Yeast Infection

Baking soda bath

Baking Soda Bath Is a Sustainable and Natural Way to Treat Your Skin Disorders. Know-How.

31shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppBathing with baking soda is one of the most natural ways to cleanse your body. It is a sustainable way of bathing, and unlike other soaps, it…

Yeast Infection

Garlic for Yeast Infection: Treat Your Vaginal Infection Naturally

13shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppYeast infections constitute an embarrassing problem for women around the world. Though it is found in both men and women, the latter is believed to be more…

Herbs for Yeast Infection

6 Herbs to Ease Yeast Infection (Candida)

28shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe most common kind of yeast infection that occurs in humans is Candidiasis yeast infection. Although these infections occur across all ages and genders—in infants, children, and…

yogurt for yeast infection

How Can You Treat Yeast Infection Using Yogurt?

17shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppOtherwise known as vaginal candidiasis, yeast infections are common among women. It is characterized by the unusual growth of a fungus called candida in the urinary tract…

probiotics for yeast infection.

Do Probiotics Treat Yeast Infection (Candidiasis) ?

19shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppDid you know that fungal infections affect about a billion people around the world? While some of them may not be so severe, others can have severe…

How to Treat Yeast Infection

How to Treat Yeast Infection with Natural Remedies

43shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppBeing a woman in this age and time is already a mammoth task. To make it even harder for them, yeast infection has been contrived. Yeast infection…

home remedies for yeast infection

5 Miraculous Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

15shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppEveryone wishes to live a life without any limits or concerns, but those blemishes on your face or the discomfort in the genital area may stop you…

how to get rid of candida

5 Wondrous RemediesTo Get Rid Of Candida Naturally

28shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe bumps on the tongue, inside the mouth or that in the genital area or anywhere on the skin might indicate the overgrowth of a fungus. The…

essential oils for yeast infection -

9 Best-Known Essential Oils for Yeast Infection

13shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppYeast infection refers to a fungal disease that affects many parts of the body. Candida is the scientific name for yeast(1). It lives almost everywhere including your…