5 Amazing Reasons Why Olive Oil for Dandruff Is the Best

Updated on January 23rd, 2020
olive oil for Dandruff

How many days do you feel insecure when you have a bad hair day and feel extremely beautiful when you have a good one? Do you have a definite answer for the above question? If so, then you are the norm of human society in which hair is a priceless feature that defines a big part of your identity and it is great that you feel wonderful because of your hair!

Having said that, maintaining your hair, repairing them and keeping them healthy is an ongoing war. With factors like pollution, mental stress, unhealthy food, etc. the major enemies you have to fight in this battle to lose is dandruff and Olive oil for dandruff.

Yes! The same olive oil that you use for your salads and your food. The olive oil that keeps you healthy has many other uses. Europeans have used olive oil from before it was the ‘It’ thing.

For skin, olive oil is great to remove makeup and acts as a moisturizer. It is an excellent substitute for shaving cream

[Also Read: Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff]

Why and How to Use Olive Oil for Dandruff?

Get Rid of Dandruff
Image: ShutterStock

1. A Great Conditioner

Olive oil is a replacement for the conditioner you are currently using. Olive oil makes the brittle fuzzy mess of your hair, soft and nourished. Apply hot olive oil 30 minutes before getting ready and see for yourself: It takes care of the intangible locks of hair.

Also, it retains moisture, so that is extremely helpful during challenging winter. Applying olive oil in your hair and gently running your hands through it is a quick fix to get rid of split ends.

2. Goodbye Dandruff Flakes

This brings me to the next use, gets rid of dandruff! Olive oil with a little bit of lemon massaged gently, gets rid of dandruff(1). If you have an itching scalp, olive oil is a great solution to get rid of your scalp irritation issues as well.

[Also Read: Top 8 Incredible Essential Oils For Dandruff]

3. Hair Follicle Treatment

Another use of olive oil is that it strengthens your hair follicles, the natural nourishment properties in the oil unclog your hair follicles and promote hair growth. So how this works is, olive oil removes excess sebum which clogs hair follicles. Thus, applying olive oil daily unclogs follicles and helps your hair grow longer. Also, a hormone called DTH (dihydrotestosterone) which narrows the shafts of the follicle. Olive oil stops this from happening, hence, prevents hair loss too!

4. Shiny Hair Means Light Hair

Olive oil is rich in vitamins and locks keratin. This leads to healthier hair, which is strong and bright. Applying olive oil to your hair, 30 minutes before styling it, smoothens it and makes it manageable. This prevents hair damage and adds luster and volume to your hair and makes it naturally beautiful.

5. Nobody Likes Fungal Infection

Has olive oil surprised you enough? Well, don’t answer yet! Olive oil keeps your scalp healthy and promotes better blood circulation, and fights fungi and bacteria.

Which Olive Oil is the Best For Dandruff?

olive oil for dandruffImage: ShutterStock

You have your extra virgin olive oil which has been an age-old remedy for dry scalp and curly hair. The virgin oil acts as a natural conditioner, making your hair smooth and shiny!

On the same lines we have Organic olive oil and cold-pressed olive oil, this again promotes your hair, skin, and nails healthier.

DIY Hair Recipes Using Olive Oil

So now we know the uses of Olive oil(2) and how it is a natural medicine for your hair in trouble. Now here are a few DIY recipes that you can try at home for less cost if you do not want to purchase the oil.

Hair Mask

The DIY’s hair mask for dandruff remedies:

  1. Take half a cup of olive oil and add two tablespoons of honey to it. Mix it well and apply it. Gently massage your scalp and leave it for ten minutes. Then wash it off with a gentle shampoo, for example, a herbal shampoo. Wrap your head with a hot towel to seal in the moisture.
  2. Take one-two tablespoons of olive oil and add half a spoon of coconut oil to it. Mix it well and warm your olive oil. Don’t overheat it as it will burn you. Then take the oil and apply it to your scalp gently. Make partitions in your hair so that your entire scalp is covered.
  3. Then take some oil in your hand gently apply it to the root of your hair and run your hand through it. This will make sure that you are covering each strand of hair, to promote healthier hair.
  4. Another recipe is to add fenugreek seeds to olive oil and heat it, then apply it to your hair. This is again great for hair growth and to get rid of dandruff.

Olive oil is excellent for smooth, shiny and healthy hair which are free from dandruff. Following a few simple steps give you the solution to your hair problems with a natural ingredient.

But do not forget that for best results a few other lifestyle changes are also required. You need to have a good diet, exercise and protect your hair from the harsh sun rays and polluted environment.

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