Dr. Kathy Sawhill

Dr. Kathy Sawhill

Dandelion Naturopathic P.C.

Dr. Sawhill is an expert in diagnosis and treatment of the underlying issues that tend to evolve into chronic disease and other seemingly unrelated symptoms in our vital organs–heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, digestive system, blood, head and mind. Analysis may reveal allergies including hidden environmental histamine and food allergies as well as embarrassing digestive events and digestive symptoms caused by Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Leaky-Gut Syndrome.

She is an expert in bioIdentical hormones for men and women and focuses on safety and restoring balance. Dr. Sawhill is a passionate coach, helping, teaching and guiding people to connect with the well-being that abounds. As part of her full “naturopathic makeover” and knowledge for living approach, Dr. Sawhill now offers several Aesthetic medicine procedures and treatments.

Website: https://www.dandelionnaturopathic.com/