Dental & Oral Care

Amazing Ways of Using Coconut Oil for Teeth

A smile is infectious and is always returned with another! It is sometimes a broad grin, or a toothy smile; or a loud, joyful laugh. When you smile or eat or talk, your teeth leave an impression on the person observing you. Bad breath is always a bad social gesture.  A mouth with poor oral health faces problems of bad breath, plaque, and other dental issues. One of the most effective ways to make those pearls shine is to use Coconut oil.

Types of teeth problems

Many problems affect your teeth and oral health, here are a few:

  • Bad breath
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth erosion
  • Yellow teeth
  • Sensitive gums
  • Mouth aches
  • Tooth sores

Causes of teeth problems


Many reasons cause oral problems; here are a few common ones:

  • Poor maintenance of oral hygiene is the most significant cause of oral problems.
  • A diabetic person is more prone to have teeth infections or gum infections or bone infections.

Symptoms of teeth problems

The symptoms of oral diseases are a red alert that you should look out for. Here a few you can focus on:

  • A toothache.
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sore Gums
  • Dry Mouth
  • Jaw pain

Coconut Oil for teeth

Coconut oil (1) is obtained from coconut meat and has a high level of saturated fats. It has a unique set of fatty acids called medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are high in C12 chain of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). It is Lauric acid. The Lauric acid present in the oil is also present in breast milk, and it promotes cellular health and hormonal health. The acid also adds antimicrobial and antibacterial properties to the oil which is nourishing when applied.

It is extremely beneficial for teeth but is also very useful for the skin and hair. It enhances your natural beauty. You can use it while cooking and eat it and also apply it as well.

[ Read: Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth with 6 Remedies ]

Types of coconut oil

There are many types of coconut oil, here are a few:

Organic Vs Non-Organic coconut oil:

Organic coconut oil is the more nutritious type as compared to the non-organic oil which can prove to be harmful. Organic coconut oil is obtained from coconuts that are grown without the use of chemicals and pesticides. To differentiate organic coconut oil form its inorganic counterpart, you have to check for a ‘USDA Organic’ label on the packaging. Health experts claim it is the healthier option among ones.

Refined Vs Unrefined coconut oil:

Coconut oil is often used for cooking. That is where refined version comes in. Refined coconut oil is processed, whereas unrefined one isn’t. The processing increases the smoke point, removes waste from the oil and makes it suitable for cooking. But one thing to make sure of is checking how the oil was processed. If it was processed using chemicals, then it is harmful, but if it is processed using heat, gravity or friction, you are good to go!

Virgin Vs Extra Virgin coconut oil:

Yes, the oil has virgin and extra virgin options, much like olive oil. It gives you options to choose from, but there isn’t a big difference between extra virgin and virgin one, so choose the one that is to your liking.

Centrifuge Extracted Coconut Oil:


The raw and nutritious oil is extracted by use of centrifugal force. The oil is all natural and ready for consumption without fear of harmful side effects. But since it is so nutritious, it is also a little expensive as compared to the other types.

Expeller-Pressed Coconut oil:

This type is obtained by a mechanical extraction process, which doesn’t use any chemicals or solvents. It adds to the flavor of the oil and also increases the smoke point, making Expeller-Pressed Coconut oil suitable for cooking.

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Cold Pressed Coconut oil:

Cold Pressed Coconut oil comes from dried coconut flakes stored at a low temperature. The oil is filled with flavor but is more expensive than the other types.

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Coconut oil Uses for teeth

Coconut oil has many benefits, and hence it is gaining fame quickly. Back when grandparents didn’t have easy access toothpaste, they used to use natural remedies to prevent and take care of their teeth. (2) Coconut out was one such natural home remedy. Hence it is a tried and tested way to help keep your teeth clean and healthy.

  • It helps maintain your oral health. It whitens your teeth and fights tooth decay.
  • The Lauric acid present in the oil has antibacterial properties and fights bacteria that cause bad breath, tooth decay, and gum diseases.
  • It fights an oral bacterium called Streptococcus mutans. It also fights off plaque and gum diseases which are again due to bacterial growth in your mouth.
  • In addition to Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus is another harmful bacteria that causes tooth decay is fought by coconut oil. Hence it prevents tooth decay and tooth loss.

Apart from protecting your oral health, it helps in weight loss. It acts as an excellent moisturizer for your skin and hair and protects it from the harmful UV rays of the sun, thus acting as a sunscreen. It is also great for brain function, metabolism, reduces protein loss, fights infections, and has many other uses!

How to use Coconut oil for teeth?


Coconut oil has been around for ages for its beneficial qualities. People of India have been using this remedy for hundreds of years.

One of the ways to use it for better oral health is as a mouthwash. It is called oil pulling.

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Benefits of oil pulling & here’s how to do it

Take a tablespoon of the oil in your mouth and swish it around for fifteen to twenty minutes. Make sure you run it from in between the teeth and around them. Then spit it out. Not in the basin though as it clogs the drain. Spit it out in the toilet or trash can. Then brush your teeth. Most useful to oil pull before having your breakfast in the morning.

You can use extra virgin coconut oil for oil pulling as it has a pleasant flavor. Fatty acids in the oil trap the bacteria each time you oil pull. It cleans off plaque, thus preventing decay.

Dos and Don’ts

Take a few precautions before using coconut oil

  • Do not gargle with the oil, rinse and spit. The oil is not meant to be used as water, gargling with oil is not recommended. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Just gently apply it on your teeth.
  • Do not spit in the basin as it clogs the drain. A better option is sitting in the trash can or toilet.
  • Best to do oil pulling before eating breakfast.
  • Oil pulling can lead to dry mouth as oil is moisture repellent. Dry mouth can cause further dental issues.
  • Do not gargle or inhale the oil after swishing it in the mouth. It causes bacteria to enter your body from your mouth. It leads to lipoid pneumonia. It can cause diarrhea, stomach upset, throwing up, loss of appetite and nausea. The intake of bacteria also activates the immune system leading to flu-like symptoms.

DIY recipes to try at home!

It is usable in combination with another ingredient for better benefits. Here are some recipes that are easy to make from home and are cheap and effective:

  1. Heat half a cup of coconut oil till it turns into a liquid.
  2. Add baking soda to it and stir it till the consistency is thick. Then add an essential oil like Peppermint essential oil or Cinnamon essential oil.
  3. You’ll have toothpaste ready which you can store in a container. This toothpaste is useful in addition to oil pulling. Brush for two minutes and rinse.

Other Home Remedies for Teeth

  • Mix some salt in mustard oil and mix it well. Apply it over your teeth with your fingertip. Let it stay for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Another home remedy is to have a healthy diet which is rich in nutrition. Make sure your diet consists of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet is key to a healthy body and a healthy life. You must also avoid eating too many sweets and chocolates. Junk food and carbonated drinks also cause your teeth to decay.
  • Every morning chew on two garlic cloves. Then drink some warm water while rinsing your mouth well. This keeps your mouth fresh.
  • Every morning drink enough water.

Our mouth is the doorway to good health. Excellent oral and dental health is the first step toward staying healthy. The uses of natural remedies for improving dental health have proven to give lasting benefits. The oil is an excellent way to ensure your pearly whites remain that way for long!