Pain Management

How to Get Rid of Bunions Without Any Surgery

Bunions are common yet most painful foot ailments most people suffer from. If you grieve from bunion pain, and if your doctor has suggested surgery, then the only option to ease the pain is to hold just right there as we have tremendous news for you. if you are wondering how to get rid of bunions than here are some of the natural ways to treat bunions.

According to Dr. Ray McClanahan, a podiatrist from Poland and an influential leader in traditional foot care treatments, most foot ailments can be cured naturally by restoring their natural function. Dr. Ray has invented the ‘Correct Toes’, over-the-counter toe spacers that can get rid of innumerable toe-related problems.

Bunions are large bumps protruding out at the base of the big toes (It looks like as if the bigger toe pointing towards the second toe). The scientific term of the condition is called Hallux Abductovalgus.

Symptoms include pointed base of the big toe. As it progresses, the affected area may turn red and cause bursitis or blisters and even callus formation over the bunion(1). Overtime, the nerves would start getting damaged which can cause numbness or sharp pain. If a bunion is untreated, the pain can spread to the joints.

Bunions are common in women than in men. (Yes, those high heels are your foe).

How to Get Rid of Bunions Naturally


Bunions are permanent; yeah that’s the saddest part. Unless it is removed surgically, you cannot get rid of them. However, Dr. Ray and another podiatrist, GeorgeanneBotek, DPM(2), Head of the Section of Podiatry and Medical Director of Cleveland Clinic’s Diabetic Foot Clinic say that there are some measures that can slow down a bunion’s progress and make you comfortable.

People with flexible joints have a higher level of tolerance of their bunion pain. So, the question is how can you lower the pain effectively and stop the bunion growth.

One of the best ways is diagnosing the abnormal growth at the very beginning and changing lifestyle accordingly. Changing the footwear is the immediate remedial measure you need to adopt.

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Wearing fitting and comfortable shoes that are low-heeled and provide plenty of toe space (Shoes that have wider front part) are great for feet.

Ways You Can get how to get rid of Bunions Pain and Pressure on Toe

[Also Read: Essential Oils to Treat Bunions]

Below Are Seven Ways to Get Rid of Bunion Pain:

  • Reduce your weight if you’re obese or overweight. Obese people who wear raised heels tend to develop bunions faster than others. Your full-body pressure will be on those tender toes. Imagine what you would be doing to the bone? Maintaining a normal weight will put less pressure on your toes and heels
  • Buy Moleskin or gel fitted pad and tape it around the bunion like a bandage. They are self-adhesive tapes that hold the pad in place. The pads can be easily worn and fit inside all types of shoes.
  • Simple massaging that comprises of a range of exercises could be an effective and relaxing treatment for bunions. The massage shown in the video retrains toe muscles to move toe to their natural position
  • Wearing paddings such as shoe inserts help to position the foot correctly. They are called arch supporters. You can buy them over the counter or get one prescribed from your doctor
  • You can also try a doctor prescribed splint. Splints are movable toe holders or toe separators specially designed for bunion feet. They relieve you from foot pain and come along with gel cushion support. Wearing them at night or whenever you are at home relaxing, to hold the toe straight can help a lot
  • Use warm socks or ice packs to ease discomfort
  • Wearing a well-fitted shoe will considerably reduce bunion effects and pain. Measure your foot size correctly. Ask the store staff to do so
  • Buy shoes that are flat-heeled and have comfortable support
  • Choose a show with wide toe boxes that lets your toe to spread
  • Buy shoes that have little or no arch support
  • Don’t buy heavy shoes. Go for flexible and lightweight designs instead

If the conditions that caused bunions, persist for a longer period, there are chances that you would require surgery, hence it is recommended that you check with your doctor first.

Using these remedies and treatments, there are fair chances that you would not require

So, make sure you make conscious efforts to keep your feet happy and moving.

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