
Benefits of Using Tea Tree Oil to Combat Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is also scientifically called as onychomycosis. It is a very commonly occurring fungal infection. The common visible symptoms include white, brown, or yellow discoloration in one or more than one of the toenails. The fungal infection may spread across all the other nails and may either thicken them or even crack them.

Toenail fungal infection is a serious condition, there are many treatments prescribed by health experts. However, there is an amazing natural treatment also available; Tea Tree Oil(1)

Consumption of prescription medicines can lead to a variety of side effects like upset stomach and dizziness to severe skin problems and jaundice. Hence, using tea tree oil for toenail fungus is the best possible treatment that you can avail to get rid of the symptoms of toenail fungus in quick time.

Tea tree is a very well-known essential oil which has numerous benefits. It has fantastic therapeutic benefits. Moreover, Tea tree essential oil also has terrific antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Tea tree oil is extracted from leaves of the Tea tree called the Melaleuca alternifolia tree that is native to Australia. The oil is said to own compounds that are said to have properties that will help kill bacteria and fungus and also helping in reducing allergic skin and fungal reactions.

Why use Tea Tree Oil For Toenail Fungus?

A few primary uses of Tea tree oil include skin acne, fungal infections caused by a finger or toenails, lice, scabies, and ringworm. The oil possesses antiseptic properties, which help in curing cuts and bruises, for skin burns, bee stings and insect bites, and also for vaginal infections.

It is the best solution for toenail fungal infections owing to it having unusual antiseptic properties that will help kill the fungus and the bacteria. Moreover, it will also help the skin heal after killing and destroying the bacteria. Following are a few methods regarding how to use the Tea tree oil for toenail fungal infections.

[Read: Natural Remedies for Toenail Fungus]

How to use?

  • Using Tea tree essential oil is very easy. Mix the Tea tree essential oil with any carrier oil of your choice, most preferably coconut oil. Mixing the essential oil with coconut oil will help dilute the highly potent oil and therefore be mild on the skin, avoiding and reducing the chances of any reactions.
  • A straightforward way to use this oil is to apply the same using a cotton swab onto the affected areas and allow it to dry. Another way could be, to dip a cotton ball into the diluted Tea tree oil and place the cotton ball on the affected areas.
  • One could also use Tea tree oil for toenail fungus by doing a foot soak at least thrice a week, add a few drops of the Tea tree essential oil and few drops of any carrier oil as per choice into a bucket of warm water and let your feet soak into it for approximately 20 minutes. In addition to this, one must also be aware of the side effects of Tea tree oil.

[Read: Essential Oils for Toenail Fungus]

Side effects

Excessive use of anything could have a drawback, the same applies to essential oils. Always consult a health expert to decide what works best for you to reduce the chances of allergic reactions and skin irritation.

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It is always advised to dilute essential oils, since they are derived using the cold-pressed method, because of which they are highly potent. Therefore, always dilute Tea tree oil with any carrier oils of choice namely coconut oil, olive oil, and sweet almond oil.

Do’s and Don’ts

It is advised to always do a skin patch test of the diluted oil. Leave the oil on the skin for at least 24 hours.

In case of any of irritation or any inflammation then it is preferably not safe to use for your skin type, however, if no irritation is experienced the oil is safe to be used elsewhere.

Tea tree oil should always be diluted since it is considered as one of the oils which are highly potent and can be very harsh on the skin. 

Avoid ingestion of any essential oil and always consult a health expert before using an essential oil on children. Especially pregnant and breastfeeding women should have a word with the health expert before using the oil.

[Read: Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus]


Always keep nails trimmed and clean. Using nail clippers that clean is very essential. This will prevent any occurrences of infections. Always remove the dead nail using a nail file and wash your feet regularly. In the case of toenail fungus(2), keep the affected nails clean and dry because getting them wet can worsen the infection and always clean your hand before touching your feet or the affected nail specifically.

Bottom Line

However, you should know that homemade remedies might not provide instant results, but they offer amazing results in the long-run. Therefore, regular and consistent use of the remedies must be followed. In case of severe issues, always consult a health expert for further guidance.


1. What happens if nail fungus goes untreated?

If the infection is left untreated, they could cause a lot of difficulties, while locomotion, exercising, and manual tasks. Furthermore, it could spread to all the other nails and making the infection untreatable.

2. Is toenail fungus dangerous?

If toenail fungus is left untreated, it could turn out to be very painful and could cause permanent damage to your nails. It could lead to other serious implications if it spreads beyond your feet.