Best Exercise

Benefits of a Reverse Crunch

The Amazing Benefits of Doing Reverse Crunches

1share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe reverse crunch is a demanding core exercise that primarily hits our rectus abdominis, the muscle in the abdomen that makes up our “6-pack.” It’s an easy…

Face Masks and Exercise

Wearing a Face Mask While Exercising: The Do’s and Don’ts

5shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppAs per the CDC, the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, causes COVID-19 to be mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets. The best way to block these droplets, the Centers for…

Best Exercise for You

Which Is the Best Exercise for You?

53shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppDo you think there are certain types of exercise that are better for weight loss than others? Personally, I believe the bottom line is choosing something you…