Hair Care

4 Ways of Using Biotin for Hair Growth

Do you have M pattern or horseshoe-shaped front hairline patterns? If yes then evidently your worries would be occupied with hair problems including hair fall, bald patches, and thinning hair. Hair loss is unavoidable at some point in life unless you take some necessary steps about it. Research suggests that hereditary pattern baldness gets most commonly inherited from the mother’s side of your family. Approximately 25% of men begin balding by the age of 30.

Don’t get disheartened as we have good news for you. Your hair growth can get very well enhanced with the help of a substance that has become a new fad, and that is Biotin.

Did you know that biotin is a Vitamin B complex that gets often recommend for hair strength and health? And what if we say that applying biotin rich hair masks and intaking biotin rich diets may help reduce hair loss and promote long, strong, and healthier hair, Surprised! Well. Read on to discover the vast ways of procuring the benefits of biotin for hair growth.

What is Biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin B7 complex and also known as coenzyme R, or vitamin H. Biotin is essential for metabolizing amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids. Biotin works efficiently for improving the health of the skin, nails, and particularly hair and also influences cell growth.

Biotin deficiency may cause intestinal problems, loss of body hair, thin hair, rash around the eyes, mouth, nose, and high levels of acid in the urine and blood. There is a wide range of foods containing biotin that includes egg yolks, yeast, sweet potato, salmon, dairy, avocados, dairy, nuts, and seeds. If you are wondering on how to cure hair loss, then have a quick look at these remedies of biotin for hair growth.

Why biotin suits the condition?


Vitamin B7 or Biotin is the best vitamin for hair growth. Biotin is known to improve the structure of keratin that is the basic protein present in the hair.

Many studies claim that people with a regular intake of biotin or vitamin B7 complex experienced decreased hair shedding and faster hair growth. Biotin works by breaking down food into sugar which your body can use for energy

Besides, biotin (1) promotes brain function, protects the heart, aids weight loss, and fights inflammation. Do you know that biotin also helps to protect the skin from rashness, acne, cracking, dryness, and other fungal infections? Go ahead to explore the natural ways of obtaining biotin for hair growth.

What are the different ways to use biotin for hair growth?

It is effortless to implement biotin in your lifestyle for enhancing the growth of hair. You can include biotin in your diet through the foods that are rich in biotin. Along with that, there are multiple over the counter supplements and capsules available that you can take under the supervision of a physician. Also, you can prepare hair mask with fruits rich in biotin to help your scalp get the extra nutrition that it deserves.

Foods that can kick in the rich biotin in you

There are many foods that you can include in the daily diet that would give you a boost of natural biotin from within. They are-

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  • Include fruits like berries, bananas, avocado, and nuts like almonds and walnuts in your diet.
  • Have soybeans, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, cauliflower, swiss chard, along with whole bread, peanut butter, and cheese, etc
  • You can also include sardines, tuna, pork, beef, eggs, salmon, etc. for a biotin boost.

Natural Remedies of Biotin for Hair Growth

Here a few natural ways for getting the extensive benefits of biotin for hair growth.

  1. Pink Salmon
  2. Eggs and spinach
  3. Avocado
  4. Sweet potato

1. Pink Salmon


You need:

  • 100g pink salmon fillets
  • ½ cup of broccoli
  • ½ tablespoon of dried thyme
  • ½ tablespoon of garlic oil
  • ½ tablespoon of dried rosemary
  • Two teaspoons of mayonnaise with chili oil salt and pepper

How to prepare?

  • Add the dried thyme, dried rosemary, butter, garlic oil, and salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well
  • Rub the mixture on the salmon fillets
  • Heat the grill for about 3 minutes and place salmon and broccoli on the grill and grill for 8 minutes
  • Add one tablespoon for butter on top of the salmon
  • Now sprinkle some salt and pepper on the recipe
  • Plate the grilled salmon and broccoli with mayonnaise and chili oil dip

Benefits of salmon:

Salmon and fish help to obtain a balanced and healthy diet. The salmon has Biotin, vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3-fatty acids. It proves to be highly beneficial for growth and health of your hair due to the presence of high biotin content. The other ingredient broccoli is a very nutritional veggie richly packed with vitamin B7 or Biotin. Half a cup of fresh cooked broccoli has 0.4 mcg of biotin content.

