General Health

How to Use Feverfew for Migraine to Get Instant Relief?

Feverfew for Migraines: How It Can Help You?

Feverfew is a herbal remedy for migraines, which has been in use for centuries. It is not only beneficial for migraines but even for other body ailments. Feverfew herbs or supplements are required to be taken every day for relief as prescribed.

The excruciating pain of migraines can ruin your day and night. Pills are a temporary solution for migraines. Learn how using Feverfew can help you get relief from migraines.

Feverfew For Migraines

As per the Migration Foundation Report, 90% of people cannot work or function properly when the severe painful attack takes place. The migraine sufferers opt-out for medication, relaxation treatment, or other natural remedies(1) to avoid excruciating pain. Before the modern-day medication came into existence, herbs were used to cure all ailments. These herbs are time and again tested by scientific communities.

Feverfew being a part of the natural herbal cure has been continuously coming in use to provide relief for migraines. Feverfew for migraines not only reduces headaches but also helps in reducing other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity towards light.

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Feverfew: A Basic Idea


The word “Feverfew” derives from the Latin word Febrifugia, meaning “fever reducer” or “to drive out fevers.” Since ages, health practitioners have been using it. Now modern-day science has also accepted its health benefits.
It contains a unique plant compound known as Parthenolide, which helps in muscle spasms and relaxes blood vessels during a migraine. Feverfew is also recommended for acne, pain relief and contains anti-cancer properties since it holds high antioxidants and anti-irritants.

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Feverfew for Migraine: Why It Works?

Feverfew holds the potential for health benefits(2). The feverfew herb has proven its benefits and survived the long passage of time. The modern medical science has also started incorporating the useful herb in the medicines.

Feverfew leaves are dried and used for medicines; in some cases, the fresh leaves and extracts are also used. The feverfew leaves are every aromatic, thus creates a soothing effect on tense nervous.

The active parthenolide compound present in the feverfew herb helps in stopping prostaglandin molecules, which increases inflammation. It also inhibits serotonin receptors, which are responsible for triggering migraines.

Feverfew helps in reducing the widening of blood vessels, reduces frequent headaches. In recent studies, its effectiveness is considered slightly better than Placebo. While taking Feverfew medication, remember, that it prevents headaches but doesn’t treat them.

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Feverfew needs to be taken regularly to cure migraines. The doctor’s consultation is needed before starting the course as it may trigger some allergic reaction to some people.

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How To Use Feverfew for Migraines?


Many countries use feverfew herb in research and medical fields. A variety of medicines are available in the market, with variations in the usage of a feverfew herb. Feverfew medicine is available in different forms in the market. It is available in oral forms like tablets and capsules or powder. In liquid form as a tincture or as feverfew tea leaves.

  • A 50- 150 mg of feverfew powder needs to be taken daily for up to 4 months to reduce migraines.
  • A 2.08 – 18.75mg of a carbon dioxide extract of feverfew needs to be taken three times daily for 3 to 4 months.
  • In tablet or capsule form 6.25 mg, 3 times daily, for up to 16 weeks.

Feverfew tincture comes in a liquid form, 2-3ml can be added to water or fruit juice. The tincture is also given to relieve the arthritis pain to patients by lessening the joints erosion.

It comes as loose tea or in packed tea bags. It can be consumed as a hot drink by adding feverfew leaves into boiling water. One to two teaspoons of feverfew leaves can be added per cup. After adding leaves in the boiling water, at least 3-10 min steeping time is required. It enhances the taste of the tea. The tea can be consumed at least twice a day.

3- 4  fresh Feverfew leaves can be taken orally every day. It may give strong and bitter taste in the mouth.
Feverfew medicines can give some side effects like fresh leaves may give mouth ulcers or can create some allergy. Pregnant women are not advised to take feverfew medications. Withdrawal symptoms are visible after leaving medicine.

It is essential to take proper consultation and guidance before starting any medicine.  Feverfew for migraines is the most common natural remedy. It brings relief by providing them respite from the painful process. It is a vital medicinal plant, and its constant demand worldwide conveys the value it holds in medical sciences. Due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, feverfew herb is in use for other ailments and cancer treatments. The feverfew supplements are generally safe to take, however, it’s best to consult the doctor before adhering to the regime.


1. Is It Better to Take Fresh Feverfew Leaves for Migraines?

Feverfew leaves are stiff and bitter. Fresh leaves can cause an allergic reaction. It can give mouth sores, lips, or tongue swelling or may lose taste.

2. Who Should Not Take Feverfew for Migraines?

It is not advisable for pregnant or breastfeeding women and young children. If one is allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, or similar plants, then avoid feverfew.
Avoid it if having blood-thinning or liver medicine, as feverfew may interact with other medications.