Women's Health

Wonder Why Doctors Suggest Magnesium for Menstrual Cramps? Check This Out

A lot of many things pertaining to women’s health and the menstrual cycle that can be fixed with a magnesium dosage under a doctor’s guidance. A regular intake of Magnesium can treat the conditions related to menstruation like PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome), PCOD (Polycystic ovarian syndrome), and menstrual cramps.

Magnesium for menstrual cramps works miracles during painful menstrual cycles. And if you aren’t aware, you can fix menstrual cramps with a diet that is rich in Magnesium.


  1. Menstrual cramps are also known as dysmenorrhea.
  2. Our body requires Magnesium to carry out 300 biochemical actions in our body.
  3. Being low on magnesium can cause heavy periods.
  4. Magnesium helps in treating other painful symptoms associated with menstruation like menstruation migraine, body pain, and bloating too.

How Does Magnesium Work on Menstrual Cramps?


During a menstruation cycle(1), the uterus contracts causing lower abdominal pain that may feel like severe cramps. The intensity of pain may vary from person to person depending on the diet and other pre-existing condition like PCOD, Post-partum, etc.

Magnesium has a direct impact on muscles, and during menstruation, it relaxes the muscles, thus reducing pain. To maintain an active nerve function and healthy body, you need to have a regular intake of magnesium.

Magnesium also helps to absorb calcium. It keeps your heart healthy and keeps your blood sugar level low. Since magnesium works as a muscle relaxant, it makes a menstrual cycle pain free.

[Also Read: How to get rid of muscles cramps naturally]

Methods to Intake Magnesium

It is best to take magnesium for period cramps than taking harsh medications which might leave you with side -effects in the long run.

1. Food

The best way to raise your magnesium levels in your body is by taking the right food. There are plenty of vegetables and foods available that helps increase the magnesium levels in your body. Since this is a natural form of ingestion, it causes no side effects. Here’s a list of foods that are rich in magnesium:-

  • Nuts – Cashews, Almonds, and Peanuts are loaded with magnesium
  • Leafy vegetables like Spinach
  • Black beans
  • Peanut butter
  • Yogurt
  • Potato
  • Rice
  • Whole wheat bread and many more.
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Raisins
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Broccolis
  • Carrots

The magnesium requirement of an individual depends on age. People between the age group of 14 – 18 years and pregnant women need foods that are highly rich in magnesium(2).

[Also Read: Best Foods to Relieve Muscle Cramps]

2. Magnesium Supplements


A lot of people don’t get the required amount of magnesium from food alone, which is when you can have prescribed supplements. A 250 gm of magnesium dosage for 3 months can provide a lot of relief from menstrual pain and cramps.

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3. Omega 3 and Magnesium

Omega 3 helps to build hormone production and also works as an anti-inflammatory agent, thus providing relief from period pain. Magnesium for period pain is always a good supporting agent, hence these two together aid in reducing prepain.

4. Magnesium and Vitamin B6

B complex vitamins are known for their multiple uses. Taking B6 together with Magnesium helps in the absorption of magnesium by the body. B6 also helps in various menstrual problems, especially PMS. It cuts down its symptoms that include lower abdominal pain, cramping, and mood swings.

5. Calcium and Magnesium for Menstrual cramps

These two work as great together when taken in the right balance. Calcium works as an excellent pain killer and magnesium works in the same way.

The dosage has to be determined by a medical practitioner as Calcium in high dosage can omit pain but also deplete the body, or cause kidney stones and heart diseases.

6. Magnesium with Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a versatile vitamin. Most of us are low in Vitamin D due to lack of exposure to the Sun. It is known to provide relief along with magnesium for period cramps. To utilize the stored Vitamin D in the human body, adequate magnesium is required.

[Also Read: Treat leg Cramps using Magnesium Supplements]

Precautions To Be Undertaken While Taking Magnesium

  • Always take magnesium for menstrual cramps in limited portions, since an overdose of magnesium can lead to diarrhea.
  • If you have a kidney problem, avoid taking magnesium for long-term use.
  • Consult a doctor for the required supplements and dosage.

Magnesium is used to treat a lot of gynecological problems. Testing of Serum Magnesium helps in understanding the dosage required by your body. Magnesium levels in the human body go down before menstruation, which is why many people complain of feeling low and being sluggish before and during periods. Thus, you must increase the dosage of magnesium intake to avoid period pains.

[Also Read: Yoga to Relieve Menstrual Cramps]


1. How Much Magnesium Should I Take for Menstrual Pain?

The dosage of magnesium should always be decided by your doctor if your taking supplements. After assessing magnesium levels in your body, the dosage will be determined.

2. How Effective Is Magnesium in Treating Period Pain?

It is very effective. Magnesium relaxes the muscles of the uterus, thus helping in reducing period cramps.