Natural Remedies

5 Magnificent Essential Oils for Bee Stings That You Must Try

We live in a century which is so advanced that we could get the knowledge of everything with the click of a button. Whether it is news, sports, games or anything else, it is all about just a click. There is so much information regarding the treatment of various ailments and you realize that many health conditions can be treated easily using home remedies.

Bee Stings is one such problem that we don’t encounter much too often, but there is tremendous pain experienced after a bee sting. It leaves you in excruciating pain and if not treated in time can cause immense discomfort. There are no particular medicines to treat this condition but now there are some terrific essential oils for bee stings, using which you can easily manage the pain and discomfort caused due to it.

These essential oils are still an integral part of every household and work as a solution to a large number of health problems in a completely natural way.


Symptoms of bee stings can range from mild, moderate to the severe allergic reactions like

  • Instant, sharp burning pain at the sting site
  • Slight swelling around the sting area
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

[Also Read: Remedies For Bee Stings]

What essential oils are good for bee stings.

Essential oils for bee stings are extracted from natural sources such as plants, fruits, and herbs. They are completely organic in nature and without any long-term side effects. They work on treating the root cause of the problem and offer significant relief from a large number of ailments.

Here are some of the most useful essential oils for bee stings that you can use if ever you suffer from this condition

1. Lemon essential oil for bee stings

Image: ShutterStock

Lemon has been used for ages in our homes to neutralize the venom of bee or wasp, and the same way goes to the modern age lemon oil.

Why use lemon oil for bee stings.

Lemon oil can be used as an agent to neutralize the venom.

How to use Lemon essential oil

Take a few drops of the lemon oil and mix with a carrier oil like olive oil. Now apply gently over the affected area for instant relief.

[Read: 6 Effective Ways of Healing a Bee Sting]

2. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil should be present in all homes as it not only helps us in bee stings, but it could also in usage in other variety of bites such as insect bites.

Why should we use Tea tree essential oil for bee stings?

Tea tree essential oil has some medical properties. It is antibacterial, antifungal and at the same time anti-inflammatory. These properties can help you fight pain and at the same time help soothe your swelling after a bee sting.

How to use Tea Tree essential oil

Take a few drops of the tea tree oil and mix with coconut oil. Now, apply over the bee sting and leave for a few minutes before wiping clean.

[Also Read: Tips to Treat Fire Ant Bites Naturally]

3. Peppermint essential oil

Image: ShutterStock

Peppermint essential oil comes from the leaves of the plant named Menthapiperita plant. It has a lot of medicational properties; it is most commonly used for insect bites and stings.

Why use Peppermint essential oil for bee-stings

The reason why you should peppermint essential oil is that it contains menthol, which in usage for minor aches, pains, spasms, and itching that are associated with insect bites. Peppermint essential oil is said to be more effective than pain-killers.

How to use Peppermint essential oil

First, you need to dilute the peppermint oil with a carrier oil. You need to apply this mix in the areas where the bee has stung, three times a day

4. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is a very effective insect repellent you can apply it while going outside of your homes for shopping, playing, etc. It is also used usefully against mosquito and spider bites.

Why use lavender oil for bee stings

You should use lavender oil as it contains a dominant anti-inflammatory component such as linalool and linalyl acetate. Some studies show that it is sometimes more effective than tramadol, that is a prescribed pain-relieving medicine

How to use lavender essential oil

You can use Lavender essential oil by diluting it and using it on the area where you are bitten to relieve swelling, pain itching, and irritation.

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5. Frankincense essential oil

Image: ShutterStock

Why use Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense is not to be taken as less as it can help different types of health problems such as wound healing, pain and swelling apart from this it I knew to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities.

How to use Frankincense essential oil

Take a few drops of the frankincense essential oil and mix with coconut oil. Now, apply over the affected area.

How do the essential oils for bee sting benefit?

As we know, these are, made up of substances which are not contaminated and are safe to use. These essential oils for bee sting are a perfect blend of both nature and technology, but at the same time, we should contemplate on the fact that these products were with us for centuries.

We could see that these products are so natural to acquire and at the same time easy to use that even many healthcare experts refer to them.

Why use these essential oils for bee stings?

Bee stings are a common occurrence in almost every household, though bee stings are nothing serious, unless and until the number of bees that have stung you is significant. Still, bee stings can cause a lot of pain, irritation, and swelling.

Rather than going out for chemical medicine we could rely on this essential oil as they have little to no side effects and at the same time their result after usage is very Signiant in a positive way.

Do’s and Don’ts of essential oils for bee stings


  • Always buy these essential oils from a certified seller for authenticity.
  • Always mix them with a carrier oil before applying.
  • Always wash the oil off with lukewarm water.


  • Do not keep it near a fire or gas stove.
  • Do not ingest without consulting an expert.


Though these essential oils for bee sting are safe to use you should have some precautions etched to your memory before usage.

Proper Dilution

If you are using or are about to use these essential oils for bee stings you should keep this in mind that using these essential oils directly on the sensitive part of your skin, might cause discomfort. Never try to dilute these oils with water as it won’t work always. Dilute these oils with other carrier oils such as coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil.

Keep precaution around flames.

Always try to use these essential oils away from combustible sources as some of these oils are flammable.

How to Get It Out of Your Eyes

If accidentally these essential oils find a way to your eyes, you should wash it off with cold running water.

List of essential oils for bee stings

  • Lavender Oil
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Vetiver Oil
  • German Chamomile Oil
  • Rose Geranium Oil

Other Homemade Recipes

1. Honey

Image: ShutterStock

Is one of the most used home remedies for bee stings. It has unique qualities of a healing wound, decrease pain and itching.

To treat bee sting at home with the help of the honey, you should apply a small amount of honey where the bee stung you. Cover that portion with a loose cloth or bandage for an hour.

2. Baking soda

Though this product is in usage in kitchens, it also has meditational properties. Baking soda helps in neutralizing bee poison and helps in reducing pain, itching, and swelling.

Now how to use baking soda? You must apply a thick coating of baking soda to the affected area. Cover that area with a clean cloth or bandage and leave it for 15 minutes and use it again if needed.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is also an agent used to neutralize bee’s venom.

You can soak a clean cloth or bandage in vinegar and then apply it to the place you were bitten. You can also directly soak the site you were stung in the basin of apple cider vinegar.

As we could see from the above facts, it is clear that essential oils for bee stings can work wonders to help you get rid of the excruciating pain and discomfort caused due to bee stings.

These essential oils are completely organic and natural in nature, thereby offering you a chance to get rid of your pain without any side-effects. Apart from bee stings, these essential oils are useful in other insect bites as well.