Women's Health

Treat A Painful UTI With Oregano Oil

More than 50% of women suffer from UTI at least once in their lifetime(1). Not only are UTIs common, but they can also be uncomfortable and painful. Generally, UTI occurs in females, but in some rare cases, it also affects males. A bacterium is said responsible for acquiring this kind of infection. It multiplies in the urinary system and causes complications if the condition is left untreated.

While antibiotics are perceived as the standard treatment option for the treatment of the condition, they may also lead to yeast infection. Oregano oil is being touted as a viable alternative to antibiotics for treating UTI. But how effective is oregano oil for UTI, and how do you use it? Will see more on this.

How Effective Is Oregano Oil for UTI?

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Some preliminary studies(2) have indicated that the use of essential oils plays a significant role in treating UTI. Further research is needed to know more about it, though. Due to the lack of research on the effect of essential oils, the benefits of oregano oil in treating UTI has been mostly anecdotal.

Escherichia coli, also known as E.coli, is the bacteria which is responsible for causing. Essential oils such as oregano oil work effectively in relieving from the symptoms of UTI. If you are suffering from UTI, you need to know how to use oregano oil for better results.

A study conducted in 2015 found that oregano oil could kill the bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Another study (3) conducted in 2012 showed that oregano oil stopped the growth of E.coli. These two studies elucidate the fact that the oregano oil not only kills E.coli but also stalls its growth. Nonetheless, more research is needed to verify the positive contribution of oregano oil in treating UTI.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for UTI]

How to Use Oregano Oil for the Treatment of UTI?

Image: ShutterStock

To treat UTI, the recommended amount is 500 mg four times a day. However, it mostly depends on the condition of an individual. Due to which, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

As far as using oregano oil is concerned, you can either apply it on the affected part or ingest it orally. However, it is vital to dilute it with the carrier oil before application. This is because if you apply it directly, it can irritate your skin.

Usage 1: You can make a throat spray. Take equal quantities of oregano oil, grapeseed extract, echinacea, and goldenseal. Now, mix well and add this into a spray bottle. You can take this 3 to 4 times a day.

Usage 2: Take 2 to 3 drops of oregano oil and 1 ounce of coconut oil (Raw & unprocessed). You can apply this topically to the affected area using an applicator.

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Furthermore, it is also essential to ensure that the essential oil is applied in the right proportion. When used in excess, it can prove to be toxic. If you ingest it in excess amounts, it can lead to an upset stomach. Applying it directly in your genital area can lead to rashes. Kindly discuss with your doctor before using oregano oil to get a proper diagnosis. This will help you stave off the contingencies of further complications.

Oregano oil is one of the critical elements among essential oils. It is effective in containing the growth of E.coli in the urinary system of the body. Most people believe it is one of the viable alternatives to treat  UTI.

Notwithstanding the benefits of using the oil, you also need to be careful while applying it. It is strongly recommended that you should consult a doctor to find out the right way to use it. Following the proper procedure to use the oil holds the key to the successful treatment of UTI.

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1. How Much Oil of Oregano Should I Take for UTI?

The recommended dosage is 500 mg, four times a day. However, this amount may differ from one person to another. Kindly ask your doctor how much oregano oil you should take.

2. Is It Safe to Use Oregano Oil for the Treatment of UTI?

Oregano oil is effective in preventing the growth of E.coli. But more research is required to find out its efficacy in treating UTI.

3. What Are the Other Essential Oils We Can Use to Treat UTI?

The other essential oils you can use to treat UTI are clove oil, cinnamon oil, eucalyptus oil, cumin oil, lavender oil, and herbal oils. Kindly make sure to mix carrier oils like coconut oil or almond oil with essential oils. Essential oils should not be applied directly.

4. Can Young Girls Take Oregano Oil?

Young kids are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of essentials oils. Kindly talk to your doctor first to make sure if they are safe for your kids or not.