Women's Health

9 Best Possible Ways To Overcome Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a health condition that is majorly seen amongst the senior group, diabetics, and women going through the post-pregnancy period. This health condition is defined as no measurable control over the urinary bladder leading to urination, urine leakage, and involuntary urination.

This condition is mostly restricted to the urological system of the body and according to research, this condition majorly affects women more than males.

Types of Urinary Incontinence

1. Urge Incontinence

It happens when an overfilled or hyperactive bladder causes a sudden urge to urinate which results in spontaneous loss of urine.

2. Stress Incontinence

It happens when severe pressure on the urinary bladder causes unexpected urine release. Vigorous exercise, jumping, sneezing hard, uncontrollable cough and laughter may apply pressure to the bladder.

3. Overflow Incontinence

It happens when specific factors reduce the inability to empty the bladder, resulting in constant dribbling of urine.

[Also Read: Home Remedies for Bladder Infection]

Causes Of Incontinence

Several factors may lead to incontinence. Some of them include;

  • Age as bladder muscles weaken with years
  • Childbirth
  • Weakened pelvic floor muscles because of childbirth or surgery
  • Enlarged prostate gland
  • Overactive bladder
  • Menopause
  • Nerve damage
  • Medications
  • Urinary stones
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Constipation
  • Specific food and drinks that stimulate bladder activity

Residual urine could spell out the danger in our body, as it tends to be breeding grounds that make it ideal for pathogens and bacteria to breed and infect the urinary tract, leading to UTIs, infection and even renal system failure.

Therefore, our aim should be to diagnose the problem and tackle it with a possible treatment.  There are several medical treatments that are available to treat urinary incontinence, such as surgeries, and medication.

However, these tend to be very expensive and also have a higher failure rate. Hence, in this article, we will be exploring inexpensive yet extremely effective home remedies that will surely help you with your condition.

Treat Urinary Incontinence Naturally

Exercises and Natural Remedies

1. Pelvic Exercises

These exercises can treat the condition in the early phase itself, additionally, performing these exercises will improve bladder control and reduce urine leakage from the bladder. Furthermore, these exercises lessen both stresses and the urge that comes assisted with the condition.

How to perform it?

  • Empty your bladder
  • Tighten your pelvic muscle
  • Hold for 8 – 10 seconds (don’t hold your breath.)
  • Relax for 8-10 seconds. Repeat 12 times, 3 – 4 times a day.

2. Yoga


Yoga can cure anything and everything. No kidding!! Yoga relaxes your muscles and helps you deal with mental illness such as depression and anxiety.

From a completely scientific standpoint, there have been various studies and research stating yoga and performing yoga is beneficial and helps in the strengthening of the bladder muscles and keeps the condition in check. Additionally, it is also extremely beneficial for the body as well.

[Also Read: Yoga to Regulates Hormonal Imbalances]

Which Poses to Perform?

  • Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
  • Malasana (Squat Pose)
  • Mula Bandha (Root Lock) and
  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

3. Kegel Exercise

Kegel Exercises are work out regimes that are done by flexing and relaxing muscles. Incontinence can cause due to excessive belly fat or obesity.

Including Kegel Exercises in your daily routine can not only help you reduce weight but also improve your core muscles resulting in reduced urine leakage.

How to perform it?

These exercises should be performed thrice a day and ideally in 15-minute sets. Also, to be noted is that your bladder should be empty before you perform these exercises. 

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  • Tighten the pelvic floor muscles and hold them tight for around 3-5 seconds.
  • After that relax the muscles for 3-5 seconds
  • Repeat the above 10 times, thrice a day.
  • You would see substantial improvement in the first 4 months of doing this

Do Kegel Exercise under the guidance of a physiotherapist for a minimum ten weeks to notice changes.


1. Magnesium


Magnesium deficiency is one of the major reasons for urinary incontinence. Other symptom includes night muscle cramps. 

Magnesium is a micronutrient and an essential mineral that is required by the body as it relaxes the bladder spasms and completely empties the bladder. dditionally, magnesium Hydroxide allows women with urinary incontinence to urinate controllably(1).


  • Consume 350 gm of Magnesium supplements twice daily, for a month.
  • Nuts, bananas, seeds, yogurt, potatoes, and corn are rich in magnesium. Consume them.
  • Epsom salt also contains magnesium. You can infuse them in bath water and allow it to absorb through your skin.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as Sunshine Vitamin, promotes good bone health and proper bone health can reduce the risk of incontinence and other pelvic floor muscle disorders.

  • A daily requirement of 600 UI of Vitamin D is a must for women.
  • Take sunbath or soak in sun rays for 10 minutes a day.
  • Consult your doctor and start consuming Vitamin D supplements.
  • Include fish, oyster, egg yolk, fortified milk and curd in your diet.

Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence

1. Quit Smoking


Smoking is the most significant factor for incontinence in men. It is also the cause of several diseases and life-threatening illnesses.

Chronic coughing due to smoking can cause stress incontinence or/and develop pelvic organ prolapse.

[Also Read: Acupuncture to Stop Your Smoking Habit]

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar removes body toxins and fights bladder infections. It also aids in weight loss. Fat around your hip and belly put extra pressure on your bladder.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar is suitable for Stress and Overflow Incontinence. It’s not ideal for Hyperactive Bladder.
  • Drink a mixture of 1 – 2 tsp of raw apple cider vinegar, water and honey 2 – 3 times daily for useful results.

Alternative Therapies

1. Bladder Training

Though it sounds simple, training your bladder needs time and patience. Set up your urination routine every 3 -4 hours apart.

Try to push away urinating for a few minutes as soon as you get an urge. With time you will be able to push it off to 20 minutes, and fast enough a pattern will be set. Eventually, your body will be regulated to release urine in a particular hour, determined by you.

2. Acupuncture

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A combination of two or more health problems also leads to urinary incontinence. Other parts of the body such as lungs and heart can also trigger incontinence. Therefore, acupuncture that helps eliminate various health problems can even treat the involuntary urination disorder.

Get the help of a qualified acupuncturist for the treatment. Most acupressure points that can reduce the health condition are located in the abdomen and lower back.

These home remedies to cure incontinence are useful, however, they need patience and practice to see effective changes. Avoid foods like citrus, tomatoes, vinegar, spicy dishes, hot peppers, club soda, artificial sweetener, tea and caffeine as they may worsen the condition or irritate your bladder.


1. Is urinary incontinence a normal part of aging?

Structural changes in the body whilst aging also affect the bladder and urethra, which predisposes the elderly to the development of this condition. As we grow older, we are more prone to suffer from urinary incontinence.

2. What is bladder leakage a sign of?

Bladder leaks or urine leaks do happen naturally, while coughing, sneezing, laughing. However, it is minimal, if the problem is too often and leakage is in considerable amounts, then this could mean that you are suffering urinary incontinence, as one of the major signs is the involuntary loss of urine.

3. Can UTI cause urinary incontinence?

Urinary Incontinence could be caused by a UTI; a urinary tract infection. Hence it is recommended that you get yourself checked if you have urinary incontinence, as there are chances that you could be suffering from a UTI.