Digestive Health

Ways to Get Relief from Constipation Using Milk of Magnesia

Constipation is a common problem among people from various regions across the world. In the United States, the records show that 20 % of people suffer from this illness. It is more present in the age group of older people. Though it is curable sometimes, it can be a symptom of some other problematic condition, which should not be left untreated. Milk of Magnesia is an effective laxative, that can easily fight with the problem of constipation.

How to Take Milk of Magnesia for Constipation

1. Liquid Form


How and How Much to Use?

Milk of Magnesia comes under the category of saline laxatives. Such laxatives are known as salts and act at the affected area at a faster rate. The activity of bowel movements increases quickly within a few hours after taking the Milk of Magnesia(1) dosage for constipation.

In most cases, the active bowel movements start to occur within six hours after its intake. The amount of consumption is present on theof the bottle, as per different age groups.

Children from the age of 6 to 11 can take approximately one to two tablespoons, whereas, individuals from the age of 12 and older, can take two to four tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia, per dose.

2. Tablets

How and How Much to Use?

Milk of Magnesia is also available in the form of chewable tablets for children. For consuming the dose in tablet form, children should take a full glass of liquid with every treatment. The quantity of the dose depends on different age groups –

  • Children from the ages of 6 to 13 years can take 3 to 6 tablets a day
  • Children from the ages of 2 to 6 years can take around 1 to 3 pills a day
  • One must consult a doctor before feeding the medicines to the children below the age of 2 years.

Why Use Milk of Magnesia for Constipation?

Milk of Magnesia is an effective saline laxative that can provide you immense relief from the problem of constipation. It works on the bowel movements by releasing water from the nearby tissue and spreading it across the bowel regions to make the stools pass quickly. The process softens the bowels and helps in increasing the activity of intestines.

There are three types of hyperosmotic laxatives – polymer, lactulose, and saline. Saline types are for common constipation(2), whereas lactulose ones are for the people who suffer from chronic constipation. One should not consume Milk of Magnesia for more than seven regular days.

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Precautions and Risk Factors Associated with Using Milk of Magnesia

Some people should take precautions before consuming the Milk of Magnesia. One should consult a doctor first, before the ingestion of Milk of Magnesia. You should be extra cautious if you’re suffering from the following –

  • Magnesium restricted diet
  • Kidney disease
  • Have intake of any prescription of drugs, as some might react with Milk of Magnesia
  • Pregnancy or in the state of breastfeeding (it is essential to consult a doctor in this case)

Constipation can occur due to a series of problems, and also it can be a sign of an underlying condition. Acute constipation is curable by using Milk of Magnesia, but in the cases of chronic constipation, it might not work that effectively. It is necessary to consult a doctor for the treatment of chronic constipation.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for Constipation]


1. What Are the Causes of Constipation?

There are a lot of things that can cause constipation. The most common one has an improper diet that does not get digested. Overeating of junk food or dairy products can cause constipation in many people. It can also be due to the consumption of other drugs or medications, resulting in constipation.

2. How Is the Milk of Magnesia Good for Constipation?

Milk of Magnesia is the most effective and efficient remedy for constipation. It is a saline laxative which can treat the issue within a few hours. One can consume it in the form of liquid, as well as chewable tablets. Children below the age of 12 years prefer chewing tablets.

3. What Are the Precautions for Using Milk of Magnesia?

The precautions of having Milk of Magnesia are –

  • Consult a doctor before using it, in case if you have an allergy.
  • Tell the doctor about your medical history if you have any kidney disease, appendicitis, etc.