Natural Remedies

Coconut Oil for Constipation is Indeed an Effective Natural Remedy

Constipation is one of the most painful health conditions in modern life. It does not feel nice to be sitting in the washroom and exerting all the force that you have to pass a motion. Constipation has become severe endemic in modern times and if not cured in time, can lead to several health complications.

Using synthetic products might give temporary relief but do not cure the problem from its root. This is where you need to use coconut oil for constipation and get rid of this condition once and for all.

What is constipation

The blockage is a state of the stomach related framework where an individual has hard defecation that is hard to oust. By and large, this happens because the colon has retained excessively water from the sustenance that is in the colon. The slower the nourishment travels through the stomach tract, the more water the colon will ingest from it. Thus, the excrement or stools end up dry and hard.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation as an ailment can stem from various causes, one of the principal ones being excessive absorption of water from food. It can also be the cause of physical inactivity, where your body receives minimal exercise as opposed to its food intake.

In addition to this, if you are on medication constipation can also be a side effect of those. A common ailment associated with aging, it can be treated by making specific changes to your lifestyle

Although laxatives or medication are available, they must be considered only as cases on last resort- and only upon recommendation by your medical or health expert.


Symptoms of Constipation

The symptoms of constipation in adults commonly include stomachache, cramps or loss of appetite which leads to passing of lesser stools. The uneasy feeling of nausea or bloatedness can also be attributed to constipation; whereas the difficulty of passing stools remains the main symptom.

Pregnancy constipation is also a familiar occurrence, often caused by psychological abnormalities like anxiety or general worry; in which case a stool softener medicine might be advised to you by your healthcare expert. However, the lesser known fact is that there are several natural remedies available that can cure constipation; apart from the pills and English medicine.

Coconut Oil for constipation

Having played an essential role in ancient Ayurvedic practices, the benefits of coconut oil are multifarious. Being an integral part of the Kerala cooking household, coconut oil, apart from being a taste enhancer also professes an excellent deal of medicinal and healing properties.

It is used an anti-bacterial or an anti-fungal ingredient, which constitutes of fatty acids that possess anti-oxidant qualities known to have had profound effects on an individual’s health. It has been proven to lower your cholesterol levels, aid your weight loss, ancient skin moisturizer and also better the functioning of your brain. 

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Apart from these, it is also known to be a relief provider for those ailing from constipation. Known to contain medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are stimulants of bowel movements; coconut oil helps softens your stool and eases constipating.

It is also used for facilitating digestion, especially for constipation(1) amongst babies. Another stimulant laxative is castor oil. Drinking castor oil also provides relief from constipation, as it houses similar properties to coconut as well as olive oil.

[Also Read: How to Treat Constipation]


Why use coconut oil

  • Virgin coconut oil- It has a high content of saturated fats that promote the health of your heart and reduce heart risks. Known for speeding your metabolism, the virgin coconut oil cleanses and rids your body of excess waste.
  • It is imperative that your virgin coconut oil is hundred per cent authentic and organic, with help in preserving the micronutrients which will be unadulterated by preservatives. Blessed with a longer shelf life, the virgin coconut oil possesses higher properties than the regular coconut oil.
  • Fractionated coconut oil- It is also commonly known as ‘liquid coconut oil’, as the fatty acids that the oil naturally contains are removed from it through the processes of distillation or hydrolysis. Although it doesn’t have all the health benefits of the regular coconut oil, it is known to improve your physical performance and reduce insulin resistance. Adding few teaspoons of fractionated coconut oil into your food for consumption can help regulate your irregular bowel movements. It is also a stimulant of digestion, thus smoothens your stools. You can also use it in place of butter or ghee, or even atop salads between your meal courses.
  • Organic coconut oil- Organic coconut oil is primarily used for nourishing your hair, maintain its thickness and inducing it with vitamins for strength. But that’s not the only healing process that it takes part in because it has been known to provide relief from constipation.  With its MCFAs content, it can stimulate your bowel movements by improving your intestinal digestion. 
  • Extra virgin coconut oil- As it increases metabolism, the extra virgin coconut oil is known to be an excellent stimulant for bowel movements for those ailing from constipation. It is recommended to consume this at least twice a day for instant relief and to see significant results. As it is rich in fibre, the unscented version of the extra virgin coconut oil is recommended.
  • Cold pressed coconut oil- For this, the regular coconut oil is processed extensively at temperatures below 120 degrees F. Although with less nutritional value, the cold pressed coconut oil is a natural laxative that also helps in facilitating your bowel movements, and regular intake can ensure the regularity in your stools or bowels.

How to use

You can use the coconut oil for constipation in the following ways to address this ailment effectively.

  • You can replace your other cooking oils with coconut oil, as this will increase your intake of coconut oil and stimulate your bowel movements, hence making your stools regular. It can also be used in smoothies or your morning yoghurtcups.
  • Using the extra virgin coconut oil, you can liquify the oil by boiling it or merely placing it in the sun for a couple of hours. Use this liquified substance in your regular food or beverage intake; this can also be used in your morning coffee or tea. You can start slowly with one tablespoon and increase to three or four tablespoons per day for significant results.
  • If you do not want to include coconut oil in your daily food intake, there are always other natural supplements that you can take it along with. Make a Kombucha! This sweet tea can be brewed by hot lemon water with few tablespoons of coconut oil added to the mixture. You can also add a juice of your choice or minimal doses of pepper or salt. Drink it when its warm to experience its quick working.

Other Home Remedies

There are also many changes that can be brought about in your lifestyle to better your bowel movements and ensure that your stools are regular.

  • Drinking lots of water has its benefits, and it is also a known stimulant for the passing of stools as it hydrates the body.
  • Adding more fibre or increasing wheat bran into your diet can help and improve digestion.
  • Lots of physical exercises can facilitate your bodily processes and keep you fit. One of the leading causes of constipation in adults is attributed to the loss of physical activities.

At first, you can present a little measure of coconut oil to your suppers consistently to get help from the stoppage. In a perfect world, you can include a large portion of a spoon of the oil to both lunch and supper. This ought to be fine for tenderfoots. On the off chance that the outcome is middle of the road, you may add some more oil to your nourishment bit by bit. Individuals with instances of repeating obstruction can include one spoonful o coconut oil to nourishments twice or thrice daily. Nonetheless, don’t include a lot of the oil to the food.


Even though treatment relies upon the reason, seriousness, and length of the obstruction, much of the time dietary and way of life changes will help calm manifestations and help keep them from repeating. A dietitian can help plan a fitting eating routine.

High-fibre foods incorporate beans, entire grains and wheat oats, crisp natural products, and vegetables, for example, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and carrots, for individuals inclined to obstruction, restricting nourishments that have practically zero fibre, for example, dessert, cheddar, meat, and handled foods, is additionally imperative.