Dental & Oral Care

No More Painful White Bump on the Tongue!

Do you know that improper oral hygiene can lead to tongue bumps? White bumps on the tongue are hard to ignore, but most of them are usually harmless. Common causes(1) of hard white bumps on the tongue are tongue injuries, infections, oral herpes, canker sores, oral thrush, and leukoplakia.

White bumps on the tongue are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as blisters on tongue or gums, sores inside the lips and mouth, sudden rash, swelling of the lips, mouth or tongue, a hard painless growth on the side of the tongue, a sensation of dryness in the mouth, itching, extreme sensitivity, or burning sensation on the tongue.

If you do get painful white bumps on the tongue, you should monitor the symptoms, develop a good oral health routine, and try the following home remedies.

Around 60% of adults in the US suffer from oral herpes, a cause of white bumps on the tongue.

Home Remedies for White Bump on Tongue

1. Salt Water Gargling


Why Does It Work?

Gargling with warm salt water helps to control the white bumps on the tongue. The salty environment kills the microbes(2) in the mouth and helps in fighting infection. Salt water also pulls out the excess fluid and reduces inflammation caused by the sore white bumps on the tongue.

How to Use It?

  • Add a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly.
  • Use this water rinse gently around the mouth.
  • Spit out this water, take another mouthful of water, and gargle for a few seconds.

How Much to Use?

Do this a minimum of four times a day and continue it for a week or until there is some relief.

[ Read: Heal a Burnt Tongue Naturally ]

2. Mouthwash

Why Does It Work?

Mouthwashes can help in getting rid of a sore tongue and prevent infection. Most mouthwashes are antibacterial(3), making them an excellent way to fight off infections. However, stay away from alcohol-based mouthwashes.

How to Use It?

  • Take a small amount of mouthwash and rinse your mouth as you would normally do.
  • You can also prepare a safe and effective mouthwash at home by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a cup of water.
  • Tea tree oil is also antibacterial and, therefore, aids in fighting hard white bumps on the tongue.

How Much to Use?

Use the mouthwash twice a day for a few days to get relief from the bumps on the tongue.

[ Read: Mouthwash for Dry Mouth ]

White bumps on the tongue are an indication of your overall health. 

3. Toothpaste


Why Does It Work?

The chances of tongue bumps can be reduced by following good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day is the first step in this direction. Make sure you are using a soft brush and toothpaste which does not contain sodium lauryl sulphate.

Sodium lauryl sulphate can cause skin irritations and aggravate the situation. Brushing removes the bacteria that settles in the small white bumps on the tongue.

How to Use It?

Brush your teeth as usual and follow it up with scraping the tongue with diluted toothpaste.

How Much to Use?

You should brush your teeth(4) first thing in the morning and just before you go to sleep. If you are suffering from painful white bumps on the tongue, then brushing after every meal will provide fast relief.

[ Read: Get Rid of White Tongue ]

4. Baking Soda

Why Does It Work?

Baking soda is an inexpensive and simple remedy for treating the swelling in the tongue due to blisters. Baking soda works by balancing the levels of acid in the mouth. It eliminates the situations where the bacteria can fester. Baking soda is also an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and can reduce swelling.

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How to Use It?

  • Make a solution of baking soda by adding two teaspoons of baking soda in one cup of water.
  • Rinse your mouth with this solution one to two times a day.
  • You can also make a thick paste of baking soda and warm water and apply it on the sore tongue.
  • Wash it off after a few minutes.

How Much to Use?

You only need two teaspoons of baking soda.

[Read: Get Rid of Bump on Tongue]

5. Ice and Cold Foods

Image: Shutterstock

Why Does It Work?

You can consume cold foods to reduce the burning sensation caused by the white bumps on the tongue. You can also place ice directly on these bumps, which will reduce inflammation and swelling(5). Ice or cold foods have a numbing effect on the sore white bump on your tongue and minimise pain.

How to Use It?

You can suck an ice cube or drink cold water. You can also try to consume cold fruit juices and ice creams.

How Much to Use?

Try this remedy whenever the pain increases. You should use it around three to four times a day.

[ Read: Oil Pulling Benefits ]

Say Bye-Bye to Painful White Bumps on the Tongue!

Tongue bumps should rarely be a cause for concern unless the symptoms get worse. It is necessary to keep your mouth fresh and healthy to reduce the risk of white spots or bumps on the tongue.

Most of these bumps or spots go away on their own by maintaining good oral hygiene and by following the home remedies mentioned above religiously. Please do visit a dentist if the condition persists.


1. What causes a sore tongue?

Most common causes of a sore tongue are inflammation, mouth ulcers, allergies, smoking, vitamin deficiencies, etc.

2. How do you get lie bumps?

White or red swollen bumps on the tongue, which causes pain and discomfort are called lie bumps. It can be due to spicy food, acidic food, too much sugar consumption, stress, or hormonal imbalance.

3. What are the early signs of tongue cancer?

Lingering pain in the tongue or jaw accompanied by a lump in the mouth. A red or white patch on the tongue, the inner lining of the cheek, gums, roof of the mouth, tonsils is also a sign to watch out for. In rare cases, tongue cancer also leads to white bumps on the tongue.

4. What nutritional deficiencies cause bumps on the tongue?

Iron, folate, and Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause bumps on your tongue.

5. Should I visit the doctor for hard white bumps on the tongue?

You can try the home remedies mentioned above, but if the condition worsens or remains the same, then you should consult a doctor immediately.