Natural Remedies

Does Baking Works for Treating Gas Issues? Uses and Benefits

Dealing with gas in the stomach is undoubtedly a cumbersome and embarrassing task, especially when you experience it during a party or an event. This abrupt tummy trouble often makes you cut off from the crowd. Sometimes it also makes you a laughing stock amongst others. Although gas is a mild issue, sometimes it can turn out to be a severe condition as well. There are instances of people feeling difficulty in breathing or talking while experiencing gas.

You can’t always run to a doctor for the slightest of the stomach issues. The issue of gas can affect you at any time and any place. In such cases, home remedies turn out to be your perfect companion. This article will let you explore one of the most effective solutions for gas treatment – the baking soda. This amazing article on baking soda for gas explains all the ins and outs about gas as well as baking soda.

A titbit on gas and its causes

Gas is an inevitable part of your digestion process. Sometimes this gas hampers your normal routine body processes. People get rid of excess gas either by burping or farting. Gas pain affects you when gas gets trapped in your body, or there is some obstruction in its movement through your digestive system. There can be multiple reasons for having gas including ingestion of foods that are more likely to produce gas. Whatever you eat affects your body in some or the other way. So to remain healthy, it becomes your responsibility to be cautious about your eating habits. The problem of gas can vanish away by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

1.Undeniable causes of gas


Gas enters your stomach when you swallow air while eating or drinking. Several reasons can make a person suffer from gas. Some of them are:

  • Gas forms in your large intestine when bacteria present in your intestine start the fermentation of nutrients including carbohydrates, starch, and sugar, etc. which are left out during digestion in your small intestine. The bacteria itself consumes some of the gas produced in the gut whereas the remaining gas releases out of your body through burp or fart.
  • Consumption of foods rich in fiber content can cause gas. These foods include beans, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, etc.

Other factors which contribute to increased gas production in your body include:

  • Drinks high in carbon content like beer
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Fiber supplements
  • Bad eating habits like eating quickly, talking while eating, chewing gum, etc.
  • Constipation
  • Change in the bacteria in your small intestine
  • Chronic disease in the intestine

Symptoms of gas

Primary symptoms of gas include:

  • Burping or belching in excess
  • A feeling of fullness in your abdomen
  • Pain in your abdomen

Baking Soda


Baking soda boasts of innumerable benefits for your health. Many people think baking soda is a perfect ingredient for baking or cooking or an effective way to manage the house upkeeps. But baking soda is impressively good for your health as well. Baking soda finds its importance in the field of medication since time infinity. The wide range of baking soda includes everyday routine hygiene to its immense potential to resolve health-related ailments including digestive issues and kidney problems. People have been using baking soda for gas for ages.

Some efficient health benefits of baking soda include

  • It serves as a natural antacid
  • It boosts kidney functions
  • Baking soda is also a natural alkalizing agent
  • The compound also helps to treat joint problems
  • It also reduces the influence of urinary tract infections on the body

Terrific benefits of using baking soda for gas

Sometimes when you eat, an excess build-up of gas takes place in your stomach. This gas causes pain and discomfort in your stomach. When you consume baking soda for gas treatment, the soda reacts with the stomach acid. This creates an excessive build-up of gas in your stomach. The carbon dioxide of baking soda adds on to the level of gas which is already present in your stomach.

This sudden increase in the levels of carbon dioxide causes increased belching. Belching, in turn, helps to give quick relief to you and your stomach from the gas. Belching also reduces gas pain which sometimes becomes unbearable to handle.

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However, at initial hours, this carbon dioxide gas might cause certain discomfort to you if you fail to release the excess gas through belching.

A traditional way to use baking soda for gas


Baking soda acts as an antacid and gives you instant relief from gas. The given recipe can become your favorite companion whenever you suffer from gas. Since you know the benefits of using baking soda for gas, bring an end to the discomfort by drinking a baking soda drink.

How to use?


  • Half a tsp of baking soda
  • A glass of water


  • Add the recommended dosage of baking soda to a glass of water
  • Stir well and consume

You can buy and use baking soda in other forms as well. These include:

  • Baking soda Capsules,Tab Lets, Granules

Some precautions to guide you about the usage of baking soda for gas treatment

Anything and everything is good if taken with care. The same goes for baking soda as well. It is a chemical compound and so needs proper procedural antics to give best results. It is crucial for the person who is ingesting baking soda for gas treatment to understand the precautions considering baking soda so that the remedy shows only its positive aspects on your body.

  • Strictly avoid taking baking soda when you have an overly full stomach
  • Avoid taking more than three and a half tsp of baking soda in a day
  • For elderly persons who are over sixty years of age taking more than one and a half tsp of baking soda can be harmful
  • Always drink baking soda solution slowly. Drinking it too quickly can cause diarrhea

Side-effects of using baking soda for gas


Frequent or excessive use of baking soda (1) for gas treatment can affect the chemical composition of your body. It also disrupts the pH of the body of the sufferer. This condition worsens if you suffer from some kidney problem. Apart from this, baking soda also abruptly affects the levels of certain nutrients in your body. It causes a sudden rise in sodium and a sudden fall in potassium levels. However, in the rarest of the rare instances does a stomach rupture occur on taking an excess of baking soda. Stomach rupture happens when the level of carbon dioxide is way too much than your stomach can handle. It is indeed not a common thing to have a stomach rupture. People who ingest high dosages of baking soda and have their stomach full from heavy meals might face this life-threatening situation.

Who should not use baking soda for gas?

When you use baking soda for gas, ensure to use it with care. You should consult a doctor before consuming baking soda for gas if you are:

  • A child
  • A pregnant woman
  • Having heart problems
  • On sodium-restricted diet
  • Suffering from GERD, kidney disease, or any other serious illness

Sometimes gas makes you distance yourself from your near and dear ones. You might suffer it all of a sudden while eating your favorite dish or while drinking your favorite cold drink. Having gas is a normal condition nowadays owing to the unhealthy food habits and leading of sedentary life. There are several remedies for treating gas. Baking soda is one of the most beneficial solutions for addressing gas. You can quickly get away with this issue by consuming baking soda in the right proportion. However, it is very crucial for you to be well aware of the dosage of baking soda.

Baking soda for gas is a home remedy and its side effects on the body are negligible. Be cautious about the quantity you are ingesting of the baking soda, and you are good to go.