Healthy Foods

10 Things No One Told You About Sunflower Oil Benefits

Sunflower oil is very rich in Vitamin E and presents itself as gold in color and is light while offering essential health benefits. It has lesser levels of saturated fat and high amounts of polyunsaturated fats.

This oil goes back to 3000 BC when American Indian tribes would use this oil. Using sunflower seed oil for skin offers such benefits that make it worth a try.

Sunflower oil is rich in natural foods as well. Although available in linoleic, mid-oleic and high-oleic varieties the benefits offered are the same. A lot of people use Sunflower oil for Vitamin E as it is very rich in the vitamin.

Nutrient Profile

Mentioned below are the sunflower oil nutrition facts for 100 gms of the oil.

Calories 884
Total Fat 100 g
Saturated Fat 13 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 36 g
Monounsaturated Fat 46 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 0 mg
Total Carbohydrates 0 g
Vitamin E 41.08 mg
Vitamin K 5.4 ug

How Sunflower Oil Benefits Our Health?

The health benefits of sunflower oil are listed below.

1. Improves Cardiac Health


Sunflower oil is listed amongst those oils with less saturated fat and consists more of better fats by the American Heart Association. Sunflower oil substitutes the solid fats in your diet and helps to maintain a healthy heart.

Sunflower oil benefits us in having a positive effect on the cholesterol profile. The liver metabolizes the unsaturated fats and thus improves the cholesterol levels of the body.

Sunflower oil benefits in having a healthy heart as it increases HDL levels(1), known as good cholesterol, which reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack.

2. Improves Digestion

Sunflower oil benefits in improving the overall gut health as it is known to have laxative properties. This factor eases out digestion, although more research needs to be done to confirm this.

3. Improves Dental Health

Sunflower oil benefits us in oil pulling. It reduces gingivitis caused by plaque. It is antibacterial and protects against C.albicans, which is the root cause of significant infections in people.

4. Sunflower Oil for Acne


Sunflower oil benefits in treating acne as it is rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin A, C, and D. The seed is rich in vitamins and fatty acids that work as antioxidants to regenerate skin cells that help to get rid of bacteria that causes acne.

5. Sunflower Oil for Skin Moisturizing

Sunflower oil benefits in treating dry skin as it has emollient properties that retain the moisture of the skin. It keeps the moisture trapped inside the skin cells that keep the skin hydrated for a more extended period.


6. Sunflower oil Delays Aging of the Skin-

The sunflower oil benefits in premature aging of the skin as it has properties that prevent premature aging of the skin. Sunflower seed is rich in Vitamin E that helps to protect collagen and elastin in the skin, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the face.

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7. Sunflower Oil to Soothe Your Skin

Sunflower oil benefits have anti-inflammatory properties that lower redness and rough skin. It is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, and Vitamin E. The omega-six acids help to decrease skin inflammation and develop new cells.

8. Sunflower Oil for Hair Growth

Image: ShutterStock

Sunflower oil benefits in hair growth when mixed with another carrier oil like coconut or castor oil.

9. Sunflower Oil for Eczema

Sunflower oil benefits treat skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis(2). It has anti-inflammatory effects that acts as a skin barrier. This way, it improves skin health.

The sunflower oil is rich in Vitamin E that helps in treating atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema.

10. Sunflower Oil for Weight Loss

Sunflower oil is a wise choice if you’re keen on losing weight. It provides energy to the body as it is a good substitute for carbohydrates.

How to Use It?

You can use cold-pressed sunflower oil on body and face for massaging by

  • Pour a small amount in the palm.
  • Massage the skin until the oil gets fully absorbed.
  • Apply to the face by mixing a bit of aloe vera for effective results.
  • As it is a carrier oil, it can be used to dilute any essential oil for skin and hair benefits.

How Much to Use?

The recommended amount of sunflower oil every day is 20 grams or 1.5 tbsp instead of other fats and oils.

Side Effects and Precautions

Sunflower oil is usually known to have no side effects and compatible with all skin types.

  • Check for Allergies- If you have an allergy to nuts or sunflower seeds, chances are the highly refined versions of sunflower oil that might suit you. Always to a patch test before using it for your skin.
  • People suffering from ragweed allergies should avoid using sunflower oil for their skin.

The Verdict

As a non-comedogenic carrier, oil sunflower oil has immense health benefits that make it very popular. It is also known as sunflower seed oil, which is acquired in large quantities through cold-press extraction.

If you plan to use it for your skin, always buy organic and cold-pressed one form a trusted and reputed store as other varieties compromise on the quality of the oil.


1. Is sunflower oil gluten-free?

If you are allergic to gluten, then sunflower oil is the best option for you as it is gluten-free.

2. Can sunflower oil whiten skin?

As it contains linoleic acid, this fatty acid promotes more ceramides that moisturize the face. It is also used to lighten acne marks, improve skin pigmentation, and lighten underarms.