
Top 5 Potent Green Peas Benefits for Health and Beauty

If you are looking for healthy ways to suppress your hunger pangs, then resort to a cup of soft and sweet green peas to give your body a rich, nutritious boost. Green peas have been part of human life since ages and are still consumed all over the world. Read on to find out the remarkable green peas benefits for health.

What are green peas?

Green peas refer to the tiny spherical and edible seeds encased in a pod. These pods are fruits that belong to the Pisumsativum tree of the Fabaceae family. The origin of green peas lies in the snowy plains of the Himalayas in north-western India.

Green peas are tender, sweet, and almost indispensable in the culinary department during winter. The seeds can be eaten raw or cooked with other vegetarian and non-vegetarian items into a delicious and colorful dish.

Green Peas Nutrition Profile

Green peas calories: 81 calories in 100 grams of it.

  • Green peas are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants. Green peas contain-
  • Vitamins C, B1, B9, and K
  • Minerals such as copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium
  • Green peas protein like lysine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, and tryptophan

Top 5 Extraordinary Green Peas Benefits for Health and Beauty

1. How dried green peas benefits for curing stomach cancer?

Image: Shutterstock

The consumption of green peas benefits health by protecting the stomach against stomach cancer. It contains a polyphenolic compound named coumestrol that aids in the cure of stomach cancer by promoting apoptosis or cell death of cancerous cells and prevent metastasis or the spreading of cancer in the abdominal region.

2. How frozen green peas benefits for the enhancement of body immunity?

Green peas benefits the immune system. The peas contain flavonoids like epicatechin, catechin, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and coumestrol. These flavonoids turn green peas into a powerhouse of antioxidants that protect the immune system from oxidative stress inflicted by free radicals and prevent a wide variety of diseases from affecting the body.

3. How the fiber in green peas benefits for the gastrointestinal system?

The fiber in green peas benefits the health of the digestive system. The peas are rich in dietary fiber content which helps in the regulation of bowel movement and prevent constipation, stomach flu, bloating, cramp, and irritable bowel movement.

4. How roasted green peas benefits for the cardiovascular system?

Image: Shutterstock

Consumption of green peas benefits cardiac health. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant phytochemicals present in green peas protect the heart and the blood vessels against inflammation and oxidative stress by decreasing the levels of homocysteine, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

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5. How frozen green peas aid for the health of bones and teeth?

Consumption of green peas benefits the health and strength of bones and teeth. The peas are rich in vitamin K that enhance the absorption of calcium and phosphorus which are the two minerals that are incredibly beneficial for the improvement in mineral density and firmness of bones and teeth.

Green Peas Recipe

1. Green Peas Salad

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  • Three cups of frozen green peas
  • 1/2 an onion evenly diced
  • 1/2 a cup of shredded cheese
  • 1/2 a cup of mayonnaise
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • One cup of cooked minced chicken


  • Cook the green peas with water for about 10 minutes
  • Blend the mayonnaise and sugar in a bowl and set it aside
  • Add the onion cubes and shredded cheese with tossing and stirring
  • Remove the heat and add the sugar and mayonnaise mixture to the food
  • Add the cooked minced chicken to the salad and mix to get it evenly mixed
  • Refrigerate the salad
  • Serve the salad with buttered toast

2. Green peas soup

Image: Shutterstock


  • Two cups of split green peas
  • One cup of diced carrots
  • One cup of chopped beans
  • One bowl of boiled noodles
  • One cup of diced mushrooms
  • 1/2 a cup of sweet corn
  • 2-3 tablespoons of virgin olive oil
  • Two onions finely chopped
  • One dried bay leaf
  • 5-6 cups of vegetable stock or water
  • One teaspoon of salt
  • One teaspoon of pepper
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Two teaspoons of corn flour


  • Heat the oil in a pot over a medium flame
  • Add the chopped onions in the pot and stir until they turn brown
  • Add the vegetable stock, along with all the vegetables in the pot
  • Let the contents simmer over the flame until the veggies get well cooked
  • Add the noodles in the pot along with salt, pepper, and lemon juice
  • Blend the cornflour with 2-3 tablespoons of water to form a smooth slurry
  • Add the slurry to the soup and cook for another minute
  • Let the soup simmer down in a few minutes
  • Garnish the soup with the bay leaf and a handful of boiled green split peas and serve hot

Green Peas Side Effects

The purines contained in green peas interfere with the renal health. Given below are a few side effects of consumption of green peas.

  • Digestive disorders
  • Acid reflux and nausea
  • Interference with medication
  • Complications with pregnancy


Green peas are not only delicious but are replete with a host of excellent health and beauty benefits. From fighting against cardiac problems to protecting the body against oxidative damage, green peas benefits can address several ailments and keep you healthy and gorgeous.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do green peas taste like?

Ripe and young green peas taste sweet and juicy. When the pea ripens and becomes old, the taste assumes a dull and bitter note. Green peas can be eaten raw, ripe, tender, and young.

2. What is the best way of cooking green peas?

The two methods of cooking peas that are healthy include steaming the peas and roasting the peas.

3. When is the best time of the day to have green peas?

You can begin your day on a healthy note with a glass of green peas smoothie and end your day with a bowl of piping hot green peas soup for dinner.