Skin Conditions

Can Coconut Oil Help Psoriasis ?

Psoriasis is one challenging condition to live with, especially when it occurs on the scalp. The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance says that 90% of the time, people with psoriasis experience symptoms on the scalp.

Now coming to the cure, there is no permanent treatment for psoriasis. However, with home remedies, you can get relief from psoriasis to some extent. Coconut oil for psoriasis is one of the effective methods to treat it.

Coconut Oil For Psoriasis


Coconut oil is an effective moisturizer and works wonders on dry skin and dry scalp. When applied to the affected area, the oil can soothe the dry area that is typically caused by psoriasis(1). Nevertheless, coconut oil shouldn’t be replaced with your regular medication. So kindly consult your doctor for a better idea.

[Also Read: Home Remedies for Treating Psoriasis]

How to Apply Coconut Oil to Scalp

After the shower, when your skin and hair are still wet, apply the coconut oil. Use your fingers to give a slow massage. This is when your skin would be perfectly able to take the moisture in. Now, once applied, leave the oil for about 40 to 50 minutes.

To get more benefits from coconut oil, you can wrap a hot towel around your head. After 40 minutes, you can unwrap the towel and wash your scalp with warm water. Gently use your finger to massage your scalp. Make sure not to use your nails as ripping off scales could lead to severe skin infections and rashes.

Once you are done washing your scalp, use a wide toothed comb to comb your hair gently. Make sure not to pull your hair roughly as it would only increase scales. This coconut oil treatment will help you in getting rid of scales in your hair.

Type of Coconut Oil to Use to Treat Psoriasis

Image: ShutterStock

When it comes to coconut oil for scalp psoriasis, unprocessed coconut oils(2) are the best. As the processed ones will contain more than just coconut oil and won’t be as effective as unprocessed ones.

There are various brands of unprocessed coconut oils available in the market. You can choose any trusted brand.

[Also Read: Benefits of Coconut Oil]

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Side Effects of Utilizing Coconut Oil

Since coconut oil is a topical treatment, it is safe for many people. Nonetheless, coconut oil shouldn’t be used as the only treatment for psoriasis. Kindly see your doctor to know other effective treatments that can be used alongside coconut oil.

In the case of sensitivities and/or allergies, then coconut oil might not be the right way to treat psoriasis. It could cause redness, itching, etc. when it comes in contact with the skin, especially if you are allergic to coconut fruit.

Other Home-Remedies to Use for Treating Psoriasis

1. Olive Oil for Psoriasis

As olive oil is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, it can calm your skin and reduce dryness. It is rich in vitamin E and other fatty acids. Make sure to use extra virgin olive oil as it acts as an excellent moisturizer when compared to regular ones.

2. Tea Tree Oil for Psoriasis


Tea tree oil is also utilized to treat psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory properties significantly reduce dryness that is typically accompanied by psoriasis — Mix tea tree oil with carrier oils like almond oil, castor oil, etc. before applying.

3. Aloe Vera for Psoriasis

Aloe vera is an effective ingredient when it comes to reducing inflammation and speeding up the healing process. You can apply one to two tablespoons of aloe vera gel, two to three times a day to calm the psoriasis flares.

4. Baking Soda for Psoriasis

The anti-fungal properties in baking soda make it a fantastic product to soothe the redness and itchiness in the affected area. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to make a paste and apply it to the affected area.

Whether it is coconut oil, olive oil, or baking soda, all these remedies can only help you in treating psoriasis to a certain extent. You have to consult your dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis and to know effective treatments that are suitable for you before trying these natural remedies.


1. Is Coconut Oil Suitable for Every Type of Psoriasis?

Well, when it comes to coconut oil as a treatment for psoriasis, it can only act as an excellent moisturizer and reduce the dryness and itchiness in the affected area. To know what treatment is best for you, kindly see your doctor.

2. How Long Can We Use Coconut Oil to Treat Psoriasis?

As long as you are not allergic to coconut oil, you can continue using it to treat psoriasis for as long as you like. But kindly check with your doctor first.