9 Natural Remedies to Cure Chalazion Cysts

Updated on February 20th, 2020
how to get rid of a chalazion

A chalazion is eyelid cysts that look like small lumps under the skin of the eyelid. Sometimes it is also confused with stye, as they contain similar symptoms such as red, tender, or swollen eyes.

Generally, chalazion could be removed surgically. However, not only is the procedure expensive, but it also tends to scare a lot of patients. There have been several natural and alternative treatments that have been effective in treating chalazion.

Chalazion: An Brief Overview

Chalazion(1), is usually larger and less painful than a stye(2). On its onset, your eyelid will start to swell and may occasionally cause mild pain, irritation, and tearing. Within a few days, a hard lump appears on the eyelid. If it’s infected with bacteria, it could get more swollen, painful.

The only factor that causes chalazion is the blockage of the ducts of the glands present around the eye. Each eye has around 30 – 40 Meibomian glands, oil-producing glands that are present in the upper and lower eyelids. When these glands get blocked due to dirt, dead cells, and makeup, oil builds up inside.

In due course, the glands die and excess oil leaks, causing the surrounding tissues to swell. The chances of suffering from a chalazion are high in individuals who are aged between 30-50, and this is mostly seen in women.

Chalazions enlarge and irritate your eyeballs, causing corneal distortion or visual instabilities.Chalazions can be an after-effect of a stye, but unlike styes, they are usually lodged deep inside the eyelid


  1. Painless lump about 1/8th inch size, appearing on lower and upper eyelids.
  2. Excessive tear formation
  3. Blurred vision due to enlarged chalazion
  4. Hardened bump on the eyelid that doesn’t go away

Certain conditions that are associated with the recurrence of Chalazions include

  • Viral infection
  • A skin condition called Rosacea
  • Chronic dry eye
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Tuberculosis

How to Get Rid of a Chalazion

1. Warm Compress

Hot Compress on Eyes

Warm compress on the cyst will increase blood circulation in the area and prompt the hardened oil duct to soften and drain. Warm compresses also reduce swelling and pain.

How to Use?

  • Use a clean washcloth and soak it in hot water. Squeeze excess water.
  • Place the cloth on the eyelid for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this 2 – 3 times a day until symptoms go away.

[ Read: Natural Treatment for Stye ]

2. Baby Shampoo

One of the effective treatments for chalazion is washing your eyelids, especially the edges with baby shampoo.

How to Use?

  • Take a small amount of baby shampoo and rub directly on the chalazion.
  • Alternatively, mix water and baby shampoo in a cup of water.
  • Dip a small cotton ball and apply the solution on your eyelid cyst.
  • Then, rinse off the shampoo with warm water.

3. Massaging

Massaging your eyelid improves blood circulation in the eye, which furthermore triggers the cyst to soften and drain.

How to Use?

  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Follow the warm compress method for 5 minutes
  • Proceed to massage your eyelid gently using your fingertips.
  • Massage in an upward direction.
  • Repeat 3 – 4 times a day.

[ Read: Home Remedies for Stye ]

4. Garlic Juice

Garlic Juice

Garlic is an effective healer. It’s been used in many modern and traditional therapies. So it will definitely work out for your chalazion.

How to Use?

  • Crush or pound 2 cloves of garlic to obtain its juice.
  • Apply the juice on your chalazion and swelling.
  • Let it dry before you wash it off with warm water.
  • Please do note that garlic juice doesn’t enter your eyes as it could cause severe irritation.

5. Ear Wax

Did you know ear wax is a marvelous ingredient to treat chalazion naturally at home? Yes, it is an effective home remedy for chalazion and itchiness, although it sounds totally gross. But sometimes we should not judge a book by its cover.

How to Use?

  • All you should do is simply apply a layer of ear wax on top of the chalazion.
  • Wash it off after a few hours.

6. Acacia Leaves

Acacia leaves have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can effectively help you to get rid of eyelid cysts. It reduces pain and swelling and can be used for treating styles as well.

How to Use?

  • Bring two cups of water to boil.
  • Add a handful of Acacia leaves in it.
  • Let it soak until it is warm to use.
  • Soak a piece of clean cloth in the water and use it for warm compress on the affected eye.
  • Repeat 2 – 3 times a day

7. Castor Oil

Castor Oil

Castor oil contains an anti-inflammatory agent that is used to treat chalazion. It reduces the pain and inflammation associated with eyelid cysts.

How to Use?

  • Make a thick paste of castor oil and ½ tsp of turmeric powder. Wash your cyst with warm water and then apply the paste on it. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Alternatively, followed by a warm compress session, apply castor oil on the cyst with a cotton swab. Do not wash.

[ Read: Essential Oils for Stye ]

8. Guava Leaves

Well, even Guava leaves work wonder on your eyelid cyst. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the swelling.

Once the swelling recedes, it drains the accumulated oil in the duct. Like turmeric, guava leaves’ natural healing properties also speeds the healing process.

How to Use?

  • Take 4 – 5 washed guava leaves.
  • Warm the leaves slightly in a microwave oven.
  • Now place a warm leaf directly on the chalazion.
  • Replace it with another warm leaf once the first one cools down.
  • Use the leaves as warm compresses twice a day.

9. Green Tea Bags

We all know that green tea is a rich source of antioxidant, and otherwise, green tea is also used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic property as it is rich in tannic acid. It will keep any bacteria that may develop in the eyelid away.

How to Use?

  • In a cup of hot water, dip a green tea bag.
  • Let it infuse for a few minutes.
  • Squeeze the excess water and place the warm tea bag on your chalazion for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat 2 – 3 times a day.

Chalazions are a painless lump that develops on the eyelid, unlike the stye. This condition causes irritation and discomfort and is usually harmless, and they clear up on their own within a few weeks.

Treating this condition doesn’t require any conventional medication, rather you could use the above-mentioned alternative and natural treatment plans to treat your chalazion without the risk of side effects.

Do remember to visit your ophthalmologist if your chalazion doesn’t go even after a month, or if you suspect an eye problem/infection.


1. How long does it take for a chalazion to go away?

As mentioned earlier, this is a milder version of the stye, and hence without treatment, a chalazion could stay somewhere between a few weeks to a month.

2. Is Chalazion removal painful?

No, they aren’t usually painful and, as mentioned, tend to cure rather quickly. However, if you are suffering from it for a few months, it is strongly recommended that you get it surgically removed.

3. Can chalazion be cancerous?

No, as it is an accumulation of dust and bacteria, there is almost no chance that it could turn cancerous.

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