Digestive Health

CBD Oil for Ulcerative Colitis – How Beneficial It Is?

Ulcerative colitis is a long-term disease, which can cause inflammation of the rectum and colon. Its symptoms may incorporate passage of mucus, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

CBD Oil for Ulcerative Colitis is the perfect treatment for curing Ulcerative Colitis. It has many compounds, termed as cannabinoids, present in the cannabis plant. Researchers are looking at the possible CBD’s therapeutic uses. CBD oil comprises CBD’s concentrations.

The applications and concentrations of cannabidiol vary. Each Cannabinoid has CBD; it produces effects in the body by getting attached to particular receptors. Our body produces specific cannabinoids on its own.

It also consists of two receptors for cannabinoids, known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. You can find CB1 receptors throughout our body, but mainly present in our brain, whereas CB2 receptors are mostly present in our body’s immune system. Ulcerative colitis happens due to the enthusiastic response of the immune system.


  • Approximately 1 million people of the United States are affected with ulcerative colitis or UC.
  • The annual rate is 10.4 to 12 cases for each 1 lac people, and the prevalence rate is between 35 and 100 cases for each 1 lac people. It concludes that ulcerative colitis is thrice common as compared to Crohn’s disease

Why Use CBD Oil for Ulcerative Colitis?


Cannabis oil and cannabis contain specific cannabinoids(1) that are responsible for causing cognitive changes, for example, inducing sensory perception and feelings of euphoria.

However, some cannabinoids, like CBD oil, don’t have a mind-altering impact. Cannabis and cannabinoids have shown the effects of decreasing the inflammation in the animal as well as laboratory models.

That recommends it may help people to treat ulcerative colitis. For example, CBD Oil for Ulcerative Colitis is one such Cannabinoid that has shown an anti-inflammatory effect in mice.

Sixty people participated in a survey. According to the survey, treatment with capsules containing cannabis oil for ten weeks. It involves up to 4.7 percent D9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC to adopt a procedure for participants, and it ranges from mild to moderately active ulcerative colitis.

The starting dose of CBD oil was only 50 mg two times in a day that increased gradually. Only in case, if it was tolerable and targeted 250 mg two times a day. The study also represented that higher self-reported life quality scores in CBD oil participants when compared to the medical procedure adopted participants.

However, more side-effects observed in the CBD oil participants than the placebo participants, but the side effects were mild or moderate in severity.

[Read: Benefits of CBD Oil]

How to Use of CBD Oil for Ulcerative Colitis?


Cannabinoid oil is also termed as CBD oil. It has become one of 100 chemical compounds found in the marijuana or cannabis plant, i.e., Cannabis sativa. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the primary psychopharmaceutical Cannabinoid present in cannabis. It is responsible for causing the “high sensation” that is usually related to marijuana.

However, Tetrahydrocannabinol is not like Cannabinoid; CBD is not psychopharmaceutical. The mentioned characteristics make CBD an appropriate option for people who look for ways to get relieved from pain as well as other symptoms. They do not have to deal with the psychotic effects of marijuana or any pharmaceutical medicine.

CBD Oil for Ulcerative Colitis supports the endocannabinoid system of the body and enables to rebalance of biological functions. Cannabinoid oil as a supplement of general wellness because it is beneficial to rebalance our body as needed.

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Cannabinoid oil has shown impressive results in getting relief from the GI disorder’s primary symptoms such as inflammation and pain and secondary being anxiety.

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Forms of CBD that you can use to relieve symptoms of IBD include:

  • Pills/capsules.
  • Oils and tinctures.
  • Vaping.
  • Edibles.
  • Skin creams and lotions.

Risks Associated with CBD oil

The impacts of CBD Oil for Ulcerative Colitis are still not clear. A lot of research conducted on the risk associated with CBD oil, but many available studies are either conflicting or are of poor quality. Much debate ton the possible complications has taken place.

It includes hyperemesis syndrome, worsened psychological problems, development of psychosis, paranoia or anxiety, a decrease in IQ levels, and psychological addiction. Most of the mentioned issues remain controversial and have become a popular source of debate among researchers.

Also, pregnant women are recommended to stay away from cannabis due to its dangerous effects.

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Precautionary Measures

Preventive measures are capable of averting bleakness and improving the quality of patient’s life suffering from ulcerative colitis (UC)(2). Consultation with a PCP is mandatory.

Primary care physicians (PCPs) or gastroenterologists should have the latest preventive health measures for UC patients. A comprehensive approach, as well as excellent communication between PCPs and gastroenterologists with explicit role clarification, will help in preventing streamline care.

The cannabinoid has increased attention towards people with UC seek relief from UC. It also draws the attention of healthcare providers who are looking at the cannabinoid compound as a potential new weapon to fight against the pain and inflammation.

[Read: Foods to Avoid with Colitis]


1. What Are the Best Home Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis?

Sometimes you start feeling helpless when you have to face ulcerative colitis. But when you do changes in the diet as well as lifestyle, it may help you in controlling the symptoms and also increases the time between flare-ups.

2. What Are the Best Supplements for Ulcerative Colitis?

Your doctor may recommend you to start taking vitamins or mineral supplementation plan when the tests show that you have some nutritional deficiency. You can get all the necessary minerals and vitamins from taking a nutrient-rich and well-balanced diet. But severe symptoms, flares, surgeries, and other complications make it difficult for some patients with ulcerative colitis to get essential nutrients from the only diet.