Digestive Health

Why Use Probiotics for Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is an acute condition. Using probiotics to cure this intestinal disease works. They also reduce swelling in the stomach. Low-level inflammation is found in this disease. Altered gut microflora contributes to symptoms. Probiotics serve to prevent an acute form of diverticulitis. They also prevent remission.  Probiotics also have pro-kinetic properties. They control disease-causing agents.

They also boost the immune system. Probiotics decrease cytokines. This counters the swelling of the intestine and pouches on the outer colon. Probiotics also balance good and bad bacteria. They combat the infection, as well. They decrease swelling in the intestinal tract too. Probiotics also fight flatulence and colonic gas. Let’s go deeper into how probiotics for diverticulitis work.

Why Use Probiotics for Diverticulitis?


Probiotics improve gut bacteria. They prevent recurrence of the disease. Gut-friendly probiotics stop abdominal pain. Gastroenterology experts are recommending probiotics for the stomach. Patients with simpler grades of this disease get the same relief from probiotics, as they do for medicine.

Studies show the combination of antibiotics and probiotics(1) works even better. Research shows Lactobacillus casei, a probiotic and mesalazine, a medicine work equally well to reduce symptoms. A probiotic, when combined with high fiber, wards off stomach pain. It also ends bloating. Research showed probiotics control abdominal pain faster. A high fiber diet alone has no benefits for diverticulitis patients.

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Benefits Probiotics for Diverticulitis

To understand how probiotics help, know what they are. These are living organisms. They come from gut microbiota. Probiotics work well for conditions like bloating and constipation. Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and diverticulitis are also warded off. Probiotics offer incredible benefits for warding off symptoms. Inner gut microflora is the reason for diverticulitis.

Probiotics restore normal gut flora. It reduces stasis. It fends off colon transit time. More chances of ending disease rest on eating probiotics. Studies show abdominal pain lowers faster, after probiotics. Probiotics have even been proved as effective as antibiotics. Strains of bacteria Lactobacillus casei are the most beneficial.

In fact, antibiotics and probiotics share many common features. They are both geared towards reducing swelling in the stomach. They also fight pathogens or disease-causing agents in the gut. Probiotics also prevent symptoms from coming back. They also avoid stasis of waste matter in the stomach. This helps prevents gas and bloating. These live microorganisms can alter gut bacteria for the better. Weak bowel movements can also be stopped using probiotics.

How to Take Probiotics for Diverticulitis?


To take probiotics, try natural sources. Foods like kefir can help. Try kimchi and kombucha or other fermented food. Use probiotics supplements. These should contain 5-25 billion CFUs. CFU stands for Colony Forming Units.

Another good option is stocking up on probiotic supplements. Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of them. It is called good bacteria. This bacteria is naturally found in the stomach. But diverticulitis(2) lessens this bacteria. This damages the intestine. Probiotic supplements decrease intestinal infection, diarrhea, and swelling. You can try tablets or capsules from health stores.

[ Read: Suffering from Diverticulitis? Remedies to Free Yourself from It ]

Always take the right dose of supplements. A standard dose of probiotics for curing diverticulitis range across 250 MG. Probiotic-rich foods are another correct choice. Besides supplements, probiotics are found naturally. Fermented foods are rich in probiotics. Cultured yogurt or milk can help. Try soy beverages or natural juices, too. Look for active or live cultures, for the best probiotics for diverticulitis. While experts suggest up to 8 ounces of probiotics, do consult your doctor.

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Another critical factor is a fiber-rich source of probiotics. Prebiotics or fermented fiber can multiply the benefit of probiotics. This improves digestive health. Try legumes, cereals, and veggies. Ample research shows combining probiotics and high fiber can benefit you. Include 5-8 servings of foods in daily meals.

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How Do Probiotics for Diverticulitis Work?

Probiotics modify gut bacteria. This brings health benefits. Both infection and swelling lessen. Adequate good bacteria can prevent disease-causing pathogen from destroying gut health. Probiotics can even treat stomach conditions apart from diverticulitis. Most common probiotics for curing diverticulitis are different strains of Lactobacillus.

Bifidobacteria are also beneficial. Probiotics also work well with medication. They even boost the value of high-fiber diets. Of course, the benefit depends on timing, dosage, and combination. Different strains impact persons differently. Whether it is lowering abdominal pain or maintaining the remission of the disease, probiotics can help.

As probiotics help in stomach health, they offer incredible benefits for diverticulitis sufferers. For reducing inflammation, and raising immunity, probiotics are incredibly beneficial. Antimicrobial properties in probiotics help further.

The best part about probiotics for diverticulitis is that you use a 100% natural home remedy. It counters any remission or return of symptoms. It also prevents diverticulitis from worsening. So, whether you seek prevention or cure, probiotics are the answer.


1. Do Probiotics Help With Diverticulitis?

Yes, probiotics offer benefits. Diverticulitis causes gas and bloating. The intestines become swollen. Immunity suffers, as the infection takes hold of the stomach. Probiotics lower inflammation. They fight infection. The probiotics also boost immunity. They stave off flatulence.

2. Which are the Best Probiotics for Diverticulitis?

Experts recommend Lactobacillus strains, like Lactobacillus casei. The Bifidobacteria are also another excellent strain of probiotics. Other strains are used less frequently. The CFU value of probiotics should range from 5 to 25 billion.

3. What Foods Are Rich in Probiotics?

Fermented foods like kefir, curd, and sauerkraut are rich in probiotics. These gut-friendly live culture also come in supplement form. You can also try capsules, tablets, or probiotic extracts. Add probiotics with high-fiber foods for the best results.