Besides, when you consume salmon with vitamin C rich garlic, boosts collagen production and helps to stimulate better hair growth. All of these, when consumed together enables you to obtain healthy scalp and lustrous hair.

2. Eggs and spinach


You need:

  • Two eggs one cup of spinach
  • ½ tablespoon of garlic paste
  • ¼ cup of finely chopped celery
  • Two teaspoon butter one teaspoon of dried oregano
  • Two tablespoons of grated cheddar cheese and some salt and pepper

How to prepare?

  • Combine the eggs and a pinch of salt and pepper with a whisk
  • Heat the saucepan over medium heat and add one tablespoon of butter
  • Add the garlic paste and fry the eggs for about ½ a minute
  • Add the celery, spinach, salt, and pepper and cook for about 1 minute
  • Add the one tablespoon of butter and whisked eggs
  • Fry it like an omelet for about 2-3 minutes over medium heat
  • add the cheddar cheese and sautéed spinach-celery
  • Toss the oregano on top and wrap the omelet to cover the celery, spinach, and cheddar stuffing
  • Cook till the cheese melts and consume while it is still hot

Benefits of eggs and spinach:

You all know that eggs contain a fantastic range of nutrients. One large egg contains almost every vitamin and minerals including vitamin B7 or biotin, vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin B12. In addition to vitamins, proteins are also an essential element for hair growth that is found abundantly in eggs. Hair is composed of proteins and consumption of eggs are very beneficial. Eggs take care of the breakage and treat the loss of hair. The spinach contains 0.5 mcg of biotin that is essential for hair, skin, and nails. Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin K, Vitamin B2, B6, Vitamin A, and vitamin E. Vitamins A and C in spinach helps to produce oil on the scalp and prevents loss hair.

3. Avocado


How to use?

  • Take fresh avocados
  • Cut into slices and use in regular cooking
  • You can use it as a replacement for mayo on a salad topping, or a sandwich
  • Include avocados in your daily diet

Benefits of eating avocado:

Avocado is effectively nutritious. They contain more potassium than bananas have. Avocado in your diet helps you moisturize and rejuvenate the scalp. The rich source of vitamin B7 or Biotin present in the avocado promotes strong and long hair and helps soothe the scalp. Also, they are loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids which can lower cholesterol content and triglyceride levels. They replace “bad cholesterol” into “good cholesterol” in your body.

[Read: Health Benefits of Avocado]

4. Sweet potato


How to prepare?

  • Take a fresh sweet potato and peel it
  • Add water and sweet potato in a vessel and boil for 25-30 minutes
  • Cut the unpeeled sweet potatoes into wedges and add olive oil and herbs
  • Roast at 3750 F for about 30 minutes, until tender
  • You can also grill or cook through a microwave oven

Benefits of sweet potato and biotin for hair growth:

Do you know that sweet potato is incredibly a rich source of biotin or vitamin B7? A half-cup cooked sweet potato approximately contains 2.5 mcg of vitamin B7 or biotin. Sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene and which the body converts to vitamin A. sweet potato are the best choice for you to improve the health of your skin and hair.

A Word of caution:

  • Consume biotin-rich foods in limits, as too much biotin can cause cystic acne on the jawline and chin.
  • Biotin also increases the sebum production in the skin and causes dirt accumulation.
  • Researches have claimed that a higher dosage of biotin can cause an increase in urination.
  • More biotin intake can increase the high blood glucose levels and can also cause acute respiratory problems.
  • One of the severe effects of biotin is during pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid taking high doses or less intake of biotin.
  • Always make sure you use only fresh vegetables and fruits. Rotten fruits and vegetable can contain bacteria that causes the condition even worse.
  • Don’t apply the hair mask directly on the scalp or hair when it is too hot.
  • Always do a patch test for avoiding irritation.

Bottom Line

Though biotin is present in most foods you consume, it is an essential nutrient and deserves your attention for better hair growth. The natural home remedies of biotin for hair growth are discussed and are wondrously beneficial and leave no side effects on the body. It is not a significant matter to reduce and prevent hair loss if you follow these remedies and foods on a daily basis as mention above. While applying the hair mask make sure you keep a word of caution in mind to get impressive results. If you notice allergy or itching feel free to consult with a physician.