Pain Management

Effective Ways of Using Tea for Inflammation

Tea is good for inflammation and there is a variety of teas you could use for inflammation. Hence in this article, we elucidate the different types of teas and how it would help you with treating inflammation.


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Active Ingredients & Benefits

Epigallocatechin gallate is an active ingredient of green tea. It is scientifically proven that the part is a potent inflammation inhibitor.

Similarly, flavonoids in green tea inhibit the denaturation of protein in the body. This action further reduces inflammation. Green tea also prevents free radicals from damaging the body.

As a result, inflammation is prevented. Thus, it works as both – a preventative and curative treatment. Another herbal tea for inflammation can be made using ginger.

Ginger tea for inflammation treatment is highly effective due to the presence of gingerol(1) and shogaol. These compounds reduce depression and stress-related inflammation.

How to take ginger for inflammation? Some prefer turmeric tea for inflammation. Curcumin is an active ingredient in turmeric. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Curcumin inhibits the pathway that leads to inflammation. Patients may also use chamomile tea for inflammation treatment — the essential oils found in this tea help in reducing inflammation.

Other Types Of Tea For Inflammation

Moreover, many other ingredients can be used too. Patients may prefer black, rooibos, and masala tea for inflammation treatment. Green, black, and white tea are full of polyphenols. This compound provides strong anti-inflammation effects(2).

[ Read: Inflammation : Natural Remedies and Treatment ]

How to Brew the Tea


Generally, the same method is followed for brewing tea for multiple ingredients. Here is a recipe you may follow to brew the tea.

  1. You need three teaspoons of the fresh herb. If you are using dry herbs, then one teaspoon can do the job for you. The reason is that fresh herbs retain their original water content. Thus, the desired results may require more of the grass. Green tea can be considered the best tea for inflammation due to its potent catechin(3).
  2. Add the herbs to a pan of water.
  3. Cover the pan and let the tea boil for around fifteen to twenty minutes.
  4. Strain the herbs out from a mug or tea infuser. Do this step after steeping the tea.
  5. Pour one cup of boiling water on the herb. Let the tea steep for around ten to fifteen minutes.
  6. It is recommended to use the tea while it is still fresh. On the other hand, you may refrigerate it for one to three days. A recommended serving shall contain six to eight ounces of tea.
  7. To get maximum benefit, you may drink between three and four cups daily.
  8. You may add a little amount of honey or lemon to the tea. It improves the taste and boosts the effects.
  9. To select the best herbs, do enquire about the growing methods. Similarly, ensure the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are being used. The appearance and smell of the herb are vital in providing its quality. Greener herbs are fresher compared to browner herbs.

[Read: Best Teas for Cramps]

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Topical Application

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A unique method of using tea for inflammation is the direct application. Tea may be applied directly to the inflamed area.

  1. Make a tea compress for this treatment. First, brew a cup of tea using the method mentioned above.
  2. Wait for the tea to cool down. For best effects, chill the drink. Cold tea can help reduce inflammation.
  3. Soak a clean washcloth in the tea.
  4. If there is excess liquid on the cloth, wring it out.
  5. Apply the washcloth on the inflamed area. However, refrain from applying tea compress to broken skin.

[ Read: Top 5 Popular Herbs That Reduce Inflammation Quickly ]

However, different teas can have varied side effects. Some people might experience irritation. Others might feel nausea. Additionally, teas can alert the mind, resulting in insomnia if taken at night.

Moreover, they may aggravate any severe medical condition. At the same time, some of the ingredients can result in an upset stomach. Regular intake can be addictive too, with mild withdrawal symptoms.

Moreover, most teas are not medically tested for assured results. It is recommended that you check in with your doctor. He/she can provide you an idea regarding which tea is most suitable for you. Moreover, information can be sought regarding the recommended dosage.

Using tea for inflammation therapy is a cheap and effective option. Different kinds of beverages are available, increasing the therapy’s flexibility. At the same time, treatment is easy to prepare.

Another benefit of this therapy is the prevention of recurrence. Similarly, using tea for inflammation can also provide added health benefits. As a result, tea can be one of the most effective and easy to use methods for any inflammation patients.

[ Read: Essential Oils for Inflammation ]


1. How Much Tea Should Be Taken Every Day?

Two to three cups of tea are great for daily intake. You may increase or decrease the dosage as per requirement.

2. Can Tea Be Harmful?

Although some forms of tea can have mild side effects, in general, tea is not a harmful substance.