Suma G Nathan

Suma G Nathan

Holistic Health Practitioner

I am A Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Planetary Chinese Herbologist, Strength Trainer, Rock & Roll Dancer (soul train) pioneering in the Holistic Field since the 1960s, going on 83, I work up Therapeutically Designed Protocols, for Dsyfunctual & Degenerate Diseases & Anti-Aging, which means not coming down with Auto-Immune Diseases, and if you have them now, can be overcome with a Holistic Health Protocol, I do not sell anything on my website

I order for clients with the Protocol I have worked up for them as an affiliate for my company, sent right to your home, a 1-time fee, then also read tongues (Chinese Herbology) in person or sent a picture, as I do Consultations for Health on my Landline phone of 702-243-7393, with appointments, I am also on the Linus Pauling site dr yourself. com as a practitioner, I am aware of all the Manufacturers, and only use those I am aware of and trust for over 35 yrs!!!

If this is of interest you can contact me also @ my E-Mail also agingless4u@ cox, net P.S. I do not take anyone off their medications, which is not my job, Once on a Holistic Health Protocol, one starts to feel better and can cut down on meds little by little, I also had a Health Show on Discovery Radio–Wise Health in 1913-1915…In True Health Suma G Nathan ou,, Suma   Also my Associations…Complementary Medical Assoc, East-West School of Herbology (Chinese & Ayurvedic), Registry of Holistic Consultations,, (advanced medical academy) P.S, me in the kitchen with some of the Nutritionals!!!

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