Brain & Mental Health

How to Use Mushrooms to Cure Depression

Treating mental disorders has always been a very complicated procedure. People with psychiatric disorders can be a threat to others or themselves. In such cases, treating them as soon as possible is a necessity. One of the most common mental disorders today is depression. Depression is a mood disorder where the person affected feels excessively sad for a significant fraction of the day.

People who suffer from depression tend to lose interest in activities and start to feel hopeless. There are several ways to detect whether one is depressed or not. Along with a depressed mood, people with depression usually change their eating habits (starve themselves or binge-eat), have a change in sleep pattern (insomnia or excessive sleeping) and continue to have repeated discontent thoughts. Consuming mushrooms for depression have shown to be effective in such cases and elevate their mood to an extent.

How Do Psychedelic Mushrooms Help?


Previously, psychedelics have been seen to improve the mood of those suffering from depression in the long term. Hallucinogens like psilocybin are found in, what is commonly called, magic mushrooms(1).

However, using mushrooms for recreation does not have the same impact as it does when consumed solely to understand one’s depression and other discontent feelings. Mushrooms for depression are consumed in a different and more goal-oriented way.

There are many theories on how psychedelic mushrooms work in curing depression.

One such theory is that they help in opening up pathways in the brain that are otherwise blocked without the influence of psychedelics. As these pathways are discovered, those under control automatically tend to experience a whole array of emotions.

Since these are carried out by someone under supervision, the direction of the conversation is steered towards their depression not to lose track. Those under the influence can openly face what they fear and feel more confident about their problems and how to deal with them.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Depression]

Dosage for Psychedelic Mushrooms

Mushrooms for depression are not the same as antidepressants in that. They are not addictive. Consuming mushrooms cannot lead to an overdose either. This is another reason that they should be used to cure depression primarily.

Any amount of mushrooms for depression dosage consumption cannot lead to an overdose. However, the amount consumed has an impact on how one feels under the influence. Too much and too little can both cause you to skip the essential phase that you should enter and instead lead you into a world of anxiety. While some therapists believe in starting with a more massive dose to overcome the anxiety stage, others suggest a smaller dosage to reduce the likeliness of anxiety.

Either way, mushrooms are not addictive. However, when mushrooms are used large amounts in a short period, they start to lose their effect. This is because the body gets habituated and adjusts to the mushroom.

Did You Know?

Buddhist adepts consumed a specific kind of magic mushroom to attain enlightenment.

How to Use Mushrooms for Depression


If you’re considering consuming magic mushrooms for depression(2), then here are a few pointers to help you out:

Before you get to the process of consuming mushrooms, you want to set aside half a day for it. Make sure you’ve read through a few websites to understand how it feels to be under the influence, and you should be confidently able to say that “I am ready for this.”

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You have to have at least 6 hours in hand to go through with this. The mushrooms take about an hour to set in, and after they do, they take another hour or two to leave.

You have to know how much mushroom it is that you want to take. A lot of people have complained of stomach aches for the first hour, and this usually leads to an extremely uncomfortable experience.

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Grab a paper and grab a pen. Write down anything that your therapist told you to think about. If you’re not in therapy, then call up your friends and ask them what it is that they believe you prioritize the most in your life. Make a list of all these so you can look back and reflect on them. Make a list of what you want to reflect on during your session on mushrooms. Paper also allows you to write down and remember everything you thought of while you were under the influence of mushroom.

As aforementioned, the mushroom can give you an upset tummy initially. To fix that, you could slice up your mushrooms and drink them with tea. This also accelerates the whole process. Otherwise, you can grab a jar of Nutella along with your shrooms if they taste too bad.

When you start to feel yourself getting happier, or you can tell that your emotions are getting more heightened, that is when the mushrooms are setting in. This is a little bit of a tricky part as you want to make sure not to get too distracted by the mushrooms’ effects. You should grab your list, read through it, and let your thoughts flow.

Your healthy brain allows you to block your emotions. With mushrooms for depression in your system, you have to let your feelings flow. You may feel angry, nervous, sad, happy, ecstatic, etc. Embrace those emotions and think about how you feel.

Finally, after about 2 hours, your emotions will be back to normal, and you may feel annoyed, but when you feel that, keep going back to your experience and think over what you thought when you were high on mushrooms.

Contrary to popular belief, psychedelic mushrooms are indeed helping cure depression in the long haul. Using it in the right way and exploring emotions while under the influence is sure to make one understand themselves and the world around them better.

[Also Read: Meditation for Depression]

Did You Know?

Psychedelic mushrooms may also help improve the condition of people who have autism.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do Magic Mushrooms Have Any Side Effects?

There are some physical and mental side effects of consuming mushrooms sometimes. These include numbness in areas of the face, heavy sweating, nausea and confusion (what people call “bad trip”), anxiety, and fixation on negative emotions.

2. What Are Some Precautions to Avoid Adverse Effects?

Mushrooms should be taken in the presence of someone for guidance and direction of thoughts. Another precaution to keep in mind is to keep drinking water even when under the influence and not mix any other drug or alcohol while consuming mushrooms.