Pain Management

Say Goodbye to Sore Muscles Using These Popular Natural Remedies

Adults and children too can experience muscle aches. Aching and sore muscles are not a big thing to worry about, and the pain will go away without medical treatment.

However, pain in muscles may sometimes indicate an underlying illness. Common reasons for pain in muscles could be overexertion, dehydration, deficiency of minerals (like calcium, magnesium, and potassium), viral infections, exercise, injury, and trauma to a specific body area.

It also includes problems in the blood flow, few medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, anesthetics, and statins. To get rid of the muscle ache, you can adopt topical treatments, supplements, essential oils, and also other home remedies for sore muscles.


  • According to a survey, 100 million Americans who suffer due to chronic pain. 1 in 10 Americans is experiencing pain every day for three months or more.
  • Moreover, people spend a long duration in the gym like for 24 – 48 hours experiences muscle soreness.

Home Remedies for Sore Muscles

1. Honey


Honey is considered an anti-bacterial remedy. It can beat all types of infections, which might be present in the human body. Honey can soothe a sore throat. It also helps in keeping your body muscles calm and relaxed. You can also get relieved from the pain quickly.

A drink that contains honey and coconut water is perfect for sore muscles(1). The coconut water consists of various electrolytes that help in dehydration, which is the leading cause of sore muscles. The drink has citrus and honey, and together it boosts up energy levels.

You can take two spoons of honey in 2-3 times a day. You can add honey in other ingredients of remedy as well.

[Also Read: Benefits of Essential Oils for Sore Muscles]

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar acts as a perfect remedy for sore muscles. It is a type of vinegar prepared from apples. The alkalizing and anti-inflammatory properties of Apple cider vinegar helps in reducing muscle pain as well as inflammation.

It is up to you whether you want to drink the apple cider vinegar or use it topically. Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water and drink it. Apply the mixture on the affected muscles directly. Dip the towel in that mixture and squeeze it. After that, place it on the affected part. Let it stay for an hour.

Mix a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in a full glass of water. You can also consult your doctor before taking it.

[Also Read: Effective Ways To Treat Bed Sores]

3. Ice Therapy


Cold treatment or ice pack helps in reducing the inflammation by reducing blood flow. You need to apply an ice pack or do cold therapy within 48 hours after getting an injury.

You can go for ice packs, ice massages or ice slush baths. Ice will reduce swelling, bruising, muscle spasms, and pain. For cryotherapy or cold therapy, you can use a filled cold water bottle; a pad cooled in the freezer or chilled water. You can wrap a few ice cubes in a soft cotton cloth and place that on the affected area.

It is recommendable to use an ice pack or cold treatment for around three days after the injury.  Do not keep the ice pack at one place for a longer duration as it can cause numbness. In case of a severe condition, you need to consult your doctor.

[Read: Heat or Cold Therapy for Sore Muscle]

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4. Epsom Salt for Sore Muscles

Epsom salt is an excellent ingredient for the muscles. It helps in relaxing the muscles and relieving pain in the skull, shoulders, back, and neck. For example, your muscles surrounding the skull get relaxed as the magnesium in it may help in releasing a migraine or headache.

You need to mix 2 cups of Epsom salt to the standard-sized bathtub, filled with water. You may need to increase or decrease the Epsom salt quantity according to the tub size. Dissolve the salt under running water.

Soak the affected body part for a minimum of 12 minutes in the Epsom salt mixed water.

[Read: Epsom Salt for Sore Muscles]

5. Diet


Often intake of processed foods or ready meals is responsible for increasing the inflammation(2) in a human body because of refined carbohydrates, high sugar, and salt content. You can reduce it by including natural sources of antioxidants in your diet.

You may incorporate the fresh vegetables, fruits, and green leaves in your diet. Some herbal teas such as green tea and dark chocolate enable the human body in dealing with the damage and also decrease the age-related risks.

You can also add a few spices to your food. Also, include turmeric powder, basil, ginger, chili peppers, thyme or garlic, and cinnamon, also known as pain killers as well as inflammation relieving compounds.

You can limit the number of food items that are the reasons for inflammation and add other beneficial food items after consulting with your doctor.

In case you experience muscle pain regularly, that means you need more advanced treatment. When talking about chronic joint pain, it is considered an OsteoArthritis symptom and must be addressed as soon as possible. Different treatment plans are available for helping those who have OsteoArthritis.

If you feel mild pain or symptoms, then you surely need to try home remedies for sore muscles. You may use a few tips to prevent sore muscles such as staying hydrated, stretching the muscles, doing regular exercise, etc. It is better to treat mild inflammation by using home remedies rather than adopting other medicinal treatments.


1. What Supplements Help with Sore Muscles?

You can intake few food items as supplements such as seeds like flax seeds, nuts, and fish oils, naturally enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D & calcium supplements, proteins, Proteolytic enzymes, Glucosamine, and SAMe, etc. Before taking any supplements, you need to talk to the doctor to confirm that it will not affect your health condition.

2. What Foods Help with Muscle Soreness?

Few food items that are recommendable and must be added to the grocery list. The food items such as Salmon, Cherries, Berries & Red grapes, Tumeric, Onions & Garlic, Ginger, Soy, and Coffee helps in relaxing the sore muscles.

3. Do Exercises Help with Sore Muscles?

When you do regular low-impact exercises, for example, stretching, walking, or yoga it could help in improving the circulation of the blood circulation. It also helps in reducing pain effectively.