10 Amazing Tips to Get Rid of Warts on Face

Updated on February 7th, 2020
how to get rid of warts on face

So what are warts, what causes warts on face and how to get rid of warts on face? Warts are benign tumors that develop on the face and anywhere on the skin in the form of black, thick and slightly hard specks due to infection caused by the human papillomavirus or the HPV.

They do not cause any harm to general health but can ruin the appearance with their ugly presence. Laser treatment and the usage of some chemical ointments are said to be dangerous methods for the removal of warts, not only it causes extreme pain but has many side effects.

But then there are simple, homemade herbal remedies that can cure warts and get rid of them permanently.


There are several types of warts that appear all over the body like black warts, small warts, genital warts, flat warts, filiform warts, HPV warts, etc. Out of these, there are two distinct types of warts that appear on the face mostly.

Flat Warts

Flat warts on the face are the most common types of warts that appear on the body. They have a flat surface with a minimum scaling. They occur in clusters of 20-100 and are common in children due to their proximity to cuts and scratches. It also occurs in men as they tend to cut their skin while shaving and similarly in legs of women who regularly shave their feet.

Filiform Warts

These warts look like finger projections or protruded skin bumps of 1-2 millimeters. They do not appear in clusters and can mostly present on the eyelids, nose, lips, and neck. They may also be found in between the fingers and on the legs. They grow very quickly and have a greater tendency to spread on the nearby areas.

[Also Read: Tips To Cure Warts Naturally]

10 Excellent Natural Remedies

If you are worrying your head off over how to remove warts and heal your pretty face(1) that is getting slowly blotched with warts and moles, then you are at the right place. Follow remedies elucidated below  to get rid of warts on face and rejuvenate your natural beauty and fresh glow.

1. Garlic Clove

garlic clove for how to get rid of warts on face

  • Crush a clove of garlic and then stick a piece to every wart with the help of band-aids
  • Leave this on for about half an hour and then rip off the band-aid
  • Rinse your face with water
  • Do this twice daily, and warts will disappear in just a week and two

The anti-microbial nature of garlic is highly beneficial to get rid of warts on face and the elimination of black warts on face.

2. Hot Water

Hot water is one of the best remedies to get rid of warts on face.

  • Soak warts in warmed water to soften and enable them to get peeled off from the face
  • Add a tablespoon of vinegar and Epsom salt to a cup of hot water with gentle stirring
  • Dab warts for 5-10 minutes twice daily for the effective removal of skin warts on face

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar to get rid of warts on face

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of warts on face. The antifungal and antiviral properties of apple cider vinegar(2) make it an excellent home remedy for warts on face and neck.

  • Dilute two cups of vinegar with a cup of water
  • Soak a cotton ball in the solution
  • Apply the soaked cotton to warts with the help of band-aids
  • Leave this on for about half an hour and then rip off the band-aid
  • Rinse your face with water
  • Do this twice daily, and warts will disappear in approximately a week

[Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Warts]

4. Baking Soda

The potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic nature of baking soda make it one of the home remedies for genital warts on the face.

  • Prepare a smooth paste by mixing a teaspoon each of baking soda and apple cider vinegar
  • Dab warts with the paste
  • Rinse your face after about half an hour
  • Do this daily for a week and warts will disappear

[Read: Baking Soda Benefits & Uses ]

5. Aloe Vera Gel

aloe vera gel to get rid of warts on face

This is one of the best home remedies for how to remove small warts on face and neck.

  • Take an aloe vera leaf and slit it open to slice out the gel
  • Soak a cotton ball in the gel
  • Apply the soaked cotton to warts with the help of band-aids
  • Leave this on for about half an hour and then rip off the band-aids
  • Rinse your face with water
  • Do this twice daily, and warts will disappear in just 1-2 weeks

get rid of warts on face

6. Tea Tree Oil

If you are seeking a way to cure warts on face fast, then the strong antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil(3) will be of great help.

  • Dilute the tea tree oil with aloe vera gel or water
  • Apply it all over warts before going to bed at night
  • Rinse your face in the next morning
  • Repeat daily for about a couple of weeks until warts get eliminated

The oil gets absorbed into the epidermis and inhibits the action of the virus that causes HPV warts on face.

[Read: Tea Tree Oil for Warts Removal ]

7. Castor Oil

remove warts with castor oil

This is one of the best remedies to how to remove a wart from the face. The ricinoleic acid contained in castor oil is known for its potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Apply cotton balls soaked in castor oil to warts
  • Tape them firmly with band-aids before going to bed at night
  • Remove the band-aids in the morning
  • Scrub off the dead skin cells with a natural exfoliant
  • Repeat this daily for the elimination of black warts on face

[Read: Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin ]

8. Basil

This is one of the best ways on how to treat a wart on your face. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action of basil makes it highly effective for the removal of warts.

  • Crush a handful of fresh leaves of basil
  • Rub the crushed and juicing leaves all over warts on your face and neck
  • You can also stick the crushed leaves to warts with band-aids
  • Keep them on for about 20 minutes before ripping them off
  • Rinse the face with water
  • Do this daily for the alleviation of warts

9. Banana Peels

Remove Warts with Banana Peels

This is one of the simplest tips to get rid of a wart on your face and can provide protection from that what causes warts on face.

  • Cut the peel of a banana into tiny pieces
  • Stick a piece of peel to every wart with a band-aid in such a way that the inner part is in contact with the skin
  • Leave them on for overnight
  • Rinse your face in the morning with water
  • Do this regularly to get rid of the ugly warts

[Also Read: Cure Warts Using Banana Peels]

10. Potato Shavings

  • Rinse a peeled potato thoroughly and then grate it into fine pieces
  • Stick grated shavings of the potato to every wart with a band-aid
  • Leave them on for overnight
  • Rinse your face in the morning with water
  • Do this on a daily basis to get rid of the small black warts

Follow the natural remedies to get rid of warts and look beautiful all over again.

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