Skin Conditions

Effective Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Boils

Boils or furuncles are pus-filled bumps that are formed in hair follicles or oil glands of the skin. They are generally formed due to bacterial infections. Poor nutrition or hygiene, diabetes, immune deficiency, or exposure to harsh chemicals are some other causes of boils. Initially, they appear to be hard, red, or mildly painful lumps. As it worsens, the boils become softer, larger, and immensely painful that they can spread to other skin areas. However, natural remedies like apple cider vinegar are very effective in treating boils and improving skin tone.

Did You Know?

  • If you have a boil, never squeeze them because if the boil bursts open, then the germs can spread to other parts of the skin and cause boils there.
  • When you have a boil, do not share your towel, clothes or avoid physical contact. It can spread germs to others.
  • A boil which appears over a tight area of the skin in the body is known as a carbuncle. These are usually found at the back of the neck or other tight areas.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Boils


There are numerous home remedies for treating boils. However, Apple cider vinegar is considered one of the best as it can cure boils and enhance the overall healing. Below listed are a few points on why apple cider vinegar is your best option.

  • Apple cider vinegar works like a disinfectant that kills the bacteria in and around the boil.
  • It helps to reduce the inflammation by significant levels. As a result, the pain you experience gets reduced effectively.
  • Apple cider vinegar balances the pH levels of the skin prevents dryness and any kind of infection.
  • ACV contains both acetic and malic acids, which break down the boils in your skin. It can heal the boils by penetrating to the roots of the infection.
  • It is also enriched with antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties which are required to treat boils.

A proper application plays a significant role in both treating and recovering from boils. Below listed are the few most prominent ways to apply apple cider vinegar for boils. 

Process 1: Topical Application

One of the simplest ways to use the vinegar is by applying it over the boils. Pour some apple cider on a piece of cotton and gently rub it over the boils. Then leave it for a few minutes to allow the skin to absorb the vinegar. You can also wash the boils with the vinegar and soak them with a dry towel afterward.

[Also Read: Treat boils naturally]

Process 2: Internal Consumption

Oral consumption of apple cider vinegar kills harmful bacteria and eliminates toxins from the body. 

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water and consume it. Drink this one or two times a day till you start experiencing relief. You can also flavor the drink by adding some honey. 

[Also Read: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar]

Process 3: Warm Apple Cider Vinegar

Applying warm apple cider vinegar on the boils is also very effective. 

Pour some apple cider vinegar in a bowl and boil it. 

Make sure you do not overheat the apple cider vinegar. 

Later, cool down the solution to warm temperature and soak a dry towel in it. 

Now wring out the towel of the excessive vinegar and then apply it over the boils

Leave it on the skin for a few minutes. 

Do this for 1-2 times a day regularly until you are relieved from boils.

[Also Read: Essential Oils to Treat Boils]

Process 4: Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda


A mixture of apple cider vinegar and baking soda is highly potent in effectively treating boils. 

Related Post

Take one teaspoon of each of the ingredients and mix them together. 

Apply this paste over the boils and let it dry. 

Once dry, rinse them with cold water and clean it with a towel. 

Do this 2-3 times a day.

Process 5: Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Taking a bath in apple cider vinegar infused water does wonder. 

Mix a cup of apple cider vinegar in a tub of warm water. 

Now take a bath in this water.

You can do this at least three times a week to treat boils and also remove any germs that are on your skin.

[Also Read: Natural Ways for Boils]


Apple Cider vinegar for Boils – Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some vital Do’s and Don’ts while using apple cider vinegar for boils.


  • Do not use excess apple cider vinegar as it can cause a burning sensation on the skin.
  • If you are consuming it orally, make sure that you only use a few drops of apple cider vinegar.
  • Make sure that you consult your physician and check for any allergies or its interactions with any medications or treatments that you are taking.


  • Never inhale the vinegar because it will cause irritation and burning sensation in the lungs.
  • You must never consume the vinegar right after eating a meal because it affects the digestion.
  • Never forget to dilute the vinegar, or else it can have adverse effects on your teeth.

Follow the guidelines properly to get rid of boils effectively without any side-effects. However, if you do not witness any change after using the remedy, the pain becomes severe or is associated with fever, immediately consult a doctor as it could be a symptom of some other underlying health conditions. 

[Read: Apple Cider Vinegar Bath]


1. What Are the Side Effects of Acv?

Ans. Excessive apple cider vinegar can lead to a burning sensation in the body and even slow down digestion. It can also harm your teeth if not diluted properly.

2. Are Boils Curable?

Ans. Yes. Boils are curable via many different ways, and using apple cider vinegar is one of them.

3. How Long Does It Take to Recover from Boils?

Ans. It usually takes about a week or two to completely recover from boils. But if someone is critically affected by boils, it can even take a month.