Skin Conditions

Best Ways to Use CBD Oil for Shingles

Varicella-Zoster Virus is the virus that causes chickenpox and lies dormant in a person’s body to create an outbreak of shingles many years later. Around 1 million Americans are affected by Shingles every year.

It lasts for only about 3 to 5 weeks and causes painful rashes, itching, and a lot of discomfort. Around 10 to 18 percent of these people also suffer from after-effects like postherpetic neuralgia, which causes acute nerve pain. Various anti-viral and other medications can help you. Several natural home remedies could also help reduce the pain and itching. You can also benefit immensely from CBD oil for shingles.

CBD Oil for Shingles Pain and Inflammation

Cannabidiol, which is also known as CBD oil, has many curative properties. You could benefit from the use of CBD oil for shingles pain and inflammation. CBD oil has cannabinoids(1), which are compounds that help activate endocannabinoid that reduces shingles pain and inflammation.

Research has claimed that CBD oil is equally effective as painkillers and NSAIDs. It is considered the best oil for shingles pain because it helps boosts anandamide levels in your body. The increased anandamide level affects the body’s response to pain and inflammation. CBD oil also lessens the duration and severity of the inflammation and painful rashes caused by shingles.

In short, CBD comes as a natural and effective alternative for painkillers for reducing pain, swelling, and even nerve pain associated with shingles.

[Read: Natural Remedies for Shingles]

How to Use CBD Oil for Shingles?

There are numerous ways to take CBD oil for shingles.

1. Topical Application


For immediate relief from shingles pain and itching, the topical application seems to be the best solution as it soothes the area within five minutes and lasts for a few hours. CBD oil is available as lotions, creams, and ointments that are suitable for the application.

After a consultation from the doctor, you can apply the CBD products on the specific areas where you experience pain and itching. However, remember not to use it on open sores.

2. Inhalation

An excellent way to use CBD oil for shingles(2) is to inhale it. Use a vape pen or any other vaporizing device of your choice to inhale it and to get immediate benefits. You should follow the instructions on the productwhile using it.

3. Spray or Drops


If you don’t want to inhale CBD oil for shingles pain, then you could opt for CBD oils sprays showers, or use under your tongue. When you administer the spray under your tongue, it directly enters the bloodstream. The sprays bring relief in around 15 to 20 minutes.

[Read: Essential Oils for Shingles]

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4. Consumption

There are various CBD products like chocolates, gums, flavored coffee drinks, and even baked goods available in the market. You could also add edible CBD oil to your food and beverages. When you take edible CBD oil, it takes around 30 to 90 minutes to ease the symptoms, and the effects last longer.

The Right Amount of CBD Oil for Shingles

Different methods of using CBD oil for shingles nerve pain, itching, and inflammation require different dosages. When you topically apply CBD oil for shingles, it brings relief for around 6 hours or even more.

You can reapply CBD oil according to the label’s instructions or once the effect is gone, and you start feeling the pain again. Inhalation of the oil brings instant relief but does not last long. So you would probably need to inhale it every 2 to 3 hours to get the benefits of CBD.

The sublingual intake of the oil effects lasts for around 4 to 6 hours. In the case of edible CBD oil, the results last for approximately 4 hours or more. But, you will have to administer a higher dosage compared to other methods.

Again, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not cover CBD oil. So, the dosage of CBD oil for shingles pain depends on your weight and body chemistry. Remember that a high dosage of 150 to 600 mg results in sedative effects.

[Read: Home Remedies for Shingles]

Points to Remember While Using CBD oil for Shingles

You should keep in mind a few points for CBD oil for shingles:

  1. Start with the lowest dose as directed by the label and increase it if you do not benefit from it.
  2. Once you find a suitable dosage for you, stick to it always. You need not increase the dose as your body does not become resistant to CBD oil.
  3. You need to understand the difference between topical application and internal consumption of CBD oil and its effects it has on your body; in other words, choose the one that suits you best.

CBD oil is probably the best oil for shingles pain when used correctly. You must use CBD oil for shingles after taking into consideration your health condition and its suitability for you. Pay attention to the manufacturer’s instruction and medical advice from the doctor before using it. Once you have kept in mind all factors, you can safely use CBD oil for shingles pain and inflammation.


1. Do I Need to Consult My Doctor Before Using CBD Oil for Shingles?

Yes, you need to get a thorough checkup done by the doctor and take his advice on the suitability of CBD oil for you. Later, you can take CBD oil for shingles in appropriate doses. Again if you find that CBD oil is not able to get you relief or you are suffering from nerve pain, then contact your doctor for other alternatives.

2. Can Medications Interact With CBD Oil?

You should inform your doctor about all prescriptive and non-prescriptive medications that you take before trying CBD oil for shingles. It is so because CBD oil interacts with certain medicines causing side effects. In this case, you should opt for some other cure and not CBD oil.