To induce healthy bowel movement and decrease painful inflammation, the use of Marshmallow is excellent. It is also known as the Althaea Officinalis herb which contains mucilage. It is a herbal solution for several digestive conditions. The mucilage and flavonoids present in it help in protecting the wall of the intestine.

You can use it in different ways. The only thing you need to be sure is to use its roots in any form. To consume it in the form of drink is easy and effective. By boiling 5gm of marshmallow root with a cup of water, letting it sit, strain the marshmallow water and consume it in form.

The study says that one can consume 5 gm of Marshmallow in the form of tea that is by boiling 5gm with water. You can drink this tea three times a day. This dosage is effective in curing Diverticulitis. The dosage of 5gm for three times may be safe. If this dosage causes no reaction or allergy within 24 hrs, It is considered to be safe and effective for you. However, if consumed in the form of powder, the dosage of 5gm is sufficient.

Though Diverticulitis is a severe condition, you can cure it with effective remedies. Home remedies are always helpful in mild conditions. The herbs like flaxseeds, turmeric, slippery elm, and Marshmallow can be beneficial for curing Diverticulitis.

These herbs have various properties of antioxidants, fiber, and anti-inflammatory, which speeds up the immune system. You can improve your digestive tract with the consumption of these herbs. It is easy to consume these herbs in a liquid diet as well. However, if conditions worsen, you need to consult the doctor. Though it is proven effective for many people in severe cases of Diverticulitis, you can take antibiotics as well. If the case is mild, home remedies may be the best and cure. These herbs can be a real help.


1. What Are the Most Effective Home Remedies for Diverticulitis?

Home remedies are considered as the best method to cure this. Various herbs could be helpful, especially if your condition is mild. These herbs include:

  • Green tea
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Marshmallow root
  • Flaxseed
  • Licorice

Apart from this high fiber, diet can prevent the state of such infections in the intestine. Moreover, Aloe-Vera juice can prove to be a useful remedy for this.

2. How Does Licorice Help Treat Diverticulitis?

Licorice is also known as Glycyrrhiza glabra. It helps in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. Apart from this, it helps improve bowel movement. The useful remedy that it provides is that it speeds up ulcer healing. A study recommends that consuming 2gm per day of its roots extract help in reducing the intestine problem if consumed for two months.