Dr. Amber Krogsrud

Dr. Amber Krogsrud

Dr. Amber is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor at MetroMD Institute of Regenerative Medicine in Los Angeles, CA trained in regenerative medicine, detoxification protocols, hormone testing and treatment, bioidentical hormone therapy, anti-aging protocols, peptide therapy and IV nutrient therapy. She has a private practice in Redondo Beach, CA where she specializes in peptide therapy and bioidentical hormones.

She has worked with entrepreneurs and athletes looking for performance optimization, and has used peptide therapy in chronic infections like EBV and Candida gut infections. She has has also successfully used peptide protocols for weight loss and body composition, cognitive performance, ADHD/ADD, autoimmune disorders and more. She is a physician member of the International Peptide Society and has a peptide certification through the American Academy of Anti-aging (A4M).

Dr. Amber graduated from Bastyr University in San Diego, California. She is passionate about blending natural medicine and modern technology to provide therapies that truly help patients get answers and outcomes for their health concerns and diagnosis. She is passionate about educating on peptide therapy and works with patients both in office in Hollywood and Redondo Beach and also virtually by telemedicine appointments.

Website: www.drambernd.com