Beauty & Skin Care

Effective Benefits of Using Coconut Oil for Treating Scars at Home

The modern idea of beauty is to have flawless skin that is free from all blemishes. But no matter how much precautions you take, some skin condition will get to affect you. One such condition is scarred skin. Scars are a result of blemishes which are inflamed. There are two kinds of scars –  shallow lesions, and deep scars.

Shallow lesions on the skin surface are usually tiny and heal very quickly. Whereas deep break in the walls of the pores from the surrounding tissues of the inflamed pore leads to deeper lesions. The skin undergoes a repair process against these lesions by producing collagen fibers, which eventually repairs these acne scars giving a very flawless and smooth finish to the skin.

There are so many natural methods to cure and reduce the scarring caused due to acne. One such natural method is using coconut oil for treating this problem.

    1. Why use
    2. How to use
    3. DIY Recipes
    4. Other Home Remedies

Causes of Scars

  • Accident or Injury
  • Burning or scalding
  • Medical Procedure such as surgery
  • Unintentional cuts or harm
  • Surgical incisions,
  • In some cases, even chickenpox, measles, etc. may also cause scars.

Symptoms of Scars

  • Itchiness and pain
  • Burning sensation on the skin
  • Restricted movement in the affected area
  • The hard and rubbery texture
  • Red and raised skin around the affected area

Coconut oil for scars

Image: ShutterStock

Everyone is very much familiar with coconut oil(1). However, this oil is way beyond just being used in the kitchen, which is a healthy cooking alternative. It is also known for its incredible properties benefitting the skin and hair. It is an excellent moisturizer for skin and also helps in minimizing scars.

The use of coconut oil for treating scars has been followed since ancient times. It is rich in many vitamins, minerals and various kinds of healthy proteins. It has been used to treat scars, as it is rich in healing properties. What is more, is that the rich mineral and nutrient content in coconut oil helps you find a way to heal scars.

It can also reduce inflammation, as well as help you reduce pigmentation in the affected areas of the skin.

[Read Also: Tea tree oil for scars]

Why use coconut oil for scars

Many types of research claim coconut oil to be very helpful in treating wounds and dermatitis (called eczema). For both these cases, it acts as a thick moisturizing barrier for the skin as it heals. The same applies to scars. It helps to boost collagen production. Collagen production helps with reducing and repairing the fine lines but is a great help with minimizing scarring by binding a new skin tissue layer.

It also has immense benefits which even the skin tone, and also helps against the issues related to redness and hyperpigmentation. As Coconut oil contains,  vitamin E in natural form, it helps with all such conditions. It is an effective and natural remedy for acne scarring, stretch marks, hypertrophic scars, keloid scars, and contracture scars.

Another wonderful reason to use coconut oil to remove scars which are a result of Acne.

How to use coconut oil for scars?


The best way to use coconut oil is through topical application. Take a few drops of the coconut oil in your palms, rub them together and then gently massage around the affected area. Keep on massaging till the oil is absorbed by the skin entirely. Repeat this process twice every day until you notice a visible improvement.

There are many products such as skin creams and lotions that have coconut oil as an ingredient. Using them as per described instructions is the best way to avail the comprehensive benefits.

It is advised to do a patch test with the oil before getting onto using it on the face. Just apply some amount of oil onto the forearm and cover it using a bandage.  If there are experiencing irritation, redness or inflammation within 24 hours, then the oil or the product is safe to use elsewhere.

Side effects:

Coconut oil also has some side effects. And thus, a patch test is advised to determine how the skin will react to the oil. Generally, there are not many cases reported. However, when it is applied to surgical scars(2), some may experience contact dermatitis. If you are allergic to coconut oil or any product which contains it, avoid using it.

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Excessive use of anything is bad and this is the same for oils. Always advising a health expert to decide what is suitable for you will reduce the chances of side effects like allergic reactions and skin irritation.

Do’s and Don’ts:

It is always suggested that you consult a health expert to determine what works best for you. Never ingest oils. Always take precautions when it comes to children, pets, and elders. Unnecessary and overconsumption could also prove to be fatal. Topical applications or inhalations can reap the benefits of oils. Don’t use too much, since essential oils are very much concentrated and potent.

[Also Read: Essential Oils For Scars]


Although coconut oil is considered to be 100% safe, there are some precautions that you need to keep in mind:

  • Only good quality oil should be used. Furthermore, coconut oil of medicinal grade should be used. Look for 100% pure or certified oil.
  • Organic coconut oil should not be used in sensitive areas. Make sure that you do not apply them to sensitive areas.
  • Before making use of the oils, you should test the oils for some reactions on your body first. A patch test is advised to see if the oil causes some reactions in your body, itches or irritation.
  • It can also cause allergies and loose stool.

DIYs Using Coconut Oil

The amazing healing properties of coconut oil can be further accentuated with the help of these below-mentioned solutions which when used in combination, would work wonders: –

1. Coconut Oil Face Pack

  • Add two tbsp of coconut oil in a glass bowl. Now, add one tbsp raw honey and two tbsp of fresh aloe vera gel to it.
  • Mix the solution to prepare a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste all over the affected area and let it stay for half an hour.
  • Later on, wash it off with fresh water.
  • Repeat this process once every day for two weeks for visible improvement.

[Also Read: How To Get Rid Of Old Scars In 5 Ways]

2. Coconut Oil Scrub

  • In a glass bowl add two tbsp of coconut oil, two tbsp of olive oil and four tbsp of sugar.
  •  Stir it properly to prepare a coarse mixture.
  • Scrub on the affected area with this mixture for ten minutes and leave it on for another ten minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat this every alternate day for visible improvement.

Other Home Remedies for Scars

In addition to using the coconut oil as mentioned above, you can also use the below mentioned home remedies

  • Honey Mask:

Honey has natural moisturizing effects and also helps with the stimulation of tissue regeneration. Because of which it is one of the best ingredients to be used as a part of your skincare routine. The darker the honey, the more medicinal properties it has. Mixing honey with cinnamon is a great treatment that can help in getting clear and smooth skin.

  • Lemon:

Because lemons(3) contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), they are known to help you treat your scar as they possess healing properties. Considered as a natural bleach, lemons lighten the skin and helps in the growth of new cells, which gives skin extra elasticity. You can make use of the lemon by cutting a whole lemon, and by rubbing one half on the scar. Squeeze the lemon on the scar and let it soak for about fifteen minutes before you rinse it off.

  • Shea butter:

Shea butter is known to treat stretch marks and scars. Unfiltered, raw shea butter should be used, and it should be used daily to see the results. Refined shea butter may mean that all the nutrients in the butter have been lost.

  • Turmeric:

Making use of turmeric is one of the best ways to get rid of scars. Turmeric contains a component, curcumin, which helps in getting rid of scars. Additionally, turmeric is rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces the production of excess melanin in the body that makes the scars pigmented.

Using Coconut oil for treating scars is one of the best treatment options available for getting rid of scars in an organic way. Unlike medicines, the oil is free from artificial chemicals and does not pose any side-effects. If you have any doubts regarding the quantity and frequency of application of coconut oil for treatment of scars, it is advisable to consult an expert. With persistent efforts, you can get rid of scars in quick time.