Essential Oils

4 Ways of Using Tea Tree Oil for Athlete’s Foot

There are people who must be going through burning, irritable, and itchy problems in their feet and toes, with pink skin that would be excessively peeling. Now, the majority of people would be treating it as a normal symptom and would be blaming it on the changing weather conditions, while a few must have applied a normal all-purpose ointment to treat this problem.

This skin problem is known as Athlete’s Foot(1) and it requires special treatment. This problem is very common in men and older people and this is a fungal infection, which is extremely contagious. People should enlighten themselves with the problem of Athlete’s Foot and know how it can be treated with simple oils that are easily available in our surroundings.

Methods of Using Tea Tree Oil for Athlete’s Foot

The story behind the invention of Tea Tree Oil is very interesting. A sailor accidentally invested the oil in the eighteenth century in the southeast Australian coast.

The swampy sailor was making a tea for himself with the tea leaves and nutmeg, but then accidentally produced Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil is very beneficial in killing fungus and bacteria, along with reducing the impact of infection on the skin.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Athletes Foot]

1.Tea Tree Oil with Coconut or Olive Oil


Due to the attributes of being antifungal and antibacterial, Tea Tree Oil is becoming famous amongst people for treating skin infections problems. For the problem of Athlete’s Foot, this has been a very helpful oil. If mixed with some other oils then it can be even more beneficial.

For instance, a few drops of Tea Tree Oil, if combined with coconut and olive oil, will provide instant relief to the patient. In addition to this, the coconut or olive oil will help in reducing the marks of infections in a short time.

[Also Read: Tea Tree Oil Health Benefits]

2.Tea Tree Oil with Aloe Gel

The peeling of the skin and the skin color, which becomes extremely pink, many a time, require additional care too. Tea Tree Oil has the quality of being antiseptic too. For fighting acne and other additional symptoms of Athlete’s Foot, it is crucial to combine Tea Tree Oil with Aloe Vera gel(2).

The correct procedure is to mix two parts of the Tea Tree Oil with one part of the Aloe Vera gel. This mixture then should be rubbed on the infected area in a gentle manner and later, should be rinsed with normal water.

[Also Read: Essential Oils For Athlete’s Foot]

3.Tea Tree Oil with Almond Oil


Tea Tree Oil also has the attribute of curing skin problems in just a few days, while the positive effect can be seen in less than 24 hours. Almond oil is combined with Tree Tea Oil has a quicker effect than any other oil. To apply this, the ingredients required are –

Related Post
  • Tea Tree Oil, try getting the purest one.
  • Almond oil.
  • Cotton socks ensure they are extremely clean.
  • Cotton balls.

Steps –

  • Mix Five drops of Almond oil and the same quantity of Tea Tree Oil.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it on the affected area. Rub it. Massage it gently for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Now cover the feet wearing clean cotton socks.
  • Repeat this twice a day
  • The results will show in a few hours.

[Also Read: Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot]

4.Tea Tree Oil Cream

With the growing problems of Athlete’s Foot, there was a need for an antiseptic Tea Tree Cream. The current market has a number of Tea Tree Creams that can be brought and used easily. People just have to apply this cream on the infected area liberally. In addition, it is important that the process should be practiced twice a day and even more if the problem is massive.

Using In Its Pure Form

To use the Tea Tree Oil in the purest form –

  • Soak feet in warm water and then, use a pumice stone to remove the dry skin from the feet.
  • Then, clean the feet nice and dry them properly.
  • Apply the purest form of Tea Tree Oil between the toes and other infected areas. Ensure that you do not wipe the oil.
  • Repeat this procedure for two weeks.

Anti-Fungal Properties of Tea Tree Oil


Tea Tree Oil is very effective in fighting fungal infection. It is due to their quality of effectively treating nail fungus infection. People who have nail fungus can use this simple and effective way of curing this fungal infection.

It might take some time, but slowly and gradually, the fungal infection will be treated accurately and more effectively. With all these simple remedies that have been informed in this article, people can treat their problem of Athlete’s Foot and can get rid of the pink marks and the burning sensation.

People should ensure that they should not ignore the problem of Athlete’s Foot, as it is extremely contagious and with the passing time can lead to serious repercussions. The infected person should attain proper knowledge about the disease in detail.


1. What are the symptoms of Athlete’s Foot?

Some of the symptoms of Athlete’s Foot are –

  • Itchy skin.
  • Burning sensation in feet.
  • Dry and damaged skin.
  • Pink skin.

2. What other essential oils are helpful in treating athlete’s foot?

Some of the other oils that can also be used are –

  • Oil of oregano.
  • Camellia oil.
  • Cinnamon bark oil.
  • Coriander oil.

3. How is tea tree oil helpful in treating athlete’s foot?

Tea Tree Oil has qualities of being antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic. It is due to these different effective qualities of this oil that makes it perfect for treating Athlete’s Foot.