
Fantastic Sleeping Hair Masks for Incredible Hair Growth

When hair becomes dry, dehydrated, and damaged, you can avoid those deep conditioners and dry hair treatments. If you’re wondering how, here’s the answer. Hair sleeping masks or overnight masks are a super-strong treatment for penetrating hair cuticles while you rest, ensuring you wake up with soft, smooth, and shiny hair. Just comb through your dry hair before turning in for the night, apply the hair mask, put on a hair wrap/shower cap, and wake up the next day to beautiful hair.

Benefits of Sleeping Hair Mask

Hair masks can soften, soothe, and condition different hair types. If you already know the benefits of a hair mask, be ready to take it to the next level with an overnight mask. Not every hair care formula is designed to work well overnight.

Some ingredients and recipes can make hair limp, heavy, brittle, or prone to breakage if they stay on long. But for those that work, they infuse hair shafts with moisture, add a glossy luster to hair, reduce damage, tame frizz, and reduce knots and tangles. Our hair needs TLC(1), and an overnight hair mask offers incredible benefits in terms of profoundly nourishing treatment and added benefits.

The goodness of DIY, homemade ingredients, seeps into the hair, and the scalp. It penetrates the pores, removing dead cells, toxins, impurities, and more. It also wards off dandruff and scalp itchiness. Using overnight hair masks retain moisture content in the pores and the scalp. Ultimately, hair sleeping covers offer good hair growth. They provide the much-needed hair care regime from the comfort of your home. Use these natural DIY hair masks for thick, shiny hair.

3 DIY Hair Masks for Thick, Shiny Hair

1. Egg+ Aloe Vera and Olive Oil



For this hair pack, the mask needs two eggs. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. The egg yolk is required for the recipe. It should be placed in the bowl.

  • Whisk the bowl’s mixture till it becomes a foamy texture paste.
  • Take an aloe vera leaf and peel and extract the gel.
  • Add two tablespoons of fresh aloe gel to the whisked egg, along with two tablespoons of pure olive oil.
  • Create a smooth, consistent, and smooth paste using these ingredients.
  • Next, take a hairbrush and apply the mixture to the scalp. Separate your hair in sections, and coat the strands from root to tip using the combination.

Finally, cover your hair using a shower cap. Let the nutrients work their magic overnight. In the morning, rinse your hair with lukewarm/normal water. Shampoo and condition the hair regularly after such face masks. Use this face mask once a week for instant benefits.

Why It Works:

This face mask contains olive oil, a natural lubricant. The egg is excellent for adding keratin-rich proteins to your hair. Finally, aloe vera is a potent antioxidant and an emollient. It is a natural hair moisturizer, and it wards off free radical damage or oxidative stress of the hair, besides coating the hair with the gel that softens and nourishes it.

[Read: Almond Oil for Hair Growth]

2. Vitamin E+ Plain Curd and Coconut Oil


For this hair mask, take four tablespoons of excellent quality coconut oil in a saucepan. Heat it and let it warm for a couple of seconds. Then, pour the oil in another bowl.

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  • Take 2 Vitamin E capsules, extract, and pour content along with two tablespoons of curd, after beating the plain yogurt.
  • Mix the ingredients, and your hair care mask is ready for use!
  • Apply the paste onto your hair, after dividing it into sections, and cover the hair strands using a shower cap.

Leave the hair mask on overnight. Shampoo and then condition your hair in the morning. This sleep mask can be applied twice a week for excellent hair growth.

Why This Works:

Vitamin E is beneficial for the hair, regenerating the strands, and facilitating hair growth. Plain yogurt contains beneficial probiotics because they are potent antimicrobial nature. Finally, coconut oil contains MCFAs(2) or medium-chain fatty acids. They serve to coat the hair, functioning as a natural moisturizer.

[ Read: The 6 Best Hair Masks Products for Dry or Damaged Hair ]

3. Amla and Coconut Oil



  • Take amla or Indian gooseberry.
  • Cut a few pieces of this fruit and soak it overnight in a single cup of coconut oil. Place the contents in a heated saucepan in the morning and let the mixture boil.
  • When it starts boiling at a low flame, let the mixture simmer till the color changes rapidly.
  • Remove it from the fire and let the mixture cool usually.
  • Strain and separate the amla from the oil.

Apply this oil on the scalp and, for about 5 minutes, massage it in. Leave the hair mask on overnight. Shampooing and conditioning the hair in the morning in the next step. The sleeping mask needs to be used twice or thrice a week.

[Read: Hair Mask for Dry Scalp]

Why This Works:

Amla and coconut oil are two potent hair care ingredients that add value to your hair care regime. Indian gooseberry or amla is an excellent hair care remedy. It adds volume to the hair, besides improving shine and luster. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is a robust and potent emollient. It coats the hair in excellent lubricants, which will enhance the sheen of the tresses.

So, that is the complete selection of DIY sleeping hair mask recipes we would like to suggest. Remember that hair care masks can work overnight only if you follow the steps correctly. Don’t overuse these hair masks either, because too much of a good thing amounts to nothing, as far as hair care, goes. Do note that the different ingredients recommended for these DIY masks add excessive volume and shine to the hair. If you have a party or a get together coming up, do whip up these hair masks for the best hair care outcomes.