Zinc plays a vital role as the catalyst for over a hundred metabolic and enzymatic activities in our body.

Zinc is an integral component to homeostasis and balance within the body system. The antioxidant ability helps decrease inflammation and acne-causing bacteria, making it a viable ingredient in supplemental treatments for acne.

Zinc oxide for acne is a compound which is best known for its usage in diaper creams. When zinc oxide, a compound of zinc is mixed with other significant acne fighting ingredients, you can easily notice improvements in your skin.

The main intention of using zinc compound in a cream or on the skin is to get the benefits of a skin protectant where it helps dry, soothe, and protect the skin.

Reading about the uses and perks of zinc for acne can help you extract the best benefit out of zinc products.

Why Zinc for Acne?


Zinc is a naturally occurring antimicrobial mineral. It can gradually kill off acne-causing bacteria from the body and has minimal potential side effects.

Zinc also aids the proteins inside the body to convert vitamin A(1) into a beneficial form known as retinol.

Research has proved that retinol-A compounds within the body can kill acne-causing bacteria. Not only this, but they can also prevent several types of micro-organisms from growing in clogged skin pores.

In detailed studies on zinc, it is found to boost the effectiveness of topical retinol treatments. Zinc can also help in the transport of stored vitamin A from the liver. Along with vitamin A, Zinc also aids in the absorption and transport of vitamin E inside the body.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Acne]

Zinc Can Cure Many Types of Acne. Some of These Are

1. Acne vulgaris

This is the most common type of acne breakouts and can normally occur on the face skin.

2. Cystic Acne

They are acne breakouts which include sac-like pockets. These pockets might be filled with pus or other liquid substances.

[Also Read: 5 Ways To Clear Cystic Acne]

3. Pustules

The most painful acne to touch, which is usually red, swollen, and eruptive in occurrence.

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Zinc Supplement for Acne


Since zinc cannot be stored in the body, hence, we need to intake it from external sources. Zinc deficiency acne can be obtained from food or supplements or medicinal creams as well. Topical zinc treatment or over-the-counter (OTC) zinc creams are also readily available, which treats mild to moderate acne breakouts like whiteheads and blackheads.

Intensive and zinc rich creams may also help treat moderate eruptions of acne like pustules and papules.

A detailed treatment plan for acne may mix-up the topical zinc creams with a beta hydroxy acid toner to assist in clearing several skin conditions. Zinc acetate, zinc gluconate, zinc methionine(2), zinc sulfate are some of the leading supplements of zinc considered to cure acne.

Although most skin specialists and doctors consider topical zinc a mild and effective treatment on the skin, you must first test any zinc product for a brief period before putting it to regular use.

[Also Read: 8 Effective Supplements to Treat Acne]

How to Use Zinc for Acne

  • The best recommendation to use acne for skin treatment is:
  • First, choose an inner part of skin similar to the part having acne like underarms or chest.
  • Apply a small amount of the product of zinc and wait for 24 hours.
  • If there are no side-effects and you feel good, apply it on the acne and check the results.
  • If you have some deep acne, you can include zinc in your dietary intakes. For adults, 20-40mg zinc per day is the officially recommended value. You must not exceed 40mg a day unless you are under medical supervision.

[ Read: Foods That Cause Acne ]


1.  Is Zinc Good for Acne?

Zinc supplements are commonly used for improving skin health and treatment of common skin conditions like acne.  This Zinc sulfate is also known to be highly useful for decreasing symptoms of severe acne. Zinc supplements for skin treatment are favored over other treatment methods as zinc products are inexpensive, effective, and have far lesser side effects.

2. How Does Zinc Help Acne?

The antioxidant properties of zinc diminish the inflammatory response of the body to dead cells, dirt, oil, and bacteria. When new cells are collected within the skin glands, the excess of these can lead to blocked or clogged pores. Zinc lowers this inflammatory response by reducing functioning in the skin’s inflammation pathway. This stops the bacteria that invade pores and reduces the chances of acne.

Zinc also plays a significant role in the metabolism and secretion of omega-3 fatty acids. When activated, these particular fatty acids lower blood markers of inflammation in the skin. This is how zinc cures acne and marks on the skin.

3.  How Long Does Zinc Take to Clear Acne?

Topical zinc treatment may take up to 12 weeks or so before showing visible results. For acne from deeply clogged pores, topical treatment might not reach the depths. Then you will have to increase dietary intake of zinc for the mineral to reach inside your body and cure the acne.

Zinc is an element crucial for many health aspects. Supplementing your diet with 15–30 mg of elemental zinc in any form will help you elevate your immunity and skin health. Be sure not to exceed the upper limit of 40 mg.

Zinc might have some side effects for someone depending on your conditions. So always be careful and consult a specialist if need be. Else you can use Zinc for Acne and witness phenomenal results for yourself.