Pain Management

Use Cream of Tartar to Quickly Heal Migraines

Cream of tartar is known chemically as potassium bitartrate/potassium hydrogen tartrate and is derived through fermentation. Cream of tartar for migraines is a well-known, anecdotal cure, according to popular accounts. This ingredient is used in baking applications, but it can also be used as baking soda.

At the time of the wine-making process, this byproduct is in crystal form that precipitates from the grape skin and the wine itself. When it is used in cooking applications, it can serve to balance egg whites and stabilize whipped cream, besides preventing sugar crystallization in the baking process.

It’s also used as a cleaning agent. Because of its moderating effect, and its medicinal benefits, it is also used as a remedy for ailments like a migraine. Let’s find out if this natural remedy benefits headache patients.

Why Use Cream of Tartar for Migraine?


Cream of tartar is an acidic agent commonly used in kitchens for cooking and baking purposes. However, this sour-tasting ingredient has been used as a home remedy by migraine(1) sufferers over the years. While supporters claim natural resources yield results, the treatment is not FDA approved.

So, before considering the cream of tartar for migraine relief, consult your doctor. Aside from culinary uses, it is a potent purgative, too. When taken with water, cream of tartar is said to neutralize the effects of MSG poisoning, a migraine trigger, and raise blood pH levels of the body, creating an alkaline environment.

However, in high doses, it can be life-threatening and fatal, causing hyperkalemia(2) or excessive potassium in the blood, causing issues with muscles and nerves, including the heart. Despite this risk, many experts cite how the cream of tartar can be a powerful acidulent.

Cream of tartar for migraine relief is because this natural remedy acts as a buffer to control acidity-alkalinity levels during food processing. Cream of tartar also enhances the impact of antioxidants and makes them more useful. This additive helps in achieving good outcomes for migraine sufferers, according to some popular accounts.

[ Read: Cream of Tartar Health Benefits ]

Nutritional Profile of Cream of Tartar

One tablespoon of cream of tartar has the following ingredients:

Calorie count 23.2 calories
Zero sugar and zero fat
Sodium content
4.7 mg or 1% RDV
Carbohydrates 5.5 grams
Potassium 1485 mg
Fiber 1% RDV
0.7mg or 1% RDV
0.3 mg or 5% RDV
0.2 mg or 1% RDV
0.5 mg or 1% RDV
Selenium 1% RDV
Zinc 1% RDV
Copper 1% RDV
Manganese 1% RDV

Many uses of cream of tartar exist. It is a top functional ingredient.

Ways to use Cream of Tartar for Migraine

Cream of tartar can be mixed with lemon juice and Epsom salt and consumed in minute quantities as a purgative. One can use the following remedy for migraine relief.

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Citrus-Cream of Tartar Drink

List of Ingredients:

  • Three fresh oranges
  • Three lemons
  • Three grapefruits
  • Epsom salts of around 50 grams
  • Cream of tartar around 50 grams
  • Purified/filtered water of 1.5 liters


Thoroughly wash and scrub the fruits clean. Remove all chemicals and sprays from the surface of the fruit by cleansing it thoroughly. Then remove the seeds and blend the skin/fiber of the fruit in a juicer. Let this mixture remain overnight.

The next step is to boil water, adding Epsom salt and cream of tartar. Then, add the blended mixture of fruits to the boiled water. Pour the solution in the jar and let it remain refrigerated if you prefer the drink chilled.


Take two tablespoons of the frozen mixture each day early in the morning. Follow this up with a glass of lukewarm water and a half tablespoon of vitamin-C powder. Cream of tartar for migraine alleviation can be facilitated.

[ Read: Treat Migraine Naturally ]

Side Effects and Precautions

  • Many side effects of the cream of tartar exist. High levels of potassium content in this cream result in too much potassium in the bloodstream. This type of problem can be noted for those consuming large amounts of cream of tartar for migraine relief.
  • As the cream of tartar is known as a purgative or laxative with diuretic properties, it can lead to loss of liquid in the body.
  • Dehydration can have a wide range of adverse side effects. For those being treated for kidney problems or disorders, cream of tartar or any other potassium-rich foods should never be used sans medical approval.

Additionally, potassium in the natural agent can leach body salts, for using too much cream of tartar for migraines can cause dry lips, problems swallowing, unusually dark urine, and difficulty in producing sweat or tears. If you experience any of these types of clear side effects, contact your doctor immediately.

Therefore, the cream of tartar offers a lot of benefits, and an equal number of pitfalls when it comes to migraine relief. The worst part about using cream of tartar for migraines is the possibility of blood poisoning and hyperkalemia. So, while this remedy may be natural, cheap, and even useful in some cases, proceed with caution.

[ Read: Home Remedies for Migraine Relief ]


1. Is there a substitute for cream of tartar?

Various DIY substitutes for the cream of tartar exist. These include lemon juice, white vinegar, baking powder, buttermilk, or yogurt.

2. Is the cream of tartar the same as baking soda?

While baking soda or sodium bicarbonate and cream of tartar share chemical similarities and similar benefits for health and cleaning purposes, they are not the same. Cream of tartar is more potent as a stabilizer, as compared to baking soda. Each serves a different meaning in cooking. The acid helps the baking soda to rise. It is this acidic content that makes cream of tartar for migraine relief possible.