Natural Remedies

3 Excellent Methods of Using Apple Cider Vinegar for BV

Bacterial Vaginosis infection (BV) It may sound like a new disease, however, it is a prevalent disease amongst women. As per a study, BV is present in 15% of women who are sexually active, making it more prevalent than UTI. Women with BV go through emotional and social stress due to the symptoms.

If you have BV, don’t be confused and don’t panic as these home remedies can ease away the symptoms providing you much-needed relief. Apple cider vinegar for BV treatment is considered to be a very effective method.

What Is BV?

They’re two kinds of bacteria, good bacteria, and bad bacteria that reside in your vagina. For you to be healthy and to keep your reproductive tract healthy, it’s imperative to have a normal balance of bacteria in the vagina. You could be susceptible to bacterial vaginosis due to the excess growth and multiplication of anaerobic or bad bacteria in the vagina.BV manifests by the discharge of whitish and foul-smelling fluids from the vagina, itchiness around the vagina, and a burning sensation during urination.

Some risk factors and causes associated with BV include:

  • Excess use of intra-uterine devices
  • Overuse of unhygienic tampons and sanitary napkins
  • Unprotected intercourse with multiple sexual partners
  • Pregnancy
  • Birth control pills
  • Diabetes

Note: BV is not to be confused with a yeast infection or candida infection of the vagina that is caused by the Candida albicans fungus.

Apple Cider Vinegar And BV

Image: ShutteStock

Apple cider vinegar is prepared by the fermentation of freshly extracted apple juice. ACV has the ability to treat many kinds of ailments. While preparing home remedies with apple cider vinegar for BV(1), it is of utmost importance to make use of raw, unpasteurized, and unfiltered ACV to reap maximum benefits from it.

Why Should You Use Apple Cider Vinegar For BV?

The administration of apple cider vinegar for BV is incredibly effective because of its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Some of the reasons why apple cider vinegar for bacterial vaginosis is good as a natural treatment.

  • Administration of ACV helps in maintaining pH levels of the vagina
  • Apple cider vinegar possesses a host of different organic acids like acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, and malic acid. These organic acids help to enhance the acidity of the vagina which in turn inhibit the excess bacterial action inside the vagina

[Read: ACV for Yeast Infection]

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For BV Treatment?

Bacteria over time become resistant to medicines like antibiotics due to continuous exposure to the drug. You must embrace home remedies to deal with BV to prevent bacterial resistance. Home remedies also have the advantage of minimal side-effects and are economical.

Refer to the following easy and convenient methods of using apple cider vinegar :

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Image: ShutterStock

Rinsing or cleaning the vagina with a solution of ACV is a highly effective way of using apple cider vinegar for BV.

How To Use?

  • Fill a bathtub with lukewarm water. Make sure that the water is not very hot.
  • Pour in a cup of raw and unfiltered ACV into the bathtub. You can increase the quantity of ACV to 3-4 cups after the first few baths.
  • Soak your body in the bath water for about 15-20 minutes. Separate your legs and rest them against the walls of the bathtub to make sure that your vagina gets soaked in the ACV solution.
  • Massage inside and around the vagina with the ACV solution to make sure that your vagina gets completely rinsed with diluted ACV.
  • After the bath, pat your vagina dry and wipe the insides as well.
  • Do this on a daily basis to by using the apple cider vinegar for BV. The frequency of bathing your vagina with ACV solution should be 2-3 times a week.


The antiseptic, acidic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties of ACV work in unison for the cure of bacterial vaginosis. Bathing the vagina in ACV solution balances the pH value of the genital region. The creation of an acidic environment helps in the natural destruction of the excess bacterial flora(2) in the vagina.

[Read: Get Rid of BV Naturally without Using Antibiotics]

Related Post

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Tampon

Placing a tampon of ACV inside the vagina is an excellent option of using apple cider vinegar for BV.

How To Use?

