Yoga Poses

Carpal Tunnel

Strike the Right Yoga Pose to Heal Carpal Tunnel Completely

18shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCarpal Tunnel Syndrome is when you have pain in your hand because of the compressed median nerve. The treatment involves relaxing the muscles of your hand and…

yoga for depression

5 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Fight Depression

14shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppClinical depression happens when you experience an all-time low to the point where it impairs your functioning. Quit a job because you don’t feel like getting out…

Yoga for Arthritis

5 Simple Yoga Poses for Arthritis to Keep Pain at Bay

18shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppArthritis is a chronic condition causing joint pain or joint disease, often leading to stiffness, numbness, tingling, inflammation, and motor loss in the affected joints. Arthritis is…