Essential Oils

How To Use Peppermint Oil for Treating Nausea

Discomfort and an uneasy feeling in the stomach, paired with a vomiting sensation which is a symptom of various other illness in the body is called Nausea. This situation is just a reaction which is a result of other illness of the body. Many a time, headache and dizziness are also experienced.

The body loses a lot of water and energy due to vomiting and you feel very weak. Using Peppermint oil is one of the best remedies to deal with this situation. This article will throw some light on the advantages of Peppermint oil when you fall prey for Nausea.

Causes of Nausea

  • Motion sicknesses
  • Dizziness
  • Migraine
  • Fatigue
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Bad food habits like eating too fast or too much.
  • Allergy to certain food items.
  • Obesity

Symptoms of Nausea

The most prominent symptoms of Nausea are: –

  • Headache
  • Pain in Chest
  • Abdominal Discomfort
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Fever

Types of Nausea

  • Nausea during pregnancy
  • Morning sickness
  • Nausea after eating
  • Nausea during periods
  • Nausea due to dehydration
  • Nausea during alcohol abuse

About Peppermint Oil

Image: Shutterstock

One effective way of getting rid of nausea is to consume Peppermint Oil. It is also called Mentha Piperita and is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean or even originates back to India, but has also been cultivated in the USA, Italy, Great Britain and Japan.

Peppermint essential oil has been called one of the most versatile oils in the world, sharing the title with Lavender. Extracted from the Peppermint herb, the uses of this cherished plant and its benefits have been traced back to Chinese and Japanese folk medicine practices and even Ancient Egyptian times were dried Peppermint leaves were found placed in tombs inside the pyramids.

[ Read: Nausea; A Complete Guide to Get Rid of it Naturally ]

Why Use Peppermint Oil for Nausea

Image: ShutterStock

Peppermint oil has many benefits and is known to be one of the most used essential oils out of the many that are on offer.

It can also cure many diseases such as – indigestion, colds/congestion, headache, stress, to enhance energy/activeness. Peppermint oil is widely known as a ‘Miracle Oil’ that can be used for a variety of ailments, mainly the aforementioned ones.

It usually performs to its fullest to make an individual feel better, and the feedback regarding the usage of peppermint oil is just fantastic. It is excellent for nausea as the very minty smell it carries, gets rid of any of the uneasy feelings and gets you active and raring to go.

Peppermint oil has a few components that energize, activates specific zones of your body that gives you the energy and helps your mind work in tandem with your body. It is also known to have long-lasting effects, as opposed to just an immediate effect that subsides over time.

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Hence, it is indeed a miracle oil that works its magic if not in seconds, but in a short course of time. It is not just a recent study; there is existent proof that the Egyptians used it during their period for similar ailments.

[Read: Benefits of Peppermint Oil]

How to Use Peppermint Oil for Nausea

  • There are no more natural methods than diffusing and using a diffuser to give out peppermint oil can be extremely beneficial in cases of nausea. A few drops of this oil and you are set! Betterment awaits as the oil begins to do its magic on your ailment.
  • This can be another effective method. Just put a few drops of peppermint oil on a cloth and breathe it deep in excessively. This can help in the cognitive features of not just your body, but also your mind and can leave behind nausea effectively.
  • Apply topically on parts where there is an excruciating pain – these include joint pains and other such ailments.
  • Use orally to prevent bad breath, also getting rid of the nauseous feeling at the same time.
  • Drink it to bring about regular bowel movements, in those with irregular bowel syndrome.
  • Spray around your room to avoid nauseous feeling as well as to keep mosquitoes away.
  • Apply it to soothe sunburns

How to Make Peppermint Oil at home

  • Collect a bunch of mint leaves, wash them and dry them ably
  • Chop them on a chopping board and then bring them to a mortar and a pestle to grind (Make sure you don’t grind them entirely as you’ll need to retain the essentials of the leaves to make the oil fruitfully.
  • Heat a carrier oil (preferably coconut oil as it has excellent health benefits) and then add 2 cups of this oil to a shaker bottle and add the semi-paste of mint leaves to this oil and then shake well, allowing the oil to retain all the qualities and essence of the mint leaves.
  • Take a clean strainer or a hygiene cloth and partially filter this mixture to get extracts of Peppermint Oil. Store it in a clean air-tight nozzle bottle for 24 hours, keeping it away from air and moisture.
  • There you have it, your homemade peppermint oil. For best results, consult your medical expert and buy one in a store. Making it at home is for the passionate few who can get it right.

[Read: Peppermint Oil for IBS]

Side-effects, Precautions, Do’s and Don’ts of Peppermint oil

  • For pregnant women, it is advised by medical experts only to take limited amounts, to avoid any damage of the baby inside the womb. Also, the health of the mother is of utmost necessity, so that shouldn’t be put to the test.
  • If ingested orally in limited amounts, it can be safe, but more substantial amounts can lead to blisters, swellings and sores that can cause itching and irritation inside the mouth.
  • Bad quality of peppermint oil can cause anal burning or diarrhea and can be very tiresome to some individuals.
  • It is consulted for general purposes that children below ten years of age are not exposed to peppermint oil as they can cause heat and expulsive side-effects to those who have used it.
  • Instead of getting rid of a headache, it can sometimes cause big headaches and weakness, definitely not a right or good feeling.

[Read: Essential Oils for Nausea]

Other Home Remedies for Nausea

  • Use ginger in tea, cooking or even eat raw pieces of ginger, especially during nausea in pregnancy.
  • Acupuncture and Aromatherapy have been known as great ways to get rid of nausea.
  • Control your breathing; if the nausea isn’t too severe, try taking deep and then limited breaths to confuse the signals given out by your body and you might feel better.
  • Exercise regularly to avoid nausea.


Therefore, it can be said that Peppermint oil(1) is very beneficial for nausea, especially during pregnancy. Not just pregnancy, but for even regular nausea faced by a variety of individuals and people.

The very essence of peppermint oil can be a great booster, and this involves some aspects of the oil that causes heating and cooling at the same tie, along with giving a strong aroma that can take care of several issues like headaches, colds, indigestion, burns etc.

The oil can be great for anti-nausea, something that is felt immediately after the ingestion of a particular medicine, or the usage of specific natural therapy to the ailment.

It can battle chronic nausea ably and do a great job in energizing not just the organs of your body, but also and most importantly, your mind. The mind, working in tandem along with the body in perfect nature can be a great enabler of good confidence at the workplace and, at home.