  • Warm a cup of purified water in a saucepan over a medium flame for a couple of minutes.
  • Blend 2 tablespoons of raw and unpasteurized ACV with 2 tablespoons of warm water to prepare an evenly dissolved solution of ACV.
  • Soak a clean and fresh tampon in the solution of ACV and water. Insert the soaked tampon into your vagina and keep it firmly lodged inside the vagina for an entire night.
  • Remove the soaked tampon from your vagina in the next morning right after waking up. Take the tampon out slowly and gently.
  • Wash the vagina with lukewarm water after removing the tampon. Make sure that the water is purified before using it to rinse your vagina.
  • Wipe your vagina until it becomes completely dry.
  • Do this on a daily basis.


The application of the lukewarm solution of apple cider vinegar for BV treatment is highly effective. The warmth of the ACV heals the pain and inflammation of the vagina. It not only soothes the burning sensation but also curbs the whitish discharge from the vagina. The antiseptic, acidic, and antifungal properties of ACV are incredibly effective for the natural treatment of bacterial vaginosis. The use of a tampon soaked in ACV solution helps in cleansing the vagina and healing the irritation and infection of the vagina by killing the bacteria.

[Read: ACV: Amazing Benefits]

3. Douche


Douching the vagina with diluted ACV is another popular method of using apple cider vinegar for BV.

How To Use?

  • Fill a bowl with distilled water and then heat it in a saucepan over a medium flame for a few minutes. Check the temperature of the water so make sure that it is not too hot for your skin.
  • Mix a tablespoon of unfiltered and pure ACV with 2 cups of lukewarm water. Make sure that the water is either purified, or filtered, or distilled. Do not use plain tap water for douching the vagina.
  • Use a sterilized surgical funnel to pour the lukewarm solution of ACV into the sterilized douchebag. Close the nozzle of the douchebag after filling it with the solution.
  • Position the filled douchebag right underneath your vagina and apply gentle pressure to it. Hold your pelvic region in such a way that the opening nozzle of the douchebag is beneath the vagina.

Douche your vagina on a regular basis for the natural treatment of bacterial vaginosis.


ACV helps in warding off bad bacteria and restore the vagina’s natural pH. The symptoms of BV disappear altogether as ACV eliminates the harmful infection-causing bacteria.

A Word Of Caution

Do not use undiluted ACV inside your vagina as the skin is very sensitive. Do not exert excess pressure while inserting the tampon. Inserting a tampon might hurt slightly but you may ignore the tingling sensation and proceed with the home remedy.

Do not douche your vagina excessively with apple cider vinegar or with plain water. Excess douching results in the destruction of healthy bacteria in the genital region. Do not exert excess pressure on the douchebag while douching the vagina.

BV is very common in all females. Sometimes, it displays symptoms and sometimes, it doesn’t. You may feel you can’t discuss the situation with anyone. Keeping aside your fears concerning BV, try the simple and easy-to-follow remedies prepared, using apple cider vinegar for BV to restore the health of your vagina. ACV, the all-time favorite of everyone to tackle BV will certainly get rid of BV altogether. If the infection persists or gets aggravated, then be sure to consult a physician.


1. How Do I Know If I Have a Yeast Infection Or BV?

Both BV and yeast infection do have a similar symptom, vaginal discharge. The only difference is the vaginal discharge for BV is usually grayish-yellow and for yeast infection, the discharge is thick and white. Also, there is no itching or burning sensation when suffering from BV.

2. Can Poor Hygiene Cause BV?

Surprisingly poor hygiene is not the culprit for BV. Excessive vaginal douching can disturb the natural bacteria of the vagina. Thus, leading to BV. Women nearing menopause are more at risk of suffering from it.

3. Can BV Be Mistaken for Trichomoniasis?

The symptoms of BV like vaginal discharge and odor are the same symptoms one can see in trichomoniasis aka “trich,”. However, trich involves an entirely different treatment. It is advised to consult your doctor before taking any medication.