Natural Remedies

Keep Your Teeth Clean With Mustard Oil & Salt

The enamel on our teeth tends to wear out with age and prolonged usage, which is why it is essential to take special care of our teeth. Some of the basic rules of keeping our teeth clean are to brush them at least two times a week and eat foods that help keep them white and healthy.

While most of us vouch for commercial kinds of toothpaste, some turn to home solutions to maintain oral hygiene. One of the time tested home remedies used was that of salt and mustard oil. Some of the prevalent reasons for teeth related problems include-

  • Poor oral hygiene and improper teeth cleaning
  • Excess intake of tobacco in any form
  • High intake of sugary and processed foods
  • Irregular teeth cleaning and dental check-ups
  • Consumption of hard water

While these are just a few reasons, more are attributed to poor oral health.

What Is Salt?

Salt is a crystalline mineral made of 2 elements, Na (sodium) and Cl  (chlorine). Sodium and chlorine are critical for your body, as they help your nerves and brain send electrical impulses. Most of the globes salt is harvested from mineral-rich waters or salt mines or by evaporating seawater.

Salt has several purposes, like flavoring foods. Salt is also made use as a food preservative, as bacteria have trouble growing in a salt-dense environment. The reason that salt is often considered unhealthy in large amounts is that it can spike blood pressure.

But even though research indicates that lowering salt intake can decrease blood pressure by 1–5.4 mm/Hg, there is no proof that lowering salt intake prevents stroke, heart attacks, or death.

The extensive majority of sodium in the Western diet comes from processed foods. If we eat mostly unprocessed, whole foods, then we don’t need to worry about adding some salt to our meals.

The Nutritional Content of Mustard Oil

Mustard is a plant with origins in Europe. There are multiple varieties, and the seeds are ingredients in several condiments and foods. Producing mustard oil involves grinding or pressing these seeds. The oil is much more powerful than the condiment known as Mustard.

Mustard oil is mainly made up of MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids). In 100 g (grams) of mustard oil, there are:

  • 11 g saturated fatty acids
  • 21 g polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • 59 g of monosaturated fatty acids

The AITC (allyl isothiocyanate) in the oil mustard has a strong taste and contributes to a few health benefits. This compound is also found in foods such as wasabi and horseradish

Dangers and Side Effects

Mustard oil can pose a severe risk because it has high levels of erucic acid. This MUFA is present in various oils. In little doses, erucic acid is safe, but higher levels may be fatal. Studies in animals indicate that, over prolonged periods, erucic acid can cause a heart condition called myocardial lipidosis.

It is not clear whether humans experience the same effect, but high levels of erucic acid could pose risks to particular groups, such as children.

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In 2016, the  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning that mustard oil is not safe to use in cooking due to its high erucic acid content. This means that the FDA does not permit its use as a cooking oil in the US.

Salt For Healthy Teeth

Salt has been a part of the dental care regime for decades now. Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water is regarded as a good practice, and our grandparents still recommend the same. Saltwater mouthwash is given to patients with infections or gum swelling and also after oral surgeries because it is a natural disinfectant.

Salt was also one of the critical ingredients in ancient tooth cleaning powders as it was regarded as an effective yet mild abrasive that could remove dirt and stains from teeth. However, it’s advised not to rub excessive salt on your teeth too often, as that might erode the enamel.

Moreover, salt has been known to temporarily spike your mouth’s pH levels, making it difficult for the bacteria to thrive.

Mustard oil and salt for teeth

Salt and Mustard oil is an age-old home remedy used to clean your gums and remove your teeth’ plaque. Salt functions as a mild abrasive that helps brighten teeth and remove strain. Moreover, it contains a natural fluoride source, which is a bonus for your gums and teeth.

On the other end, mustard oil strengthens your gums and makes it simpler to take away the plaque [3]. Plaque is usually formed due to bacteria that are surrounded by fatty membranes.

Swishing mustard oil can help loosen the fat-soluble bacteria and further avoid gum bleeding. Using both these ingredients can control bleeding to some extent and reduce gum inflammation.

We need to take some rock salt or salt and pour some mustard oil on it. If you add common salt in mustard oil, you may have to put it under the sun for about 2 to 3 hours to make it iodine-free. You may also add a pinch of turmeric to the mustard oil and salt mixture.

Take the potion and massage it on your teeth and gums using your index finger. Massage for about 2 minutes and close your mouth for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Use this mixture frequently.

Bottom Line

A mixture of these two ingredients makes an excellent cleanser for teeth. Apart from just tooth decay, swollen gums, yellowing teeth, and bleeding have also become a part of oral health issues.In case of serious oral conditions, make sure you consult a dentist and use this mixture under supervision.